Journey Through the Constellations of the Tarot: Love's Tarot Basics

in #metaphysical8 years ago (edited)

**ACTIVITY:** 1. Grab your deck, sort it out, lay it out. If you have tarot friends do this together. 2. Go through the list I have made for you here, exploring the many groups and groupings in the tarot. 3. If you have more than one deck, use them all, laying them together, noticing the similarities and differences. Post anything of interest that you find. Others will find what you have to say of interest and be grateful for the interaction. 4. Take photos and post in a comment anything you would like clarity or discussion on. 5. Lastly, pull out all your FOURS. That is, The Emperor IV, Death XIII, all 4 Minor Arcana number fours. Shuffle them. Lay them in a random row. Make up a short story using the pictures in the cards for prompting. Post your story in the comments to Share with us. Nothing is too silly or weird. Make it fun!

Most any tarot deck is good for the Constellations project if you plan to be interactive. A deck that would not do well is an art deck. For example: The Leonardo Di Vinci deck could be used but as a secondary deck because the art was created then later was affixed to the tarot instead of the art being created specifically for the deck. The best tarot deck is the deck that resonates and speaks to you. I took 3 months of shopping to decide on my first deck which is The Spiral Tarot and remains my favorite deck today.

**Tarot Basics**

**Tarot History:**

Each item listed below are common elements seen in tarot cards as _symbols_, that is, representing something greater than what could be written on a small piece of card.

While we explore the Constellations and the Court Cards the following symbols will appear in various forms and manners. Many symbols in the tarot have no hardcore association but rely upon your own understanding and meaning, drawing from your personal experience.

• Color • Sacred geometry • Gods/Goddeses • Plants • Flowers • Animals • People • Actions by people and animals • Food • Secret Society Symbols • Clothing and cloths • Modes of transportation • Other (symbols are infinite, limited only by your mind)

There are many great websites that talk about its history extensively. Due to the onset of bio-carbon dating the history of the cards is no longer obscure but well documented by many educated scholars. The cards actually came to the west, in short, by way of the Muslim crusades. The soldiers used the cards strictly as a card game for passing the time. Mary K. Greer, today, is revered as one of the top tarot scholars. She wrote a nice blog piece, [What every newbie tarot reader should know about the history and myths of tarot]( on tarot history that I suggest. What I have written here does not exactly jive with her writings but I have been to international tarot conferences, in discussions with not only Greer herself, but also many other scholars discussing the origins. The truth is, they do not yet agree but, it’s coming. • **1. Earth** (Pentacles, Coins, Disks) Physical such money, work, skills, family, friends, possessions • **2. Air** (Swords, Knife) Mental • **3. Water** (Cups, Vessels, Bowls) Emotional • **4. Fire** (Wands, Rods, Batons) Spirit, passion, change, evolution • **5. Court Cards** are traditionally containing a Page, Knight, Queen, King • **6. Number Cards** numbering one through ten in four sets, one for each element The tarot has a group of four court cards associated with each suit. As we walk through the Daily Cards astrology will be discussed at more length. Each Hebrew letter is associated with one of the twenty-two Major Arcana tarot cards. As we walk through the Constellations, these will be explored much more deeply. **Rider-Waite/Thoth Dilemma:** Aleister Crowley and Edward Arthur Waite both claim the other is a liar. Crowley claims that Waite switched the truth about card number VIII and XI and, of course, Waite claims Crowley is the liar. The facts continue to be obscure. What do you think? As we begin, next, with the **Constellation of the Emperor** it will all begin to make sense.


Truthfully, much will soon make sense. I’m really excited about the up and coming _Mind-Gasm_ I’m about to give you. Prepare to be blown away!

**KEEP** the **Emperor Constellation** cards pulled out. Set them where you can see them and meditate on them. My next post will begin with a tribute to **The Emperor** as we begin our **Journey Through the Constellations**.

Please post any questions you have. No question is dumb. It’s very possible someone else has the same question. It's normal for all this information to be confusing at first.


Such a great guide to Tarot you are providing. Thank you for spending time to share this with us all!

I love putting this together. It's truly fun for me. Delighted you are using it.

This is a great time to learn tarot! Thank you for your clarity

Thanks for following. Sharing tarot is my passion. Grateful for the outlet.

Tarot can seem like such a mystery so I love the way you are breaking this down. Your photography is also sweet. Great presentation all around. I feel you can drum up some great interest with this presentation. Steem on-- Love on!

Super grateful for the feedback on my presentation. I'm aware of how overwhelming it can be someone new. Therefore, I'm really putting a lot of intent into breaking it down in baby steps to build confidence in anyone who wants to learn.

Tell me what deck you are using and why you like it or why you chose it if you don't like it.

I work with the Motherpeace tarot. The cards are round, which I love because they offer degrees of interpretation (rather than only upright/reversed). The deck is also created by a pair of feminists who brought a fresh, goddess-centered perspective to the tarot that feels more empowering and open to me than more traditional decks. The card imagery is also deeply symbolic and evocative, which has really helped me gain confidence in reading intuitively.

If you missed the last Tarot Post here is the link to easily access. Journey Through the Tarot's Constellations: Love's Daily Card

HolySmoke! ... Very thoughtful post; not to mention insightful, helpful, and thorough; i'll have to reference it as i go.. Thank you so much ! Following you.

It's great to hear that you found it thorough and a useful reference. I feel very complimented.

I'm looking forward to producing many more on this topic.

A very good introduction in a short space! Obviously underpinned by a host of knowledge.

I'm just seeing this comment. I'm grateful that you found it useful and through. Soon, there will be more on this subject. Love sharing the tarot!