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RE: Thank You For Helping Me Reach 70 Rep! // 20 SBD Giveaway – Building Community

in #milestone7 years ago

Congratulations my friend. Earning a 70 reputation is a reult of all the hard work and positivity you bring to the community! You’ve inspired me to create more content, but more importantly you’ve taught me to reach out and bring positivity energy to others. Encouraging someone with a “good job” or a detailed response for watching or reading content goes a long way. You’re amazing my friend.

I’ll use this opportunity to tell people about my professional life, as a entry process for your contest. I am a special education teacher. I work with children on the autism spectrum. I absolutely love my job and my students. Some days are challenging but it’s all worth it to see a child with disabilities, or challenges, be successful in something they tried to improve on. I encourage everyone to find a job you love! It’s worth the wait and the search!


@mainos12345 As someone who is on the Autism Spectrum myself, and who went undiagnosed all through my childhood, I'd like to say thanks to you and to everyone else who gives their time to special education for children with Autism. Back in my day there weren't the opportunities available that there are now, and it is people like you who are making what I thought to be impossible, not only possible, but realities for the younger generation of kids on the Spectrum. Thanks for the difference you make in their lives.

Great work. Also, I like how you pin pointed the feeling of helping these kids achieve something as a motivational thought for yourself. You win at life sir.

Sir, you have my respect!! I know a few people that also work in your field. Through talking with them about their daily work experiences I've gained a huge pile of respect for it! Keep it up!

Hi @mainos12345 that is cool that you are a teacher. I at one time was studying to be a middle-school teacher because I really enjoyed spending time with kids that in that age group. I think that is one of the reasons why I enjoy creating content so much is because I love to teach and educate others. I am glad that you have pursued a career that you love and that continues to bring joy into your life. Cheers.

Thats a huge mission to do, encourage people to make their dreams come true, theres no fantasy on it, if they can believe on theirselves, their actions will guide them for it.

Its great to live doing what you love, when you find that, the people encourage you to continue doing it.

your job is amazing! you need all the patience in the world. I salute all teachers for your dedication and passion that you bring to your work. and true, your works always faced with challenges especially to those children.

I wish I could say the same, i dont hate my job that much. but this is our bread and butter, so for now it will do. I am hoping though in the future I will push through with what i really love doing.