Caste is a really interesting thing.
And, although many people would like to sweep it aside, it remains.
Even if we were to abolish the entire structure, the people would come together in much the same pools as before.
The scientists say that IQ is inherited.
However, i feel this is backwards. A person usually reincarnates into the same family over and over. And thus, a high IQ grandfather, will have a high IQ grandson/great grandson... as it is the same being, again.
Also, the choices to be incarnated into a certain family, has to do with your life path, and if IQ is important, than being born to a high IQ family, that will stress teaching and learning, is important.
So, we find that the groups that comprise the castes, are often self organizing. The problem comes about when the EGO driven person believes they are better than because of their position in the caste.
I think epigenetics plays a large part in what we inherit from our parents. But also nutrition and environment play a large part regarding our intellectual abilities. If we don't get enough Iodine our intellectual and emotional intelligence is hurt along with the bodies systems. They are all tied together.
We have class system in the West...we can see this forming on Steemit. Once the system becomes top heavy the whole thing falls into's about time for systems to fall, they are all very corrupt.
Many systems in the past avoided the top-heavy structure by decentralizes the power structure...I think we should develop a vaccine to prevent psychopathic fetuses from developing...oh, that's not very Buddhist of me...hahaha (Bad Joke)