Caste - Part II
Buddhism has no internal caste system that one can speak of, and it does not support nor find great importance in a hereditary caste ideal that was so prominent during Buddha’s time. As shown in part I of this article where we discussed lineage, the differentiation between a person inside the ‘clan’ is based on initiation requirements. The uninitiated are considered people who are ‘worldlings’ (puthujjana), and those who are initiated are noble followers (ariya savaka) of the Buddha’s Way.
Are there are great examples of where caste is discussed in the Pali Canon? One does not have to search for long to find entire suttas being dedicated to the discussion of the various castes, and especially the brahmin caste. The Ambattha Sutta in the Digha Nikaya (long discourses of the Buddha) is a good example where this topic gets proper attention. Here a well-known Brahmin teacher of great fame sends one of his students to the Buddha, in order to inquire if the Buddha can be considered the Great Man (maha-atma) he is claimed to be. What the student does not expect is that the Buddha proves to him how the noble warrior caste (khattiya) is superior to the Brahmin class, and not in the way that you might expect.
“Ambattha, it is not from the standpoint of the attainment of unexcelled knowledge-and-conduct that reputation based on birth and clan is declared, nor on the conceit which says: “You are worthy of me, you are not worthy of me!” For wherever there is a giving, a taking, or a giving and taking in marriage, there is always this talk and this conceit... But those who are enslaved by such things are far from the attainment of the unexcelled knowledge-and-conduct, which is attained by abandoning all such things!” — DN I.100
The Khattiya caste is not superior because of who their father was or their mother was, in hereditary terms, but are superior because they have transcended the ideal of earthly caste distinction and only pay attention to the spiritual attainment as being the measure for considering ‘superiority’. Superiority here is not a elitist measure to put down the brahmin, just to teach him a lesson on the limits of the hereditary caste system and it’s low aim in ritual and rites when it comes to spiritual aims.
What happens at the end of the discourse is that the well-known Brahmin teacher pays a visit to the Buddhas as well, and realizes the Buddha is the real deal.
“And Pokkharasati, having seen, attained, experienced and penetrated the Dhamma, having passed beyond doubt, transcended uncertainty, having gained perfect confidence in the Teacher’s doctrine without relying on others, said: ‘Excellent, Lord, excellent! It is as if someone were to set up what had been knocked down, or to point out the way to one who had got lost, or to bring an oil-lamp into a dark place, so that those with eyes could see what was there.” — DN I.110
Two interesting analogies are made here, in that the famous Brahmin teacher praises the Buddhist Dhamma by considering it ‘set up what had been knocked down’, and ‘point out the way to one who had got lost’. Is this coincidence, or is the Brahmin teacher referring to the Dhamma as a rediscovery of the ancient Way, the path that had been lost and knocked down by forgetting, and now been brought back to life?
Another great discourse on the caste system is the Agganna Sutta, also being from the Digha Nikaya. The Buddha goes to show that caste is of no importance and makes no difference when a person commits bad and immoral acts in life. And when a person becomes an initiate, regardless of their caste, that person is considered of being part of the highest caste in a spiritual sense:
“Now since both dark and bright qualities, which are blamed and praised by the wise, are scattered indiscriminately among the four castes, the wise do not recognize the claim about the Brahmin caste being the highest. Why is that? Because, Vasettha, anyone from the four castes who becomes a monk, an Arahant who has destroyed the corruptions, who has lived the life, done what had to be done, laid down the burden, reached the highest goal, destroyed the fetter of becoming, and become emancipated through super-knowledge — he is proclaimed supreme by virtue of Dhamma and not of non-Dhamma.” — DN III.80
The Buddha even goes so far as to equate the realizer of Dhamma [become Dhamma] to the realizer of Brahma [become Brahma]; showing that in the Buddha’s view, Brahma as the highest as understood by the Brahmins is synonymous with attaining the Dhamma teachings.
“Vasettha, all of you, though of different birth, name, clan and family, who have gone forth from the household life into homelessness, if you are asked who you are, should reply: ‘We are ascetics, followers of the Sakyan.’ He whose faith in the Buddha is settled, rooted, established, solid, unshakeable by any ascetic or Brahmin, any deva or mara or Brahma or anyone in the world, can truly say: “I am a true son of Enlightened One, born of his mouth, born of Dhamma, created by Dhamma, an heir of Dhamma.” Why is that? Because, Vasettha, this designates the Buddha: “The Body of Dhamma” (dhammakaya), that is, “The Body of Brahma”, or “Become Dhamma”, that is, “Become Brahma” (brahmabhuto).
The Body of Dhamma is probably better translated as the Embodiment of the Teachings, but as the term dhammakaya (dharmakaya in sanskrit), it has become of much greater importance in Mahayana Buddhism. The Body of Brahma means ‘the highest’ attainment possible, and the Buddha by his own realization has become the embodiment of that ‘highest’ attainment.
In summary, when looking at both lineage and caste in the Buddhist context, it is a spiritual affair of initiation into the Buddha’s ‘order’, the Sakyan ‘clan’, and the caste of the spiritual warriors who’s sword is wisdom that slays the ignorance in this world of suffering.
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the supreme spiritual achievement of the Sufi is "makrifah", with the arrival of a Sufi at this stage he has "mortal" (see nothing else but his god).
for a man who still sees the lineage (caste) in action is called "hijab". or also they call in general with "agyar wahmiyah" ie the closed eyes of the heart from seeing the god.
the inner cleansing in the Buddhist way (spiritual achievement) and the Sufi people are almost the same, only the basic difference in belief.
your explanation is amazing @reddust, do you master the teachings of Buddha?
Dear @steemitcountry, I have not mastered the teachings of Gautama Buddha. I had a very bad temper and found a Buddhist teacher in my community because I wanted to become a better mother. I have four grown children now but back in the early 90s my children were young and I needed a steady heart to help them grow up. Sunim my first teacher helped me grow up..hahaha, I am forever grateful to Sunim for his compassion teaching a wild farm girl how to walk through my emotions and other's emotions without being moved, to see things clearly.
Now I practice the art of living so I can die with a clear heart and see clearly which Path to take after this body has died. I still get angry but my anger only last a few seconds or a few minutes rather than days, weeks or years!
So I continue to learn and practice. I am glad we have found common ground to communicate <3
maybe one day you can learn about the techniques of muhasabah and muraqabah, you can practice it, he is not much different from what you have learned, maybe just different in belief of life after death, existence of heaven and hell, I happened from religious family of religion, but I do not obey religion, ha ha ha,
then I am sent to the school of theology and sharia, (I met my wife there). I can practice some, but my soul is calm, I also like you, there is anger, but I muffle it with Sufi practice, thank you for sharing with me
in the science of tasauf there is a connection between one teaching with another, so that when we describe separately there is the impression that the discussion is the same and long-winded, I can briefly explain:
when a person has cleaned his soul with tawakkal then he has arrived at maqam "ubudiah" or saalikin.setelah it only came to maqam ma'rifah or waasiliin. then new to the mortal maqam.
then enter them in the word of the Koran "O souls are clean, return to your god in the state you are willing with his god and your god willing to you, then enter you into my servant class, and enter you into my shirt".
you see it in the book syarah hikam essay Sufi great Ibn Athaillah as kandary ,,
I do not know if it has published the English version
I will look up the "Science of Tasauf" @steemitnatural. I still continue to do my dishes and sweep my floor, at times my house gets messy (my body and soul)...lololol
Talk about cleaning, I need to clean out my closets, winter is over here in Oklahoma, I need to put my winter clothes away and get my summer clothes out and put away.
Your Sufi teachings speaking of the clean soul sounds so sweet and I am sure your God is happy you have taught me his teachings, you are a good servant of God.
I will look up the words you have given me online so I can learn more about Maqam "ubudiah" Saalikin.setelah, and Maqam Ma'rifah or waasilin....and mortal maqam.
hopefully you get hidayah god @reddust, we wish you always in blessing
Buddha is the sea of knowledge. We often debating about lineage and caste but what buddha said. He showed us caste has no value when a person commits bad and immoral acts in life thats the truth which buddha exposed. We should follow his great vision to be a good human being. We should forget the difference between lineage and caste. Love each others to make a peaceful world. Thanks a lot @reddust for sharing the great vision of Buddha about lineage and caste.
Negativity does not know caste @msena, you summed up my article perfectly! Also anyone no matter how negative they are, no matter what their class or caste can develop positive qualities and find freedom from self caused suffering.
This is really great and knowledgeable post because it's giving the right direction, means what is the true essence of caste aspect, and this essence have to be measured in an spiritual superiority terms and not in an earthly terms, literally speaking when the man kind will start learning the spiritual life then whatever earthly issues which we are facing can vanish in an moment. Thanks for sharing and keep doing the knowledge sharing and awareness spreading work. Wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂
People's spiritual qualities are hard to measure....hahaha
It's easier to measure wealth,power, and position in society plus lasting happiness cannot be bought and that's what I am after!
Our thoughts and vision is happiness, when we understand who we are then we don't need anything else. I hope and wish that you will attain the happiness everyday. 🙂
Caste is a really interesting thing.
And, although many people would like to sweep it aside, it remains.
Even if we were to abolish the entire structure, the people would come together in much the same pools as before.
The scientists say that IQ is inherited.
However, i feel this is backwards. A person usually reincarnates into the same family over and over. And thus, a high IQ grandfather, will have a high IQ grandson/great grandson... as it is the same being, again.
Also, the choices to be incarnated into a certain family, has to do with your life path, and if IQ is important, than being born to a high IQ family, that will stress teaching and learning, is important.
So, we find that the groups that comprise the castes, are often self organizing. The problem comes about when the EGO driven person believes they are better than because of their position in the caste.
I think epigenetics plays a large part in what we inherit from our parents. But also nutrition and environment play a large part regarding our intellectual abilities. If we don't get enough Iodine our intellectual and emotional intelligence is hurt along with the bodies systems. They are all tied together.
We have class system in the West...we can see this forming on Steemit. Once the system becomes top heavy the whole thing falls into's about time for systems to fall, they are all very corrupt.
Many systems in the past avoided the top-heavy structure by decentralizes the power structure...I think we should develop a vaccine to prevent psychopathic fetuses from developing...oh, that's not very Buddhist of me...hahaha (Bad Joke)
This is some deep learning. Wow, since I’ve been following your blog, I have gathered knowledge of things I don’t know and things I have little knowledge of.
What a great insight into the caste believe. I will read more on this and lucky me I have a cousin who studied religions. I’d ask him more on this . Seems very interesting
History is one of my favorite subjects @olumideolowoyeye, i want to know why and how we have the societies, religions, and insitutitions we have today.
Characters can be understood literally, literally when people start learning about a kind of spiritual life then we have encountered any worldly problems that can be extinct at the moment. Thanks for sharing and sharing knowledge.
Throughout human history we have always believed in something greater than our little selves...the moral teachings and virtues taught in Buddhism are taught in all religions. A good hearted person has an easier time seeing reality as it is...especially when it is pointed out to them.
An effective spiritual path is one that leads to liberation from suffering. The awakening in which it culminates is based on an accurate understanding of reality and a freedom from the disturbing emotions and obscurations caused by ignorance. We don’t need to give up what is good in our life, but to abandon the causes of suffering, to which we are so often attached. In following any path, there is no need to get stressed over what seems like a never ending series of books, commentaries and teachings on any particular path. We just need to master the specific knowledge that will enable us to get free from the cycle of lives conditioned by ignorance and pain. Ultimately, any lasting benefit of a spiritual path must not only improve our own lives, but that of others as well.
A structured path is the most beneficial because it takes into account the gradual nature of inner transformation. Each step leads naturally to the next. If is like building a house; you cannot put the roof on without having laid the foundation, raised the walls, and installed the timbers.
Anyone no matter their birth or gender can become enlightened, this angered the elite and many people tried to kill Buddha for upsetting the caste system and power structure of his time.
The basics in Buddhism including the mindfulness movement are easy to access because of the internet. However most of the mindfulness movement has stripped away the original message taught by the Buddha.
What is difficult to find is why Buddha taught the Dharma, the history of Buddhism, especially early Buddhism. That is one of the reasions I am posting these articles, Buddha was fighting a corrupt system, the Brahmans had a lock on the spiritual market and the teachings of the Vedas.
Buddha stripped away the corruption, threw away the empty rituals like bathing in a particular river or killing animals to win and better birth, starve the body to free the soul and taught the ordinary person to break free of their conditioning and self-caused suffering.
I remember stories i heard about buddha and buddhism , i need a reminder but i remember a part which said morality is the key.
If you want to read more about Buddha the Dhammapada is easy to find online and I believe Buddha's orginal teachings told in simple verses. It is my favorite book out of all the books I have read @steemitwarrior.
i will check it out thanks
Buddhism has most powerful motivation quotes for grab our life. You wrote it awesomely via #mindfulness. I don't know something. But try to do better understanding as you told things here. Thanks for given most valuable contents @reddust.
I think the teachings are pratical and easy to understand. Thank you for reading my article, the subject is close to my heart @dragonking.
This is some deep learning. Wow, since I’ve been following your blog.
Thank you @taneiaislam
It is nice you educate steemians on the culture and spirituality o Buddhism. Have you been able to convert anyone in the process? I do believe in meditation and the benefits of it. Blessings. @reddust.
Buddhist are not evangelical, we believe Karma will be the guide regarding who finds the Path. I post this information to honor my teachers compassion teaching me...
Buddhism is an interesting and special teaching. you have created a different writing sequence than what I know. Thank you @reddust
Thank you @steemege
Kast can be said to be the union that is engaged in the same business and that brings people who are connected to one another very strongly with their duties and traditions. This situation justifies what they say. Thanks giving has been an informative sharing. @reddust
If we have a free market it's hard for the class and caste system to take root and form monopolies...that's just my personal opinion, the economy is so complicated!
good night my best friend.
I want to apologize to you. because in the hampi of fasting month in the Muslim Ummah.
I want to clean myself up to everyone.
how are you friends.
am i guilty .... ??
and what is my fault ...
you do not want to reply to my comments. and my family.
I apologize for thousands of apologies. I know you are the one who will forgive me.
I miss you. I am just a weak man. you are a great friend.
and your family is a sakinah family.
good post friends.
its really a great of luck
You got a 23.85% upvote from @upmewhale courtesy of @reddust!
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@reddust, Such a powerful part no 2 Caste. Here's explained better using dhamma phrases as lord buddha said. Actually I don't accept caste at all. I said it last post. Those days society has caste condition than currently. Buddha try to leave caste from peoples mind via did Buddhist Dhamma. Lot of peoples understood their bad condition and remove immediately across Buddha assistance. Buddhism is most impressive and meaningful religion as peoples know. Thanks you for giving your experience with us.
Buddha is famous religeon in the world.
Great lesson my dear friend @reddust........... God gives us the source of true wisdom. His all rules and speech is our true wisdom. His all creatures is the way to learn the true wisdom. Love God and his creatures then we are true believers and remember God loves us.
Sad to say, this Cast issue is still at my country :/@reddust,
Integrity also includes doing good and helping people at every opportunity. But most importantly, we understand the concept of true knowledge and reality. thank for resteem...
Very interesting post, and certainly a topic I have not heard discussed in my personal educational wanderings. This as with so many other buddhist teachings all seem to be different ways of approaching a small set of basic fundamental lessons. Thanks for a new perspective!