The Power of Words...

in #mindset6 years ago

Some people assign mystical power to affirmations, to the idea that if you say you will do something, then you surely will because of some law of the universe. This could be true or not, but believe me when I tell you that regardless of all the explanations different people have for it, words are very powerful.

This is the main reason why I like to speak in words of positivism in my life. I insist that those who I train do the same, because it's a matter of programming the mind to be positive and see opportunity when it presents itself.

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If you believed that nothing will go right, then you will become the builder of that reality. If you believe the opposite, then you will have the energy to make the reality you want become true. It seems simple and that is probably why many people struggle to accept it.

When I think of a plan for example, I think of it as if it’s a done deal. When I share the plan with friends, or with a partner and I hear things like “Oh, that would be great if it happened like that” I always correct them - “No.. don’t say IF… don’t put that barrier there for yourself” and as annoying as it can be do be like that, I do it with good intentions.

Catch yourself when you speak in negativity, when you say negative generalizations specially - “Things never work my way” “That never works” “Nobody will care” etc, all these common phrases people use daily are part of the reason why they feel stuck where they are.

Do you want to change your outlook? Start there, start with your language and realize the power of your own words.

I would like to remind all of you what we are doing here. We are building a community with respect, reprogramming our minds with positivity, with the idea of helping one another.

I was aware of this and a few blogs ago we started doing a great initiative with each other, upvoting each others comments, and many new people joined because of the great attitude displayed.

However lately I’ve seen people have stopped doing this. I remember seeing 9,10,11 upvotes on comments (of course, not on the spam ones like: amazing, wow, i like, etc)

Because of this I ask you if you leave a comment, come back in a day and support others and you will see your kindness returned. On top of that for me that is an indication that people are understanding the message of helping each other, without worrying much about the SP. I’ve been upvoting very generously to everyone who puts effort, but I ask that you all do the same, ok?

Have a great week!



This is very good advice on having a solid mind set. I have noticed the power of positive thinking in my life and I recommend it to any who is feeling stuck.

Exactly, always work your Mindset!

This post has received a 5.00% upvote from @aiyanna!

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You could lool into participation rates ..delegate more to regular contributors as a way to create an added incentive.

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It is refreshing to see so much positivity, I totally agree with your our feelings and outlook on life can make a big difference to how we progress.

I constantly try to maintain a positive outlook, even in the face of adversity giving in to negativity just makes everything harder to face. And often with a little work any negative can be turned around and made into a positive.

Engagement though comments is a good way for us all to progress, and I always reward my own post commenters with upvote if they make they effort to leave a relevant and well formed comment. If I see a really good comment on someone else's post then I will upvote it, but certainly promoting more engagement by encouraging all to upvote comments is a good idea.

And thank you very much for the Witness vote as well, that means a great deal to myself and @derangedvisions we are working hard ourselves to bring the Steem blockchain up, the new DSTOR concept is a really awesome concept to bring decentralised selling to the Steem blockchain and allow accounts to buy and sell products using Steem.

#thealliance #witness

Hi friend, I've done my best to make people understand the power of helping each other by recognizing the time each one devotes to commenting. I'm happy to see what we are getting to do on my blog here, people with 8,9,10 upvotes and I want to see it grow as fast as possible. I'm always giving my best despite having a busy life. You are very welcome. Regards

Absolutely fantastic post!
I wanted to write on this topic since a very long time but didn't get the opportunity to do so. very useful information about the power of words are shared here. Other than your beautiful post,there is a famous saying in our native language which means that "the one hurt with the sword will be recovered and healed but the bitten of words will never be able to recover or heal".

Thank you for share your culture . Great words "Famous saying in our native language which means "the one hurt with the sword will be recovered and healed but the bitten of words will never be able to recover or heal". Regards

As you said , few among the common phrases used are ....'Why me', ' I dont have luck', 'Nothing works for me', 'God never favors me' etc....Instead stay positive and keep telling yourself the other version ...'Why not Me', 'I Do have luck', 'Everything works for me', 'GOD always favors me'....Be positive and feel the positive vibes , you will find the magic!!

Yes, I'm sure of that!

I agree @chbartist with is the Power of words who push me towards your blog and I am giving response to your People are giving upvote to meaningful have builder a strong community which is due to power of your words.

Posted using Partiko Android

Exactly friend! My target is building a strong community. Regards

Dear @chbartist sir!
Elephants can find through words, and can also be kept under the feet of elephants through words. This is the power of world. It depends on me what would I like.Wounds of words are more deep than swords, therefore words should be used very carefully. regards

Great @certain. I agree and sure that! Regards

I know sir, success lies in power of can change others mind through strong words. A heart of a man could be win through words. Thank you sir for encouraging us

Together we can much better in short time! Regards

Hola amigo me gustaria que me regalaras un consejo de como ser positivo y tener fe para alcanzar mis metas a pesar de que el lugar donde estoy se este cayendo a pedasos

Yo diría para usted leer algunos de mis puestos porque estoy seguro de que usted encontrará muchas respuestas que usted necesita pero independientemente de que sea positivo no depende del lugar donde estamos y sí cómo pensamos en soluciones. Usted necesita trabajar mejor su Mindset. Saludos

Words are very important when we talk, when we write and even when we train. Selection of words is highly important even in our daily life. I know few trainers who are very much smart in selection of words. Though they are my good friends but the kind of words they use while communicating with me makes me fan of them and i think it's their attitude which has become theirs personality now. May be the reason because they are in the profession in which words play a vital role to connect with audience ane convince them.
Dear @chbartist needless to say that you also have great command over words and you very well know where and how to put the series of words.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you for your kind words friend!

This is a good reminder to start the day. Since having a single positivity will send ripples of positivism throughout the universe and your day. If positivity have this kind of power then think what would happen if it is negativity. That is why we should always be conscious of our thoughts. And sir @chbartist i would like to know what are your thoughts about explaining this stuff to other people with a concluding evidence. I know that in the laws of quantum mechanics this can be thoroughly explained. May you cover this up in your next blog. This will be a great opportunity because we know that this is how things work in the world why not add up a little bit of theories and laws that will spice it up even more. Just a suggestion. Have a good day sir😊

Thank you for your comment. I know there are many theories and I could even write about it but think more about the collective unconscious and this theory I'm sure is right. But when we think individually I prefer that each person find the best way to work their Mindset because I am aware that we have many countries with different cultures and beliefs and I prefer to respect all of them because this diversity also teaches us. But the collective unconscious theory I will still think about writing about. Regards

Por supuesto que nuestras palabras tienen poder, para bien o para mal, todo depende de cómo hablamos.

Un ejemplo muy conocido es cuando los padres le dan a sus hijos una advertencia negativa y luego les dicen "TE LO DIJE".

Yo me pregunto si esto suele ser así, todavía no entendemos del poder que tienen nuestras palabras?

En vez de hablar negativo hablemos todo positivo, veremos cambios grandes en nuestras vidas.

Seamos ejemplo para aquellas personas que no hablan positivo...

JESUS lo dijo> "al que cree, todo le es posible"

Proverbs 18:21 Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.
Your words are the index of your thoughts. What's in your heart will come out in your mouth, and it will define you of what you can achieve .

Great words!

That is really kind of you to promote such initiative of kindness. And I completely agree from your point of view that Kindness will return if we help.

Yes, this was my objection from the first day at the steemit. Stay with us!

That is so true ... people have no idea of the GREAT POWER they have in words, they say things without paying attention to the consequences, and after throwing negative words they say: why is this happening to me ... without to go back and analyze all the negative that they have said in the past, many people believe that it is a lie and that it is only superstition, but it is not ... even in the bible we can find many verses that demonstrate the power of words ... therefore we must be very careful with the words we say in any situation ...

Proverbs 6: 2

You bound you with the words of your mouth,
And you have been imprisoned in the words of your lips.

Yes, the power of the words!

@chbartist if someone tells me "I hate you" I will get sad for a long time.

it's the power of words?

Posted using Partiko Android

I understand, words are like guns!

You are right Sir, almost all of you post generates positive thinking especially in me and I am trying to try all kinds of instructions given by you in my life.

Move on friend! Mindset Positive - Always

Great piece. I think this is a solid article we have to think in a positive manner so that the universe will respond like wise, The idea of this is also in my mother tongue UMLOMO UYDALA(isizulu) this means what you say with you mouth will happen

I'm sure about it! Regards

Word, i will say is the programming language of human beings, from it comes our feeling and emotion and our emotion affect our thinking process when we are not conscious or aware of it.
If we look at people that has created revolutions and wars from Martin Luther king and Hitler, they did it with their words.
No wonder in the Christian doctrine in the book of John1:1 it say
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
In conclusion, from the above premise we can deduct that word is creation, the apostle John made it clear that word is God.

The power of the word!

Very true your post, our mind determines our energy, has the power to determine our state of mind, your your project good thoughts, love, good humor, you receive the same .. IS RECIPROCAL. Nobody likes to listen to words of negativity or pessimism, WE BLOCK IT ... That is why we must project thoughts, attitudes and positive emotions .. in the same way it will be returned. Good night @chbartist

Thank you for your words but do not forget our goal in this blog is to be generous with each other who dedicate their time as you comment and contribute to us all. Regards

iv noticed people up voting comments on some of the posts i read. i haven't been here that long so not sure what has been the norm.

If you read my previous posts what we are here is building a strong community that knows how to help and recognize the effort of each and I our rule here is simple. Vote for all who comment and devote their time to make positive and analytical comments on the posts. You're welcome. Come and be part of it all with us all.

Happy Diwali Sir.... May this new year will give you more and more happiness and success....
And happy Diwali and happy new year to all my steemians friends

We all wish the same for you.

I liked the part of treating the plans as if they were a done deal, it is more challenging. Although it is not always so easy to maintain a positive attitude, there are days when everything seems to go very wrong, and very critical situations that arise from time to time, which make us doubt. But a positive attitude leaves an extra energy to work well.

Yes friend, between the positive and the negative I think that we don't have to think very much what would be the best way.

As always, this post is also very good and informative. Thank you very much for this.

Thank you!

This is a good reminder to start the day. Since having a single positivity will send ripples of positivism throughout the universe and your day. If positivity have this kind of power then think what would happen if it is negativity. That is why we should always be conscious of our thoughts. And sir @chbartist i would like to know what are your thoughts about explaining this stuff to other people with a concluding evidence. I know that in the laws of quantum mechanics this can be thoroughly explained. May you cover this up in your next blog. This will be a great opportunity because we know that this is how things work in the world why not add up a little bit of theories and laws that will spice it up even more. Just a suggestion. Have a good day sir😊

Hi, my name is @amayahaley21 and this post has receive a 15.00% upvote. If you would like for me to visit your posts you can delegate 100+ steempower to me and I will visit your posts until you remove your delegation. You can also donate 2+ steem to me and I will visit your posts for 30-days. All Steem earned will be used to help me grow!

Very informative post. First of all I am so much interested about mind, brain and psychology. I am new in steemit. I have joined here to share my experience about my psychological problem and how I face it.
I want to add something with your post. It is my own story. I was a bullied child from my childhood. I had to listen all the negetive words from my parents and teachers. I was so frustrated on life. After some couple of years, I went to a meditation centre in my country. Theirs a seminar was held on power of words. After then I practiced to call postive sentence like " I am confident" when I go to sleep. Believe me, after couple of months I could see the difference. Now I am an successful entrepreneur. My life has changed

This is a good reminder to start the day. Since having a single positivity will send ripples of positivism throughout the universe and your day. If positivity have this kind of power then think what would happen if it is negativity. That is why we should always be conscious of our thoughts. And sir @chbartist i would like to know what are your thoughts about explaining this stuff to other people with a concluding evidence. I know that in the laws of quantum mechanics this can be thoroughly explained. May you cover this up in your next blog. This will be a great opportunity because we know that this is how things work in the world why not add up a little bit of theories and laws that will spice it up even more. Just a suggestion. Have a good day sir😊

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This post has received a 34.72 % upvote from @boomerang.

Good advice, but changing your perspective is a difficult task for most individuals, however, and is easier said than done. Do you have any preferred or recommended methods of shifting the way you view the world and others?

This post has received a 15.00% upvote from @teevmoore!

I'm a big believer of staying and speaking positive regardless of the situation I find myself in. Even though it's not easy sometimes, I can testify that it indeed works especially after a period of time and so I'll encourage anyone going through a difficult patch to say positive things and believe the situation will get better because it really does get better. Worrying and saying negative things never solves anything, it compounds the issues instead and that's definitely not what you want.