Minnow Booster White List Wanna Be list

in #minnowbooster7 years ago (edited)

breathing text 2.jpg

Minnow Booster just introduced the community driven white list.
If you havn't heard yet, here you can read all about it.


In order to get on the white list you need to be invited by somebody already on the list.

Please comment to this post if you feel that your blog is Minnow Booster White list Material.
Give a little description about yourself and add a link to your blog to your comment.

Commenting on this post is no guarantee, but might get you noticed by people already on the white list.
The surest way to get on the list is to make excellent content, so please only comment below if you feel you deserve to be there. And don't ask for invitations, that is considered spam and will only hurt your chances.

breathing text.jpg

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I invited you for the White List.

Thank you very much! :)

You have been accepted. Yeeeeeeaaaah!

If you have any questions on how to make the most of your white Listing please contct me on discord.

Hi @news-today,

I'm glad that Minnowbooster has finally done this initiative and will definitely help in increasing the quality of the contents that benefits Minnowbooster's enourmous voting market.

I'm a long time steemian who makes worthwhile articles. I've already been whitelisted by @Qurator and I blog about anything that captures my attention.

I seldom blog but I make sure its worth my followers' time.

Here is my blog https://steemit.com/@frost04 and here are some of my best works https://steemit.com/funfacts/@frost04/the-hidden-woman-surprising-facts-about-cleopatra-6-min-read https://steemit.com/funfacts/@frost04/5-interesting-things-we-believe-about-yawning-backed-by-science-3-5-min-read-time

Congratulations, you have been invited and accepted for the white list.

Hey! Thanks for the opportunity :)

As it's mentioned in my profile I'm a web developer and crypto enthusiast. Currently, posing most under crypto-related topics.
I really like Steem very much and I'm going to stay here for a long time.
Here is my blog: https://steemit.com/@andhovesyan If it metters I'm already whitelisted on @smartsteem.


I invited you for the MB White List.

Thank you very much, mate!

I see this is second attempt to create whitelist.
I am on steem for almost for a year, also I am a 3d-2d artist which like to post my works here.I dont have always time to post everyday or even sometimes every weekend but I will try my best.
Kind regardsHi @news-today,

Here is my blog with my 3d and 2d works.

and also my best works https://steemit.com/@wilku



1.jpghttps://steemit.com/art/@wilku/3d-cgi https://steemit.com/art/@wilku/daily-almost-cgi https://steemit.com/art/@wilku/1-sketches-from-the-past


You have been invited to the MB White List.

Thank you very much...

Hello Steemit, I am PhreakerX. I am an old school phreaker, conspiracy theorist, cryptodinosaur and amateur chef!
I like to blog about pictures, cooking, technology, crypto, A.I., neural networks and am currently furthering my education in TensorFlow and javascript via Grasshopper.

R.I.P Avicii as painted by van Gogh

I tried a few different series when I first started but the one that seemed to take off the most is van Gogh style. The majority of my posts right now are people in the news as drawn by van Gogh. I also take user requests for subjects or series.

Box Baby as painted by Van Gogh

I generally stick to current news as it seems more people would be familiar with the subject as it's trending but I do not only post popular or positive art. A long running theme in the van Gogh series are the R.I.P posts, these are meant to remember those who were influential or somehow impacted society during their lives. I also create art on people that have done bad things if they are newsworthy. I do not discriminate, news is news.

Bill Cosby as painted by van Gogh

As far as the future I am planning on learning tensorflow in hopes of learning some new tricks with this and other neural networks. Since my minions inception 3 years ago; I went from eating hotpockets every day to cooking for the entire family at least a few times per week. I have been taking pictures the whole time and look forward to educating and entertaining all steemians with my amazing (and sometimes humiliating) cooking skills!

Arnold Schwarzenegger as painted by van Gogh

If you are interested in neural network generated artwork, come on down to https://steemit.com/@phreakerx and take a look around. If you like what you see feel free to upvote, comment and/or resteem. As stated previously I take viewer requests, so if you ask for series or subject I will almost certainly be able to create art for you! Thank you for your time. :D

Hi all!

here is the link.My name is Quim, my handle on Steemit is @jduarte. If you want to read my first post

On steemit I write mostly about my travels. Lately I participate regularly in some photography contests and ones in a while and I might post a tutorial.

My last post about our travel to Turkey
My last post in English about our travel to Turkey
My last photo contest

I've been in Steemit for a while but my reputation is somewhat inferior to that of steemians of the same "age".

I think the reason is that I used to publish once a week because I spend a lot of time writing my post. This is going to change! 💪

Hello, I am Tuah Acheampong and my blog is steemit.com/@tj4real . I am a steemambassador for Ghana and the community leader for Ghana. I promote and organise meet ups for steemit and blockchain based technologies and a fan of minnowbooster as well. Some of my interesting works are here:

https://steemit.com/promo-steem/@tj4real/promoting-steemit-through-fliers-at-university-for-development-studies https://steemit.com/steemiteducation/@tj4real/basic-introduction-to-steemtools

Congratulations, you have been invited for the white list.

DO NOT FOLLOW any instruction and DO NOT CLICK on any link in the comment! - The message you received from @renzilbalicudcud is a

For more information, read this post:

If you find my work to protect you and the community valuable, please consider to upvote this warning or to vote for my witness.

"Tommy Tourettes" on twitter) and his friend, Sean (@ourEmpireOfDirtAt @idcinc we strive to bring our followers quality information about cryptocurrencies that we research for own benefit as well as any coins any of our followers might request us to look into. We got started by @MyEmpireOfShit ( on twitter) early in 2017, shortly after Tom quit his day job to focus on trading cryptocurrencies as a noob. At first it was just an outlet for us to express our excitement for crypto, but after Tom hired @thejadecrow we started to take it more seriously. She has a bachelor's degree in Psychology from Granite State College, and she is most certainly a very talented writer.

Most recently, she wrote on article on behalf of @ion_community (on twitter), which the community liked enough to donate a generous amount of coin to her. That can be found here.

Another great article she worked extra hard on because it's about Tom's #1 pick for over year(Pinkcoin) is right here.

extremely useful. After he watched the price reverse from trend lines and fibonacci lines time and time again, he was compelled to quit his day job delivering pizza and focus on the extremely valuable knowledge he was acquiring. Within a few months after that, be basically offered a position on the team to anyone willing to learn about cryptocurrencies until we became a team of 5(so far). Once we finally go on the bullrun of 2018, the number will likely double by the end of the year.Tom has been learning technical analysis from various respectable YouTubers such as @dalinanderson for about 15 months, and started teaching other people within the first 6. A lot of people say technical analaysis is useless, but he found out for an absolute fact within the first couple months of using it that it is

Gary "The Horse" has been practicing a research procedure, technical analysis, and generally learning about crypto for at least 6 months. He has been an extra in "Three's Company" and "The Love Boat" among others, and almost lost his life several times due to a couple serious car accidents and a horrible situation that only transpired because he is such a humanitarian. Due to the accidents, his past experience in the stock market, his somewhat older age and his lack of prior experience with technology/computers, his articles offer a somewhat unique point of view. He think's he's a comedian too, so that might shine through from time to time. We've definitely had some good laughs with him. One thing we can assure you of, he DEFINITELY shares our enthusiasm for crypto. While Tom might often be pissed off at a certain coin going down in value all day, Gary is always reminding us of the big picture and what a bright future is ahead of us.

Sean and Unity spend a lot of time at day jobs for now, with plans to pour every possible cent into crypto throughout the next couple years. Sean has become a pretty good technical analyst as well, making quite a few great calls since he got first recommended Tom get litecoin when it was $4. He called MANA when it was brand-new to bittrex, and he has been extremely bullish on EOS for at least 6 months as it's proved him right. Although Unity is the newest to the team, he immediately had a great eye for picking winners too. Just the other day he called ZIL before it became a top gainer. Tom did analysis and it seemed like a good time for a correction based on the the 1.618 of the most significant uptrend already proving itself to be strong resistance, but it withing 12 hours the coin had blown right through that line and up another 30%. The student beat the instructor that time...

We plan to enter the YouTube scene sooner rather than later, with significantly bigger plans beyond that in the years to come. If things go well enough with our trades and soon-to-be LLC, we hope to serve the community in much bigger ways such as an extremely useful exchange/platform/utility token that we can't talk about so that hopefully no one beats us to it.

If you visit our blog and find our content worthwhile to the community, please follow and support us with upvotes. Tom pays several of the members hourly out of his own pocket, hopefully soon to be subsidized to some extent by steemit and YouTube income. We always welcome constructive criticism and will accommodate any requests we possibly can.

Wow, great reply :-)
You will definately get my next invitation for the MB white list and i will look into your team members as well. At the moment invites have dried up, since MB is making some changes and the admin approval is delayed for a while.

As soon as the doors open again you got my invite and i will let you know.

Hi @news-today, I'm a fairly new user who has been producing a lot of original analysis in detailed articles about topics such as:

I've had my articles published in a range of well known publications over the years such as The Jerusalem Post.
Please consider me for the whitelist.

Hi @minnowbooster and @news-today,

Great initiative! I hope I be given the honor of being Whitelisted.
I'm a humble minnow with a passion for the arts.
I pursued bio-engineering and wished it was not so.
Steem has made it possible for me to express my artistic side.

I want to reach a wider audience thru minnowbooster.
Introducing and sharing both celebrated and unknown poems is my gift to the community .

I also create my own poems when my imagination persists but alas I'm not well endowed with talent and time.

Please have a look at my works thru my blog https://steemit.com/@sirpicsalot

Congratulations, you have been invited for the whitelist by @frost04

Describe yourself and link your blog in the comments.

Saludos a todos, si alguien pudiera darme una breve instruccion. Hace cuatro horas inverti a minnowpond y no he recibido el upvote .. por que sera ?

We create computer art works and share them with the steam community. We have already published nearly 100 works. I am confident that our works have been created in very diverse and original styles.

Hello, @news-today, I would like to express my sincere appreciation for this opportunity. Here are some of our works. You can visit our blog(@art-pd) to see more works.

We would appreciate it if you would help us(@art-pd) to promote our works more widely through invitations to whitelist. Thanks!

Hey everyone. I’m an an-cap financial guy who believes in the crypto vision.

I mostly write about financial stuff even though I’ve thrown in a political piece or two recently.

I like the whitelist idea as a quality control measure. I recently had a post that was trending in money and then got crushed by 15 haejin posts with his whale backer. So I think measures to help control the tendency to game the steem system to a reasonable level are important.

My blog is at https://steemit.com/@nealmcspadden

Hello everyone, I would like to apply for whitelisting. I'm a minnow but have already been whitelisted by other voting bots like @smartsteem.

I'm a regular minnow but I create quality content about amazing animal facts and I do my best to provide accurate information and I present them in a fun and easy to understood terms. I also make sure to quote resources of my articles to make sure I provide facts.

Please check out my blog and have a look. https://steemit.com/@photofan


You have been invited for the White List.

Damn. I guess I'll just have to vote for him.

Just seeing this now lol

Hi @news-today Wow this is very amazing news, I am a graphic designer who always make posts about things that at any time and continue to be consistent with my content. My article contains lots of digital logos and paintings created using the CorelDraw app. With the whitening list from MinnowBooster I really hope to be part of it so I can promote my work as well as share knowledge about how to create original content. here are some of my works that may be a reference in judging my content.

Hello, the minnowbooster white list is very interesting and good opportunity. Not sure If I can fulfill the conditions but you can check my blog @seckorama.

Buen dia para todos, me gustaria formar parte de la lista blanca, mi blog se centra más que todo en reflexiones de amor y superación personal, tengo una buena cantidad de público que les gusta leer mi contenido a diario e interactuó mucho con ellos siempre. Estoy a diario en la plataforma siempre publicando contenido de calidad y original para mis lectores, crezco a pasos pequeños porque soy un pez pequeño pero siempre con ganas de crecer más. Aqui les dejo mi blog. Un saludo para todos.


Hello News-today. I want to a part of minnowbooster's whitelist. I don't post very often but I try my best to make an it the best the I can and although I don't post that often, I always make sure that the articles I write is minnowbooster upvote worthy. If it helps, I'm fond of reading posted articles and would be happy to help out in screening other people's piece of work.

Please check my blog if you have the time https://steemit.com/@ladydiana


You have been invited for the MB White List!

I have been on steemit since 9 months and I am a dedicated blogger and follower on the platform. I reach out to as many as I can on daily basis and assist the minnows in every possible way.
My Goal with Steemit is to make my Crystal Therapies more popular and educate people on alternative healing practices which can lead to a healthy and happy living. I also share post on positivity and life lessons because I would like to see everyone in a joyous state of being and my Travel posts are something that delights me when I share it with the community. These are the 3 major areas of my work. My work is being liked and appreciated by many.
I am a member of theAlliance and ecoTrain community. I have delegated SP for welfare initiatives, and I would like to do it for more causes.
If I have a better earning I would be able to reach out for more initiatives, on my personal front steemit is my only major earning source and hence I desire some better returns out of my work.
heres is my last post for your review. https://steemit.com/health/@nainaztengra/my-earth-day-special-connecting-and-grounding-with-earth

Congratulations, you have been invited and accepted for the white list.

Hi thank you for making it easier to join the whitelist through this drive.
I am from Pakistan and currently doing mechanical engineering, I developed an interest for crypto currency last year which prompted me to make a steemit account. I haven't seen many users from my country and want to spread information to them about this wonderful platform. My goal is to educate people about the advantages of crypto currency and how they can benefit from it.

I have recently joined Steemit, and even more recently began to use it. I am a rookie, trying out different types of content such as gaming videos and in-depth analysis on a cryptocurrency. My latest (actual) blog linked here is about Origin, what is it, and how you can set up the mining client. I have also made a video to help people set up the client if they need.

This guy Ed is super. 😎 great white list material!
Lots of car/auto stuff gardening&food and some precious metal content also. 💲💲 curie and blocktrades have hit me up a few times in the past too, so that must mean I'm super😉

@edthecanadian 🇨🇦

This guy Ed is super indeed!

Congratulations, I invited you for the MB White List.

You should see me in real life!

Hello im founder Steem Bahasa community. To be whitelisted is opportunity to grow our community for long term. You can check our project proposal in link below.


Is this only for an invitation to whitelist or can help in fetching some much needed community votes from whitelisters?

I'm in the process of getting whitelisted and in need of some community votes for acceptance.

Yes you can ;-)
All requests white list related are welcome here!

Hi everyone.
I am here on steemit writing poetry about animals and nature. I would like to be considered for the Minnowbooster whitelist.
This is a link to one of my poems - Hope you enjoy.


I like your poetry and how you combine them with photo's.

You got my invitation for the white list.


Thank you.

Hi. I checked my minnowbooster account and there is no invitation there for the white list? How does this work? Do I have to do something in particular? Thank you.

No, you are in the voting procedure now.
All you can do is wait.

Got good hopes though, like your stuff.

Hello everybody. I started writing poems many years ago for my children that I turned in to a book called Beastly Banter and I have been slowly releasing the pages of the book on steemit. I have finished doing this but am continuing my writing creating new posts with beastly tales. These stories are written in humour and verse. All illustrations are drawn by myself. Here is a link to one of my stories.


Congratulations, you have been invited for the white list.

Great, Thank you.

Just amazing chance... I apply to be whitelisted.. Content Creator - Dtubedaily member - Steem Ambassador and Sndbox member..will be great to be a part of this movement. My Profile in MB is the same that in here by the way! Cheers!

i have invited you to the whitelist.... good luck

Hey Shony here, I am glad minnowbooster is looking for quality and is putting efforts in weeding out the spammers with low quality content. I am a Digital Marketer from India. I don't focus on a specific niche when i write, Instead i write down my thoughts on various topics with an intention to communicate that with the Steemit community.

This is a blog I have written on Steemit: https://steemit.com/steemit/@shonyishere/steemit-basics-for-newbies-a-guide-to-kickstart-your-steemit-journey


Hi, I am on steemit since december/17 and come to post only good and valuable content for all readers. Tools, tips, tutorials and some health content.

I just found out about the whitelist today. I have been using MB for months and love it. A little about myself.

I love cars and have a 99 Diablo, 81 Aston Martin, 86 Porsche 928, 91 Mustang 5.0, 98 Lotus Esprit, and Audi S4. I write a lot about cars with videos and pictures.

I also love real estate. I own 20 rentals including a 68k Sqft commercial building I bought this year. I flipped 26 houses last year, and just started my own brokerage. I write all about that as well with pics and video. I have done some Dtube as well.

All my content is original even though I have a blog as well Investfourmore. For multiple reasons I do not duplicate content.

Thank you for the chance to introduce myself.
Here is my blog. https://steemit.com/@investfourmore

Congratulations. You have been invited for the white list.

worth mentioning before that either.)Hi, I'm Ahmad Al-hemmally (know on the net as @ahmadmanga) a self-proclaimed gamedev & mangaka though it's been two years since I done anything worth mentioning (not that I did anything

Well, on steemit I write short stories & game reviews. You can see my latest works i my page, but I think Your Heart Would Remember is my best story on steemit, and Disgaea PC is my best recent review.

Hello, there are a lot of people trying to join here and they have much more reputation than I have but i'll try my luck.

I'm @domdae, i have been here for months but I'm still learning on how to grow my account. I blog about my life that can somehow give you a little advice, idea or facts. I will post a lot more valuable content in the future and I'm aiming to help my fellow minnows to grow. https://steemit.com/@domdae

I'm @fbslo. You can find my blog at https://steemit.com/@fbslo.

I post mostly photography.

Feel free to check my blog :)

Congratulations, you have been invited for the white list.
Hope you get enough votes. Good Luck.

Thank you :)

I gave you my 3rd witness vote ;-)

You've been invited.

Hi, I've been invited to whitelist. I need more vote to get whitelisted. Please take a look at my blog and vote for me if you think my blog has whitelist quality. I post historical photograph, and sometimes I color it. Thank you so much.

Yes, i saw your blog. As i am a sucker for historical photographs you got my vote.
You need 5 though, so you just gotta wait it out.

good luck!

Thanks a lot man. Really appreciate it.

Hi, I am Fakhre Alam from India. I have been using minnowbooster services for some time. I am still learning new things about steemit and and other related services. Recently came to know about whitlisting and found it intresting. I wish to be a part of this community. Here is the link for some of my posts.




i liked your blog.... and i think those are some good content.... i invited you and i hope others find your blog as valuable as i think..... you should see a whitelist option in the menu now.... good luck

Thank @masummim50 for the invite.

Aloha Folks ... its me Bembelmaniac... i dont want to be on Black side of life... yep i know they have Cookies ... but i want to be on a white list and take come Coffee :)

im writing in a Steemit NICHE... the DAD-Chronicals


Here you can read my Actual Part of this Series... maybe you see im writing REAL Content and i hope i can get on this List ;)

dad-chronicals 2.png

Hi @news-today,

I want to be whitelist in minnow booster.I write own creation in my blog .My posts are giveing knowledge and something to reader.I alway try to give something for reader.Please check my blog.


Greetings @news-today. I'm the Wizard of Cheeze (Greg).

I'm starting to find some niches that I'm interesting in posting on Steem and I am constantly striving to produce new content. I participate in comments and replies daily and I also spend time curating for Curie in hopes of getting a position within their ranks.

Please consider me for an invitation to the MinnowBooster Whitelist.

Blog: https://steemit.com/@wizardofcheeze

You've been invited.

Hi @news-today,

I'm a blogger who is interested in creating contents related to cryptospace and i'm really interested in the whitelist initiative.
Below is one of my recent post. hope you like it. Looking forward for your response.


This is a wonderful new addition to minnowbooster which has greatly helped me in the past gain more followers by getting my posts on the trending page.

My names Sean Supplee I am a internet market but I also work as a QA Engineer for a company called ClickFunnels. Im 35 years old and a heart a true entrepreneur.

I post about entrepreneurship along with spreading the news of steemit to that group of people which continues to grow daily! Many new products and services are designed by people every day which prompts innovation and steemit is a great place to spread that message with others and get businesses involved here.

My blog of course is at - https://steemit.com/@bitcoinflood

Congratulations. You have been invited for the MB White List.

Hey, here's my entry for hopefully getting whitelisted.

I'm all about creating game movies. What you see on my blog are videos on my own personal youtube channel, but I also do some freelancing for Gamer's Little Playground. Here's my latest game movie I posted there:

These things take a lot of time to put together, so it would be nice if I could give myself a little boost so more people get to know of these types of videos.

In case you don't know, game movies are videos showcasing a game's story. It's essentially a playthrough without any fat, the focus is purely on the story. It helps if you want to catch up on a franchise in preparation for the next game, if you dropped a game but still want to see how it ends, or if you're like me you want to relive the story or parts of it without having to play through the entire thing again.

Anyway, here's my steemit blog: https://steemit.com/@tamiil

I am a YouTube Mining channel that has recently been making an attempt to move over to D.Tube to record and upload videos after the adpocloypse and demonitization issue. I make videos about changes in hashrates, test mining new cryptocurrencies, and many good deals on GPUs on popular shopping sites such as Amazon.

You can check out my "Introduce Yourself" post here.

Hi sir, plz also invite me for whitelist. I am sharing good content own created video with supporting text, I also have youtube channel .

Hi, I would like to join the white list :) I joined steemit in January this year and I am loving it!! I post about my travel adventures and share my photography and videos on dtube of action sports. here is a link to my blog

And here are some of my recent articles
https://steemit.com/@vcclothing https://steemit.com/travel/@vcclothing/snorkeling-with-turtles-off-gili-t-indonesia




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