πŸ“Œ VIP List #minnowsfaucet Very Interesting Posts ( Aug 14 )

in #minnowsfaucet β€’ 8 years ago

Show Your Best Post to The #minnowsfaucet Community

and get paid to promote Your link

100% of SBD from this post will be distributed after 7 days equally to

the voters who followed directions .

1 Post only one link in the comments per day.

3 Under the post on YOUR blog you copy & paste (Ctrl+c | Ctrl+v) this mention:

I have nominated this post for the #minnowsfaucet VIP List, vote for my post here @minnowsfaucet
4 Upvote and Resteem .


  • Steemit algorithm rewards You for writing longer comments (other then "good post" "wow" "follow me" ) so instead of just dropping your link write a longer introduction what You post is about and why this is interesting for the reader.
  • To get noticed why not upvote your own comment to the top while getting paid out on your own vote. (This is how steemit works and it is totally fair to stand confident behind your work and the time You have put in).
  • You earn steempower by upvoting on comments from other people and write a longer comment following up on these comments with true intention of (by example) how it changed Your idea, adding points of your knowledge, or simply how this made You feel.
  • Voting on other people's comments earns You steempower and often You get extra rewarded by the original poster (op) or fellow commenters.
  • Stop begging for followers, You don't need to anymore, just follow direction nr.2 to see who is new time to time to be connected with minnows who mutual want to grow with You working the system of the #minnowsfaucet community grow project.
  • Use the share buttons for twitter, facebook, linkedin, more people more rewards.
  • Update Your profile set a picture for Your avatar so people recognize You.
  • Consistent doing a little every day spread over the day helps You grow faster.
  • Have fun connecting and meeting with people, learn and enjoy.
  • These tip notes are getting too long, I have many more tips on SEO and socialmedia for You will post them soon.


have fun

2 You must already be following all my followers @nicnicy to be a team member .

Sort: Β 

Followed all the Newbies, Upvoted, and resteemed #Minnowsfaucet #keepSteemin' Here's a great article I wrote on digestive toxins called Ama. https://steemit.com/health/@rishherbalist/what-is-ama-toxins-ayurveda


Interesting and informative article :)

Hi @rishherbalist....read upvoted and commented on your post !! :) :)

Hi @rishherbalist! You have just received a 0.012 SBD tip from @minnowsfaucet!

@tipU - send tips by writing tip! in the comment and get share in service profit :)
feel free to click here.If you wish to learn more about @tipU sharing profit

Hello all ....so @nicnicy. ..I'm not submitting this I just finally wrote this blog...I hope you like it ...mind you I'm exhausted from working my tail off ..if you want me add something else ..let me know ..and for anybody here feel free to RESTEEM to make as many people aware of #minnowsfaucet as we can ...thank you :) :)


Β 8 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

It was a great article! Thank you! I jumped about 14 overnight and followed them back! Great team work my dear! Upvoted and Resteemed this and your article!
Love and Peace,


Yes You totally understand the spirit of #minnowsfaucet !

YAY!! :) :)

Hi @kayleigh-alesta, I checked your link to read but couldn't find anything. Maybe the link is incorrect. You may want to check that and correct it :)

Thanks for bringing that to my attention @theleapingkoala...all corrected now :) :) kayleigh

I really enjoyed reading this blog @kayleigh-alesta, thanks a lot. I appreciate the work you're putting into the platform and this #minnowsfaucet community, especially with the big move you're going through as well. People like you and @nicnicy inspire me to keep going on this platform - as I said before, I just need to start posting more of my own blogs. BTW, I resteemed the article and I really hope you get the rewards you deserve from it.

I need to post more too...Thank You very much for resteeming :) :)Thank You for your kind words @andyst81 :) :)

Β 8 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

hi, upvoted, resteemed and followed all yr followers.

if anyone interest, come to join this challenge here is my link: https://steemit.com/samephoto/@kona/same-photo-challenge-day8

Hi @kona....checked out your photo challenge and upvoted :) :)


Upvoted your post :)

Enjoyed your post !


Hi @kona! You have just received a 0.012 SBD tip from @minnowsfaucet!

@tipU - send tips by writing tip! in the comment and get share in service profit :)
feel free to click here.If you wish to learn more about @tipU sharing profit

Hey Guys! I just joined the team! Upvoted resteemed and followed all! I have a funny and informative post for you about Steemit. Visual learners and meme lovers will appreciate this one, also great for minnows! Here is my link!https://steemit.com/steemit/@rebeccagomez/steemit-for-visual-learners

Upvoted, commented and resteemed your post :)

Hi @rebeccagomez! You have just received a 0.012 SBD tip from @minnowsfaucet!

@tipU - send tips by writing tip! in the comment and get share in service profit :)
feel free to click here.If you wish to learn more about @tipU sharing profit

Oh man that was great....I upvoted and commented and enjoyed that post ..keep them coming :) :)

Loved this post, entertaining and actually true as well, which is always a good thing.

Upvoted it and Resteemed.


Β 8 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

Ain't really got any new article this time around but good luck everyone! :)

anything You write as a comment counts as a mini article, serious
go look in your wallet after 7 days you get paid for this remark.
I have read longer comments add more.
Blog posts payout expire after 7 days, but you still get paid commenting on those expired blogs.

I did not know that! How do you get paid for a comment on an old post?

You earn SP on every comment You make, and share in every upvote You give on comments from others (IN the comment section not touching the post reply button, we talk sole about comments here, they do not expire) payout after the normal 7 days You took the action to write, the post itself can be expired a year ago (you do not share in the post rewards anymore, the post expired ) commenting and upvoting others is very profitable as You gain more SP back - So people would click all day bleeding mouse finger getting Rich ? No, this would drain Steemit, You have a set ratio voting power per day. You get 20% back daily.
lookup your powers here http://steemstats.com and http://steemdb.com

Oh - thank you - I did not realize the comments were completely independent and long lasting like that.

Yup and team players have an advantage

even minnows with 0.00 upvote make SP doing this, do not go under 80% SP upvote (about 20 to 40 votes in relation to Your % SP) or wait a day longer to get Your 100% back

Holy crap that was a lot of clicking to follow all of those people... we need a "Follow All" button.

But... done. And upvoted. And resteemed.


Hey everyone this sounds like a great idea! I've upvoted/restreemed and followed everyone as requested.

I have a posting series called, Mobility ball. I teach different techniques that can be used to greatly benefit your body, whether you be an athlete or otherwise! This is part 4, the Lat Quad Release. Trying to spread as much Physical Therapy love to all the Steemians! Thanks!



I enjoyed your post and upvoted :)

Hi @dpt-darkfox12! You have just received a 0.012 SBD tip from @minnowsfaucet!

@tipU - send tips by writing tip! in the comment and get share in service profit :)
feel free to click here.If you wish to learn more about @tipU sharing profit

here is my nomination for the day.. I wrote about how to grow a potted rose plant in your balcony.

In a city when You do not have a garden potted plants are to the rescue to keep in touch with nature.
more initiatives grow idea's like vertical planting along walls and roof top gardens.

Awesome! Here is my blog about keeping busy during a work slow season. Looking forward to reading more from other members of #minnowsfaucet @minnowsfaucet https://steemit.com/steemit/@searnold/slow-season-how-to-keep-occupied

Upvoted and resteemed your post :)

Hi @searnold I read your post upvoted and commented :) :)

Hi @searnold! You have just received a 0.012 SBD tip from @minnowsfaucet!

@tipU - send tips by writing tip! in the comment and get share in service profit :)
feel free to click here.If you wish to learn more about @tipU sharing profit

Just found this and it's great! Hope I am doing this correctly. Here's my link https://steemit.com/writing/@tinajordan/tenth-month-day-15

Hi @tinajordan...I read your post upvoted and commented :) :)

Thank you :)

You're so very welcome :) :)

Please post more often, loved your writing!

I appreciate that!! I loved your post as well :)

submitting Cover headers for members
Free for You to use
How To change Your Steemit profile blog header


Β 8 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

Just joined and have already found some interesting articles I otherwise would have missed. Upvoted, resteemed, and added

I have nominated this post for the #minnowsfaucet VIP List, vote for my post here @minnowsfaucet

Especially if you're a programmer yourself and want to contribute ;-)Check out my post about how to improve Steemit. https://steemit.com/steem/@blevley/developers-please-check-your-apps


P.S. @nicnicy, you have some dead followers, you may want to remove those from your list.

13 dead followers out of 448
sweetgirl and zylmyde where very active last week but they are on the dead follower list

For a fact I know 228 people where active

How do I remove people from following me ?

they decide to play the game or find another group. I do not force people to work with #minnowsfaucet

I enjoy to help people get the best out themselves .

Take it easy, I was just saying, not attacking.

I don't know how to remove "dead people", I don't think the "mute" function works, they would still be in your list.

The only reason I mentioned is is because everyone participating in #minnowsfaucet follows your followers, I do not know what will happen in the future with the communities Steemit is building currently.

I checked all the comments and followed everyone, but I found it funny that I was already following most of them already. I will try to keep up with everyone posts from time to time. I hope you will do the same as well. I have started a quest to help minnows by sharing my SBD with the voters on any of my posts, so please check them out and upvote whatever you like. The idea is to grow together hand in hand and support each other during our growth and development time. Everyone thrives more with some appreciation. Having said that, most of my writing is about inspiration and motivation. It is what I like to do as I am working to become a personal life and self awareness coach in real life. I hope what I write will resonate with you in a positive way. one of my latest posts that may be helpful is on how to attract your soul-mate. I wrote it on 2 parts. I am posting the link for the 2nd part here. Please visit to read more in the 1st part and other posts. I would love to hear your comments even on older posts to know what would you like for future subjects and if you find my style easy to follow or I should be changing it. Any constructive suggestions are welcome :)

Hope you enjoy reading :)Thanks for the initiative @nicnicy. Minnows need all the help they can get. Good luck to all and hope to see you soon. The link is here: https://steemit.com/commonthreads/@theleapingkoala/how-to-attract-your-soulmate-8-simple-steps-2

You will be so in place here feeling at home. the regular members of #minnowsfaucet have a kind sharing spirit while there is nothing wrong with trying to grow get ahead earning some money.

Life is short and time goes fast.
I like to spend my time and energy with people I feel I can trust, who are willing to give them self to the world knowing You will get more of from where you focus your attention on.

Hopping over to Your blog, always open minded for inspiration.
greetings from Amsterdam, Nic

Happy to meet an open minded person with a kind sharing spirit like you. Thank you very much for your efforts to support others and thank you for visiting my blog. Greetings from Canada, LA :D

upvoted, resteemed and followed all your followers. my link is here : https://steemit.com/minnowsfaucet/@raphavongal/my-lovely-cat-waking-me-up-in-the-morning

Nice! Commented and upvoted on your post

Upvoted and enjoyed the video :)


awesome, tks :-)

Hi @raphavongal! You have just received a 0.012 SBD tip from @minnowsfaucet!

@tipU - send tips by writing tip! in the comment and get share in service profit :)
feel free to click here.If you wish to learn more about @tipU sharing profit

Hello, everybody! Here is one of my best articles, 5 Less Known Things About Fontana di Trevi, Roma. I hope you like it.



Enjoyed the facts, commented and upvoted your post.

Upvoted and commented :)

Hi @andreistalker! You have just received a 0.012 SBD tip from @minnowsfaucet!

@tipU - send tips by writing tip! in the comment and get share in service profit :)
feel free to click here.If you wish to learn more about @tipU sharing profit

Roberto enjoys life
Good read about Roma - I like the word Fontana


1 Seguir a los seguidores,
2 Compartir la publicaciΓ³n,
3 DΓ© su propia url del poste de su blog
Bienvenido !

Great Photos of Ezeji - Male Giraffe - Just a cool dude . . .

Welcome again @goldkey ...I saw your post upvoted and commented :) :)

Upvoted your post :)

Nice! commented and upvoted on your link

Hi @goldkey! You have just received a 0.012 SBD tip from @minnowsfaucet!

@tipU - send tips by writing tip! in the comment and get share in service profit :)
feel free to click here.If you wish to learn more about @tipU sharing profit

Giraffe's are the King of Facebook
together in rain with grumpy cat, any cat.
Good subject, Giraffes are sweet.

As always have all the followers on my list also. Along with following everyone who followers me! :) Check out my favorite blog post to date!


As always upvoted and resteemed!

Thanks Adam, hopped to your blog

Thanks for your time!

Good post for new steemians I wrote! How to Format text, links, resizing photos its all here with great links to very helpful other steemaians great guides! :)


Resteemed and 100% upvoted. Thank you for using my service!
Read here how the new green bot from Berlin works.

Come on ...where is everyone at!! This is an active community!! Everybody should be here posting ...upvoting ...commenting and possibly resteeming!! Lets get it together and show everyone what #minnowsfaucet is all about :) :)

Minnows are not used to the tasks that give them earnings.
On top of that you get peer recognition, people get to know You.

It is out of kindness and it feels natural.
she answers on threads and upvotes comments.@tinajordan shows how,

She supports others and in doing so the steemit system
pays out on your commenting and upvotes to the person who took the action,
in this case Tina, after 7 days Tina will see this in her wallet.

Commenting is like writing mini blogs, you get paid out on commenting
even after the 7 day expire period of Articleposts.

enjoyed your post and commented and upvoted it.

Enjoyed! Upvoted :)

Hi @twitterpated! You have just received a 0.012 SBD tip from @minnowsfaucet!

@tipU - send tips by writing tip! in the comment and get share in service profit :)
feel free to click here.If you wish to learn more about @tipU sharing profit

Β 8 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

Found this post and wanted to promote ..this is so pretty!

Best wishes, Oh also put minnowsfaucet as one of your tags in your next post or change this one so it shows up there as well.. Great work!
Love and Peace,
Melissa Wow you live in an amazingly artistic backdrop! Beauty everywhere in the old architecture...Nothing in Florida U.S. is old just the sand! :) Lovely pictures..following you from @minnowsfaucet project. I am going to copy this this post in the https://steemit.com/minnowsfaucet/@nicnicy/vip-list-minnowsfaucet-very-interesting-posts-aug-14. But go to this link and follow as you should look everyday for new posts from here so you can boost your work ..it is so very good!

Here is his post folks: https://steemit.com/colorchallenge/@kouba01/colorchallenge-monday-of-doors-medina-the-town-of-thounsand-doors definately worth a upvote :)

Hi @joearnold! You have just received a 0.012 SBD tip from @minnowsfaucet!

@tipU - send tips by writing tip! in the comment and get share in service profit :)
feel free to click here.If you wish to learn more about @tipU sharing profit

hey guys check this, playing and the cats around curious :-) https://steemit.com/minnowsfaucet/@raphavongal/playing-billie-jean-and-the-cat-around


I have no bunghole!

Your corn Bevis in Your corn...

Stigmatatata from Lake Titicaca!

Hi @raphavongal! You have just received a 0.012 SBD tip from @minnowsfaucet!

@tipU - send tips by writing tip! in the comment and get share in service profit :)
feel free to click here.If you wish to learn more about @tipU sharing profit

OK it is that time again, SHOW us Your goodies.

nice post , follow me

Hi @ahlawat if you have followed all of @nicnicys followers ...they will already be following you :) :)

Nice response, you read my mind!
cheers gal!

Β 8 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

Here is my best for the day, I had a hard time deciding as I did two, the other is about our travels to Dubai and the upcoming Crypto Conference with a link to coference information in the posing if you are interested.

This post is part of a continuing series on great foraging food! I hope you enjoy the information and find it of use!
Love and Peace,
Melissa https://steemit.com/homesteading/@joearnold/survival-food-series-9-eat-the-weed-s-flowers-and-roots-what-you-can-eat-from-your-own-backyard


Meep!! Hi how are you? I love @ionlysaymeep :) :)


Meep xo

hi meep

Great post, upvoted and commented.

I saw that much obliged! Fellow Arnold!
I saw you on the blog side as well!

Peace, Abundance, and Liberty Network (PALnet) Discord Channel. It's a completely public and open space to all members of the Steemit community who voluntarily choose to be there.Congratulations! This post has been upvoted from the communal account, @minnowsupport, by searnold from the Minnow Support Project. It's a witness project run by aggroed, ausbitbank, teamsteem, theprophet0, someguy123, neoxian, followbtcnews/crimsonclad, and netuoso. The goal is to help Steemit grow by supporting Minnows and creating a social network. Please find us in the

This post has received a 0.78 % upvote from @drotto thanks to: @banjo.

I would like to submit my latest post:

Haven't been posting as much lately, but i have been very active!
Thanks for all you do!


Thank you! :)

Colorchallenge Orange PhotoTellsItAllHi @nicnicy just what i needed thansk for the invite and here is my link for the most recent post :

I have also completed all the task πŸ˜‰
More post will follow and i am about just introduce myslef as wellπŸ˜€

YaY Orange ! let me take a look


hi meep let's play who says meep, then You say:

HI @nicnicy, am a team member of the #minnowsfaucet community. Great work!

So my post is on the latest Steemit feature - Cover Image. Check it out :)


Keep steeming hard!

I will write an english post in order to join the challnge, thanks for passin by my blog @nicnicy

I have seen the Greek team writing all posts in both Greek and English in blocks
A translated
B translated
C translated


I understand a little Spanish French Greek German if it gets to hard I use Googletranslate
if I would write a post in Dutch I would use the block method to open the post to other language zones
If I write in English i keep it just in English

Nice. Thnaks for answer, I will keep it in mind :)

I've upvoted, resteemed and followed all @nicnicy's followers.

I posted an article a few days ago about an ICO called Everex that's running right now. Everex is an ambitious project that will open up the possibility of blockchain based micro-finance to the world's estimated 2 billion people with no bank accounts. They have a really interesting goal and already have a working product that I've been able to test. Read more about it here:


Support #minnowsfaucet

Here is my post for #minnowsfaucet vip list.


In this post I show some of my You Tube Thumbnails and describe parts of my channel. I'm also giving some tips to make sure your thumbnails are effective. I hope you like it!

I upvoted and resteemed this post. Already following all.

This is really amazing thing you do 😊 Upvoted and Resteemed. Alone we are strong but together we are stronger πŸ’–
This is my link

good work and tip

This is so great and helpful 😊 humble

Here is mine https://steemit.com/photograph/@saffisara/ghsy2-flowers-from-the-garden

New post for all my favorite minnows! Check it out and I will certainly check out a few of your posts also!!


Hi all #Minnowsfaucet and @nicnicy.

There is a huge debate on a post about child porn taking place at steemit. https://steemit.com/steemit/@titusfrost/steemit-pedophile-ring-exposed.

The bottom line, if you are following a person called @iamgod. you may want to unfollow his account, as he has been found to post porn pictures. Also let others know if you wish to increase awareness about this.

Thanks all.