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RE: Qurator's Mischievous Mondays | Philosophy of the Perpetual Mind

Let my mind live forever in some sort of computer? That would technically be to be immortal and still be able to be close to my loved ones. It sounds very tempting although it also has its cons, although everything in this life always has a middle ground and luckily life can sometimes have those little letters that none of us take the time to read.

I explain; thinking about the option of living eternally even if my physical body is devoured by the “Phormia Regina” that is, the larvae of flies that eat corpses, I find it a bit thoughtful because it makes you think about how much you really value your “soul” or that essence that you carry inside you. It makes you wonder, would I still be me even though I'm no longer in this body? And I think so, because it's like changing a perfume from one bottle to another, it would still have the same essence, the same smell, it would bring back the same memories because that's not in the bottle but in the perfume.

On the other hand, it does not say what kind of computer they would give you to continue living in immortality, then it leads you to question whether you would really be you or a copy of you; because ironically the copies although at first glance look the same, have something different then you would no longer be you and it would not make so much sense to be immortal if you would be another person, or would it? These are unanswered questions that make you doubt if you would accept that.

Touching on the subject of emotions, what is the point of living without being able to love? Because if I become a computer then I would not be able to feel emotions, or would that computer allow me to feel love? Although also humanly, love is something abstract that we human beings invented, that is to say, it has the definition that we give it. So maybe I could feel love

Another reason why I could accept, is that if I can do it, then my loved ones can too and we would all be immortal. It is certainly an experience I would accept.

Thank you for the opportunity to philosophize in this way on this subject, it really was a fun and great experience.