Indefinitely without a body: It's totally insane. Being immortal is something that many people pursue. Well, only those who greatly appreciate life. Lately, we have seen rising levels of depression and rising suicide rates worldwide—apathy for existence. I am sure it would be hell for those people to live a life of boredom forever. However, let's take the fact that this is a person who appreciates life to the fullest. For this person, living without a body is too limiting. The human being needs to feel, touch, smell, taste, savor. Their entire experience is based on what they receive from all the terminals of their body. So, what am I going to live for if I am only a disembodied entity, or can the technology we are talking about simulate an experience similar to the one that human beings lived inside the Matrix?
In that reality, the software, the technology, simulated all the stimuli: visual, tactile, auditory, and gustatory. So it made the human being feel that they were still alive even inside a digital simulation.
But the premise we are dealing with in the post indicates that: the mind will exist indefinitely without a body. Will it be able to interact with other entities without a body? Since another of the things that human beings require is interaction with others, relationships are what define us.
What about vices, do I stop being an alcoholic, a drug addict, or a sex addict?
Another thing to take into account is the meaning of being human. If I am just a program living in a digital form, am I still human?
I think that my consciousness would deteriorate, when would I sleep? Would it be like living inside an eternal dream? Do I still have the same capacity to learn? Would the capacity to store memories have limits? What would be my goal to live eternally without being able to have a body to enjoy the enjoyable? There are so many questions...