Well, it sounds like you've got one of those office jobs that allows a little bit of down time, so it can't be all bad.
Sorry to hear about the computer. Is it a hardware or software issue.
assembled a few greenhouses in her time.You need to join forces with my wife @donnadavisart. She has a green thumb and has
Well this is one of those office jobs where I can pretend I'm working even though I'm not.
It was a hardware issue, not sure if it's the motherboard, RAM or RAM slots (or PCI-E 16x slot...) but I tried to remove and re-attach my GPU, 4 separate RAM "sticks" and in the end I removed 2 of them and now it works again. I should really need an update, as the PC is around 8 years old except few pieces renewed.
Hmm. Bad RAM sticks or bad sockets? You could try them in the other spot to find out.
I'm notoriously bad at throwing out old computers. Still using the desktop I got from the dump last winter. It's a workhorse! So long as I don't expect it to play any games.
Might be RAM sticks, as they didn't seem to work well in any sockets. I used to have 4x4gb and now I'm down to 2x4gb with the ones which seem to work the best.
I've usually sold all my old PCs to people who don't need gaming PCs. I'm getting few euros and they're getting a functional PC for emails and such.
Sounds like a good arrangement. I'm actually pretty impressed at how well computer have held up for the past ten years or so, performance-wise. Once SSDs came along it felt like you didn't really need a lot of power to get work done in a hurry.
Except for Macs, of course. Their cheap plastic seems to disintegrate the minute their warranties expire, and then they just force obsolescence on their operating systems to add insult to injury.
SSDs are awesome. They helped to give an extra push to old PCs to be comfortable to use. Same with my wife's laptop, it's getting really old but as I had changed the HDD to an SSD, it's been a pleasure to use for longer once again.