This is the third Monday of this week and it's not getting any better.
We bought a greenhouse on Sunday, but it's not ready yet. We've built over half of it, but we've had some delays.. like:
- A graduation party (not ours)
- Outdoor gymnastics (the best thing ever)
- PC breakdown (I do not need a PC to build a greenhouse, but my PC is a lot more important than a dumbass greenhouse)
- Lack of "soil anchors" for greenhouse in the whole city (I was hoping I could just add some kind of "soil anchors" to the greenhouse, as described in the instructions, but I checked all hardware stores and they had no idea if they had anything like that)
- People coming over who are not interested to participate in the greenhouse construction
I've been waiting to write a post about the new, fine greenhouse but at this speed, it might take a week until I can write one.
Another thing is, I've once again noticed how I'm not as good at writing as I would like to be. On the other hand, I could just say I'm good at writing in a different style but still, I'm not writing like I do because I'm good at it but only because I know no other way.
I've been reading stories on Steemit written by far better authors than I am and even though practice could help, I hate working for anything. I would like to be perfect from the start.
Hopefully my future boss won't read this, as I've written in my application that I'm eager to learn and similar stuff.
But yes, now I'm not only worried for my future career, the wellbeing of my family but also for my PC. I don't currently have enough money to buy a new PC, especially after buying the greenhouse... but luckily, these are not serious issues for real.
I'm healthy, I'm handsome and I'm currently at work - so by Steeming, I can earn while I earn.
Hope my current boss won't notice I'm hanging around online instead of working..
But this still sucks. Nobody should have to be afraid of their boss while writing pointless rants on the social media during workday.
Now for a coffee break, I seriously need one.
I wish you good luck with your humongous project of being beautiful haha.
After that, the greenhouse should be a walk in the park ;)
I'm always beautiful. <3
@apsu The handsome porn star in the fly away greenhouse.... now there is a book that waiting to happen! Pity you can’t punch that in to the computer! ❤️ @steemsausage
Oh I could punch my computer a bit, but I'm quite sure my insurance wouldn't cover the damages caused. :(
Calm down breadist :D And yes a greenhouse is more important than you damn PC... Wanna sleep hungry? Lol.
What, my bread-tits? NEVER!
My greenhouse is not as important as my PC. My PC is wonderful.
I'm earning more food with my PC and Steemit use than food with my greenhouse.
I can buy a few kilos of potatoes for an average post.
If I want potatoes from my greenhouse, it'll take months of work!
Oh. I rest my case :D
You lost me at "on the other hand..." I think you are a good writer! But what do I know!
Aaaaaa.... :D As do I, as do I. Working hard sucks!
So in between pointless rants to Steemit, fearing and maybe avoiding your boss, you definitely need a coffee brake.
Thank good (or some entity) I'm my own boss. And I have to say it's pretty hard to avoid myself. But I think I've managed to do that today. Now, coffee.
P.S. I like pointless rants that have good points. For that I will give you my pointless upvotepoint.
We are all lost souls in this terrible sea of life. But what do we know, it might be a wonderful life ;)
I have started my own company BUT before I had any time to do anything with the company, I got hired and I'm being paid better than I would expect to be paid by being a small business owner. Now it's kind of back-up plan or just to give some additional income in case it's needed.
But the best thing in being your own boss is that you can have a coffee break whenever you want (or can). Maybe less holidays, less pay, more regulations, more stress etc.
But at least coffee is good.
So the meaning of life is to live wonderfully. :)
I wasn't entirely honest when I said I'm my own boss. I am an entrepreneur but also a freelancer. So I don't have a boss. I occasionally have several bosses. Anyway small business owners are all crazy. Maybe even insane.
Oh how I just love forced holidays without a payday. With excellent coffee.
I wish a freelancer would be a free lancer instead, working maybe with a horse and a lance. I'm not sure what you could do nowadays with those.
You could at least get awesome photos from someone on a horse with a lance.
I'm somehow assuming your job is related to photography, so I hope you can at least appreciate the mental image.
I most certainly appreciate every mental images that are thrown to me! At me. Whichever.
I'm sure a horse could be very useful greenhouse assembler buddies.
Well, it sounds like you've got one of those office jobs that allows a little bit of down time, so it can't be all bad.
Sorry to hear about the computer. Is it a hardware or software issue.
assembled a few greenhouses in her time.You need to join forces with my wife @donnadavisart. She has a green thumb and has
Well this is one of those office jobs where I can pretend I'm working even though I'm not.
It was a hardware issue, not sure if it's the motherboard, RAM or RAM slots (or PCI-E 16x slot...) but I tried to remove and re-attach my GPU, 4 separate RAM "sticks" and in the end I removed 2 of them and now it works again. I should really need an update, as the PC is around 8 years old except few pieces renewed.
Hmm. Bad RAM sticks or bad sockets? You could try them in the other spot to find out.
I'm notoriously bad at throwing out old computers. Still using the desktop I got from the dump last winter. It's a workhorse! So long as I don't expect it to play any games.
Might be RAM sticks, as they didn't seem to work well in any sockets. I used to have 4x4gb and now I'm down to 2x4gb with the ones which seem to work the best.
I've usually sold all my old PCs to people who don't need gaming PCs. I'm getting few euros and they're getting a functional PC for emails and such.
Sounds like a good arrangement. I'm actually pretty impressed at how well computer have held up for the past ten years or so, performance-wise. Once SSDs came along it felt like you didn't really need a lot of power to get work done in a hurry.
Except for Macs, of course. Their cheap plastic seems to disintegrate the minute their warranties expire, and then they just force obsolescence on their operating systems to add insult to injury.
SSDs are awesome. They helped to give an extra push to old PCs to be comfortable to use. Same with my wife's laptop, it's getting really old but as I had changed the HDD to an SSD, it's been a pleasure to use for longer once again.
Yeah think of the good stuff to counteract a bad day. 👍
And thanks a lot for the delegation. Helped a lot. 🎉🎉🎉
No problem, I was undelegating some people and I had to admire, you've gained already a lot of SP! Over a hundred SP is already a lot, when you can compare yourself with newbies.. starting with extremely little own power and delegated of 15.
Good job girl :)
Thanks. Haven't been active that much since last month or so. :D And am not even taking this site seriously anymore. Hahaha.
Ha, well you shouldn't take this seriously and that's the moment when this starts to be fun :)
Nah it's not even that fun, it's like, why am I still here? 😂😂😂
... because I'm so absolutely handsome?
For a bread you look alright. 😂 I stay for the cents really. Why else would I be here? 😂😂😂
Wow, I don't know as I've ever read it so succinctly, but I know exactly what you mean. Who says your writing isn't good? :D
I know exactly how you feel, which is why I chose to do only things I have been good at since I was born. I'm quite good at eating and yelling. I also poop a lot.
I'm saying my writing isn't good. I've read posts of other people and they are amazing writers. Except some people, they suck a big time.
Oh I wish I could yell or poop well. I'm quite good at eating, but I have friends who are better at that than I am.
I've read somewhere how we are feeling inferior because human mind is used to compare itself to standard sized tribes which were less than 100 people. And now we meet over 100 people every day, so it is kind of difficult to be very good at anything.