its all good, heres 8 cebnt 50 percent upvote to help you on your way to saving up $100 in steempower!
Tell us when you hoit $10 in steempower! then tell us when your at $100, then your next milestone is $1000!
I remember I had to pass throuigh all of thoe milestones befoe gettingw here I am, my next milstone is $10,000 in steempower, then $100,000 like my steemit whale friends like @gigafart and and such and then $1 million dollars worth of steempopwer will be one of my later milestones, like whre @thejohalfiles is now! He is proof, that I can get there! because i watched him go from just a few hundred thousand sto 3 million, hell be back to 3 million when steem is back to $2.80 but having al;l these dolphins and whales at places of higher wealth above me, and seeing them rise, it helps me see that its REAL nd ATTAINABLOE
Like I watched @thejohalfiles go from like $100k to $2.9 million from march when i joined and justa few months he was at 2.9 million ,
or @craig-grant who I watched Go from like $1000 to $100,000 ! U can watch anyones progress by clicking their walet, its all public, so u can track peoples porogress! And a website that showed the users of steemit like a RACE with different categories like weight classes for boxing, to amke steemit a sport! matching people up wiuth Others who Joined steemit at the same time OR who spend the same amount of time pn steemit like u can rank people by total time theyve spoent on steemit maybe, if you just made a Website that showed All users on steemit like a Race, or a Graph showing progress, it would be worth ALOT of steem! u would make SO much money creating a oproject like that which showed steemit users like a Videogame race, where users were tracked, and their total account values or steempower or SBD was all tracked on a graph, and u could see who was where, u could see what users are where u are, u could have all the people lined up according to WHEN they joined, and this would be So fun to watch!
Not just a ranking board, but a Graph showing progress