@TeamSteem just sent $100SBD to Philippines Steemit User @antonette who avoided Homelessness by asking Steemit for help, receiving $500 in Donations plus $333+ (so far!) in Upvotes. I felt @teamsteem + Steemit community is AMAZING!

in #money8 years ago (edited)

So I had to make this post to show off the amazing generosity of our Steemit Community which just collectivley came to the rescue of Steemit User @antonette who was struggling to not be homeless as she could not pay her rent and showed eviction papers, and she had the courage to show the world her temporary failure, and Steemit answered her cry for help, and she got to the front page with over $333 in upvotes and another nearly $500 in direct SBD donations (So she doesnt have to wait 7 days for her payout) including a $100SBD direct donation from @teamsteem and $50SBD from @stellabelle among many others, all helping to show the world how much Altruism exists here on this blockchain! Here is the link to the post: https://steemit.com/steemit/@antonette/homeless-steemit-mother-behind-the-laugh

Here is a screenshot of the two pages worth of SBD donations directly gioven to @antonette after she asked for some Help to pay her rent and pay for medicine and healthcare for her children with chicken pox, showing images of her children which helps to garner sympathy, a strategy I have proposed even starving families do in order to prove the desperateness pof their situation!

As you can see here, I circled the $100SBD donation from generous steeemit user @teamsteem and then I noticed even @stellabelle donated $50 SBD, and beat me to this post and had already donated $30 SBD along with @donkeypong and then a $55 SBD donation from @henry-gant (whose name reminds me too much of @craig-grant ) What we can learn from all ofthis is that Steemit is a tight knit group of very generous leaders who are always looking out for any users in need. Some of us are just too prideful to ever ask for help, and so I hope that if you REALLY DO need some help in life, that you won't be afraid to ask steemit HOWEVER we don't want to be supporting user's negative addictions or alcoholisms or gambling habits, but we DO want to find success stories of people who were homeless before but who are no longer homeless THANKS to steemit. So make your case, ask for help, and give a description of how you will try to save your money for the future, or how youre life has changed for the better thanks to steemit, and you will be helping Steemit tremendously if you simply make posts describing just how much steemit has improved your life! We need MORE posts about how Steemit changes lives!

Here is an example of how @teamsteem was able to make $8 off one comment, explaining his donation, and this comment inspired much of the donations you see above

There is plenty of extra money out there to help Steemit users when they are in need. And you can help pay everyone back once you find your own success on steemit! You can even help pay us back by promoting steemit gaining us more users and therefor making all of us wealthier. So everyone has value, anyone can be taught how to do marketing work for steemit, and one user could end up making a youtube channel and drawing in thousands of new users all at once like @trevvonjb or @JerryBanfield both of which have popular Youtube channels that get a lot of their traffic from this exploding world of cryptocurrencies and you can follow this trend too! And so when you ask for money here,people are LOOKINg for someone to donate to! people have plenty of extra SBD just sitting in their wallets waiting for someone who deserves them, and as long as you show how happy this money has made you and your family or children, then you will continue getting attention on Steemit! Steemit whales and dolphins LOVE to see happy users whose lives are changed thanks to steemit!

What good is steemit if we can't help our users pay their rent in the developing world! The publicity we will get from stories like this will ad more than enough money to pay everyone back for any money donated to people in need! Thi will create a cycle of positive news and charitable donations and more users joining steem and steem price going up!

These photos of @crafttech and @cloh76 and @teamphilippines Steemit Meetup for the Philipines shows us how Blockchain CryptoCurrency Leaders have Emerged all over the world, and that Filipinos now have an excellent local support group which we can and should all support with our upvotes. The goal is to have people take care of their own country's steemit users, and now the Philippines can have their very own Steemit Whales who can upvote anything Philipines related including other Steemit users in the Philippines. This will be just like how @tj4real is an Ambassador for West Africa who I support with my Upvotes and donations, so that he can better support his own fellow African people autonomously! if we help create whales in every developing nation, that wealth will trickle down inside those nations and help more and more people exponentially because when someone in a developing nation makes money online, everyone around them wants to get a piece of the action and will be much more inclined to signup for steemit if they can see their neighbors making hundreds or thousands of dollars, knowing that its possible for someone in their country to make money with steemit, so they wont be afraid to put time and effort into steemit! So thank you @teamsteem and @antonette for allowing this space to be created, and for inspiring us to be good people and to show us that its PROFITABLE to HELP OTHERS here on steemit! i'd love to earn @teamsteem $100 SBD off a post ABOUT his donation, to prove to the world that Steemit is So amazing that you can make a profit from donations! I hope he ends up making more money than he donated off this whole situation, not out of greed (even though it would be vicarious greed) but because it will SHOW the WORLD that you can make MONEY by donating money! This will encourage others to donate to those in need and open up a space for people to earn that money back, so they can make even more donations, and continue the cycle! Imagine how much good we can do!

(Link to this post showing these Steemit Meetup Philipines images: https://steemit.com/steemit/@cloh76/steemit-philippines-meetup-roundup-here-is-what-happened-discussions-presentations-food-prizes-and-fun go upvote its only 4 days old!)

I have so much hope for steemit because of stories like this! @teamsteem and @stellabelle and the other donors have helped more than just @antonette ....they have helped all of Steemit, and this type of story needs to make it to local news, perhaps when the time is right, she can contact local Philippines news channel and get on TV to promote steemit as a way for the poor to find a job and earn an income online! if someone can use Steemit to prevent homelessness, than there is hope that a few large donors could purchase steempower JUST to help boost all the poor people who join steemit! Once we get a large number of the worlds poor to join steemit and save up at least 4100 each, then helping the price of steem to hit $10 would help create savings accounts for millions of poor people in the developing world, ending the cycle of poverty for millions, but we should try to get BILLIONS out of poverty with steemit so maybe once we have 2 billion users, we can get angel investors to buy large amounts of steempower in an attempt to lift the tide and raise all boats! But even without the price of steem going up like Bitcoin, steem STILL provides so many opportunities to make money and so I am forever hopeful for steemit and there its all success from here! The hard part of establishing steem blockchain is over and now we can look forward to life getting better and better everyday!

I'll leave you with this very funny Rick and Morty remix song from when Robot Clone morty gains and looses awareness in the new mad max style episode.

"I wanna be Alive, i AM alive, Alive I tell you! Mother i Love you, I wanna Hold you, Bypassing OverRide!"

If you have questions about bitcoin steemit crypto or making money mining like this email [email protected] or text/call me (619) 302 0398 and....

Follow @Ackza


i upvoted "https://steemit.com/steemit/@antonette/homeless-steemit-mother-behind-the-laugh" unfortunately i'm just a week old so i don't have to much power

its all good, heres 8 cebnt 50 percent upvote to help you on your way to saving up $100 in steempower!

Tell us when you hoit $10 in steempower! then tell us when your at $100, then your next milestone is $1000!

I remember I had to pass throuigh all of thoe milestones befoe gettingw here I am, my next milstone is $10,000 in steempower, then $100,000 like my steemit whale friends like @gigafart and and such and then $1 million dollars worth of steempopwer will be one of my later milestones, like whre @thejohalfiles is now! He is proof, that I can get there! because i watched him go from just a few hundred thousand sto 3 million, hell be back to 3 million when steem is back to $2.80 but having al;l these dolphins and whales at places of higher wealth above me, and seeing them rise, it helps me see that its REAL nd ATTAINABLOE

Like I watched @thejohalfiles go from like $100k to $2.9 million from march when i joined and justa few months he was at 2.9 million ,

or @craig-grant who I watched Go from like $1000 to $100,000 ! U can watch anyones progress by clicking their walet, its all public, so u can track peoples porogress! And a website that showed the users of steemit like a RACE with different categories like weight classes for boxing, to amke steemit a sport! matching people up wiuth Others who Joined steemit at the same time OR who spend the same amount of time pn steemit like u can rank people by total time theyve spoent on steemit maybe, if you just made a Website that showed All users on steemit like a Race, or a Graph showing progress, it would be worth ALOT of steem! u would make SO much money creating a oproject like that which showed steemit users like a Videogame race, where users were tracked, and their total account values or steempower or SBD was all tracked on a graph, and u could see who was where, u could see what users are where u are, u could have all the people lined up according to WHEN they joined, and this would be So fun to watch!

Not just a ranking board, but a Graph showing progress

Thanks for your support @ackza. Hopefully communities can join together to help each other make a difference in everyone's lives around the world. Steemit truly has a unique ecosystem!

Steemit community is really wonderful. It's also elating having such generous steemians.
I'm proud of steemit in general.

Steemit is a great place :)

P.S. I watched that Rick and Morty episode, loved the Mad Max theme

Thank you for spreading the word even more ackza. Currently, we are working on growth throughout Philippines and we were able to add support for @antonette in the form of a vote. I was with her at the event and answered to one of her logical questions and featured it in my post today. I know we will get to talk someday! Thank you for all you do

Oh nice u have been following and commenting with me! u are in the Philipines? cool! what good serendipity! lots of synchronicities show me this is the best niche for me to stay in!

I will add Philipins to my listof developing nations to keep in my minds eye like how Ive been learning more about Ghan and Nigeria by making friends from there like @tj4real and @xpency, and, now Philipines!

Nice 🤙🏼💨

Nice post, i followed your account, please follow me at @mrrandy

Thankls for rthe follow, but some advice, please dont beg for follows, when you ask me to follow you, it makes me want to not folow you because im automaticaly suspicious that youre desperate for followers so you must not be getting followers on your own automatially organicaly, thats just what peopel will thnk!

so its best if you dont ask for people to follow you, its just spam, ur comment ends up being sopam bevcause if everyone did what you did, id have 100 comments all with people asking me to follow them, then people would never have a real feed if they just followed everyone

please think before being selfish and greedy, sorry to be so harsh but if u wanna do well ion steemit u gotta actually gove me a REASOn to follow you

if you have a blog about SIMILAR types of posts, THEN MAYBE u can ask me to follow you ONLY if u make a case! seriously everyone whose been here for a while and who cares abouyt the community will agree!

i still ghave u a 2 cent upvpte so u should be happy, and juist take my constructive crtricicism!
if u are real u will succed here, asking for folows like this is just spam please think before doing it next time! u will suceed if u follow my advice,

i just want u to improve ur acount thats all, its not personal!

Love steemit and hope it will be far more greater in near future

Very nice work. Very Good Post. I UpVote.

Awesome as usual man keep it up

@ackza Id like to thank you again.I wouldnt know where me and my kids are today if I didnt reach out to steemit community.I still cant believe how steemit community is amazing and I have write a post update to thank all of you guys :)


I was tired and wondering what had happened to our beautiful community.
And a voice in me said, "No, don't do it."Thanks for the acknowledgment @ackza. When I read the @antonette post, it was very late at night.

Arguing with people who use downvoting to silence opinions.
Seeing once again the whales who use their steem to rule.
And a voice in me said, "No, you have done enough".

I was resigned to letting Steem.it continue on its way to the wasteland.
And the voice in me said "No, you can't help everyone".

I exit the post and sat. I knew what I was going to do anyway.
Then, a greater voice came to me.
And said, "Yes, . . . ."

H. G.

woah that was intense! glad it worked out! and yes i feel its important you get your acknowledgement

and yeah whats funny about the whales flagging wars, is that for many people, it doesnt effect them, and most people dont see that stuf go on, and theyre will soon be so many people posting that noone will be able to monitor and flag all of it, we will be ok, it wont be a wasteland, its just data and steemit will have sub communities and things like @Zappl and @View.ly will expand the steem blockchain to nw horizons, new worlds will be created, millions of new users will drown out any past tyranny, new whales will emerge to bring order and justice to the realm, because a councilk of dolphins will be used to correct ANy arbitrary Whale making lone wolf decisions with their flagging, it will be corrected by the community VERY easily. no whale can silence anyone because others will come to their aid and eventually we will have dolphin councils with more collective power than ANY whale, so it will correct itself, emergent order, see what i mean? lets say a whale abvuses his flaging power, takes away the earnings of a minnow for a whoel week, well, the diolphin council can go and give upvots they save for emrgencies to RESTORE these posts back to their pre unfair flagging levels, and thus any unfair flagging can be revsresed this way, see the good will survive and protect other good...the evil is srlfish and cannot last long...we will achieve great feats of social media through our voting system that rewards opeople who can make good choices and save.

Please remeber, its going to be better than you thinbk, youve been on stemit for a while! lots of long tiem steemit users get depressed ive seen it, its like steemit overstimulation diosorder, or steemit apathy disordr where u get oo involved with the internal politics of steemit and believ tHAt is steemit when no we will overtake thjose smalltime dramas with al the millions of new users we will see joining! I know the internal politics can suck but it will all fade away, the drama will fade, people will forgive each othr once steem ios $10, bygone swill be bygones, people will be SO happy when theyr all maing money that people will set aside differences and get along.

Good post

Plz follow & upvote me @shaikrafiq