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RE: Lions! Expect A Short Term Dollar Bounce-Trade it! By Gregory Mannarino

in #money8 years ago (edited)

I just found this online:

Pathological narcissism should not be construed as a form of psychosis because:

The narcissists is usually fully aware of the difference between true and false, real and make-belief, the invented and the extant, right and wrong. The narcissist consciously chooses to adopt one version of the events, an aggrandising narrative, a fairy-tale existence, a "what-if" counterfactual life. He is emotionally invested in his personal myth. The narcissist feels better as fiction than as fact – but he never loses sight of the fact that it is all just fiction.
Throughout, the narcissist is in full control of his faculties, cognisant of his choices, and goal-orientated. His behaviour is intentional and directional. He is a manipulator and his delusions are in the service of his stratagems. Hence his chameleon-like ability to change guises, his conduct, and his convictions on a dime.
Narcissistic delusions rarely persist in the face of blanket opposition and reams of evidence to the contrary. The narcissist usually tries to convert his social milieu to his point of view. He attempts to condition his nearest and dearest to positively reinforce his delusional False Self. But, if he fails, he modifies his profile on the fly. He "plays it by ear". His False Self is extemporaneous – a perpetual work of art, permanently reconstructed in a reiterative process designed around intricate and complex feedback loops.


Ahhh, now you are saying that you think your psychiatrist is wrong and you are in fact a narcissist? Psychopaths don't give a shit about their followers, sociopaths at least make it "appear" that they do. This guy here is a psychopath for instance.

Based on your explanation I am now beginning to think that maybe I'm not actually a narcissist as I give a shit about people getting taken by hucksters peddling their wares when the "evidence" shows that they are nothing but hucksters. OK, thanks for the clarification. From now on I will just call myself the voice of the markets. :-)

Hope I'm not keeping you from today's market update. I can't wait to see that one....and your very first "live" posted trade...including strike, expiry, price paid, and stop. Don't be skeeeerd. I have GRRREAT confidence in you. :-)

EOD has been posted. Have a romp through it! Enjoy.

Alrighty then, we will watch the SPX 2449.22 level as the possible price point for you to post yet another losing SPY trade. I'll see what I can do on the open. But according to my indicators the SPX has already pulled back enough to where it can rally to a short...which of course would be deemed "bullish" according to you. Nice work! You have represented the "99%ers" well! :-)

I cannot see who else is in this basket of the 'discarded and trampled upon', but just knowing that you consider yourself the antagonist to my work makes me proud and gives me a sense of joy. I would be truly worried if you agreed with me at all as I would have to examine the veracity and validity of my work.

I can appreciate that statement. Greg just muted me for the second time due to the overwhelming request of the kittens...I mean, lions. Like Jim Cramer said, I'm not here to make friends. But unlike Jim, you certainly won't get your ass kicked by joining me on my trades. :-) And don't ever rely on someone else's opinion to gauge the validity of your work. I acknowledge your 2 losing SPY trades today. Well done! As always, keep your "best" trades>>> Behind the scenes....just as your mentor Greg does *-) But if you ever grow a set of nutz and get the guts to post a live trade, I'd love to see it...with strike, expiry, price, and stop...since you don't have enuff confidence in yourself as you freely admitted. Feel free to post the trade at any of my blogs. I'm sure you are excited about tomorrow's festivities. I sure am.

Well well, since you can envision it, why don't you post a live trade yourself so good or bad we can enshrine it in the halls of glory!

Go ahead and pick any of my blogs. All of my trades are posted "live!" Or, just wait for my short call on the Q's, GDX, long UVXY/VIX, or long DUST which "should" come sometime tomorrow if things play out well. Here's a trade you can do right now. SIRI just traded to a "lower" high of 5.67+ today and I was already short SIRI from right at the high as outlined here...

I just updated it for you.

Actually, it looks like Greg not only muted me, he flagged me....which shows that the pressure is getting to him...and also what a pussy he truly is. :-) No biggie, he can flag all he wants. It just means I tighten the screws down even harder. I'm sure you noticed the "dramatic" decrease in traffic at Greg's steemit blogs recently. Won't be long before he and his kittens are banished to TradersChoice. Glad to see I am getting to the huckster. :-)

Greg is not only an expert at what he does, but he is also a good and caring person. I on the other hand have been known to be heavy-handed. So I invite your banter and your castles in the sky. I love this stuff. Make me proud and bring me your fire and fury. Bring it fast, bring it hard and don't hold back. Give it all you've got...because when I take you down I will know I took down your best! Let the games begin!

I welcome the invite. And yes, greg is great at what he does. He noticed that the payouts on his steemit spews are dropping, even as the price of STEEM rallied to 1.50, and he "knows" he can't make any money trading. So what does he do? 1) Offers to mentor his sheeple 1 on 1 for a fee...then he 2) Offers up one of his worthless Ebooks for free to setup his offer to sell his other 4 Ebooks at $2 each. Yep, Greg is a "master" at what he does. :-)