
Yes... I have found some small plots of land way up north in Unorganized Townships where there are almost no taxes. That is where I am moving to...

North of Lake Superior

If you live in a trailer with wheels there is no Property Tax. Until they change that too...

I have considered the RV thing, as I have some friends that are doing it. Unless you are "boondocking" or "dry camping", you are basically paying the taxes the the owner of the park has to pay. While in Driving - of course the taxes at the pump are where they are getting you.
I'm Cheering for Solar Charged All Electric RV drive trains. Someday maybe.
As they say - the truth of Life is there is no escape from Death and Taxes.

There are other better options. We've been the boiled frog in a pot. No one realized there was a better option. No one jumped out. We're used to the present. America is in decline, and it isn't getting any better, sorry.

Right now around the world there are TONS of better places to be for liberty (lower taxes especially).