Who is tired of paying Taxes?

in #money8 years ago (edited)

We pay Income Tax, Federal Tax, Provincial Tax, / State Tax, Sales Tax, Property Tax, School Tax, Water Tax, sewer Tax, Debt Retirement Tax, Carbon Tax and then Tax on our Tax....

By the end of the day there is nothing left for food.

With the Skyrocketing Government Debt the taxes are set to increase exponentially. I'm ready to get off this Merry Go Round...images(31).jpg


If only everyone realized taxation is theft

taxation is theft
i am sick of this system


The only way off this Merry Go Round at this point: Deserted Island, Boat on the Ocean, or Antarctica (I think!). Maybe when we start to Colonize Mars - we can get it right.

Yes... I have found some small plots of land way up north in Unorganized Townships where there are almost no taxes. That is where I am moving to...

North of Lake Superior

If you live in a trailer with wheels there is no Property Tax. Until they change that too...

I have considered the RV thing, as I have some friends that are doing it. Unless you are "boondocking" or "dry camping", you are basically paying the taxes the the owner of the park has to pay. While in Driving - of course the taxes at the pump are where they are getting you.
I'm Cheering for Solar Charged All Electric RV drive trains. Someday maybe.
As they say - the truth of Life is there is no escape from Death and Taxes.

There are other better options. We've been the boiled frog in a pot. No one realized there was a better option. No one jumped out. We're used to the present. America is in decline, and it isn't getting any better, sorry.

Right now around the world there are TONS of better places to be for liberty (lower taxes especially).

taxation WITHOUT REPRESENTATION.. it's coming folks!

It is basically already here I believe.

It is already here

The representation part has always been an illusion. We do not control the candidate selection process, and we do not control the puppet's strings once they are elected.

And people think they are not slaves! Taxes are our shackles, try not paying and see what happens (they put us in jail)...

How is it that we've come to this?

This is a lowly form of civilization and people like to think they are so advanced in the western world. If I were a visitor from some other planet and I looked at how we fight each other in terrible ways over resources, religion, titles and as a way to try and be the strongest One in control through brute force, I would think this place too primitive to bring into a greater, higher minded community.
Angry little Homo Sapiens Sapiens are dangerous!

Yes .... I will soon be selling everything and moving off the Grid far from any Governments ....

Where is that possible? I've lived off road and off grid but still was chattel to the state.

Surviving the fittests. Charles Darwin