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RE: ALERT VIDEO: The US Dollar Continues To Dive, With No End In Sight! By Gregory Mannarino

in #money8 years ago

Excellent plan by the Fed. Markets should be in freefall by then and there will be plenty of buyers looking to pick up U.S. govmint debt ...."locking in" a negative rate of return on the very shortest term maturities. You DO realize that the very shortest term govmint debt actually was being bought at a negative return during the 2008 financial crisis I'm sure. Right, Greg? :-) I don't think they will have to liquidate any mortgage backed securities as that will all be settled out once Bank of America gets the ball rolling with their bankruptcy filing. I figger BAC will be first, Citgroup second, and we "finally" see the death of "the egg" >>> AIG. Save those dollars, Greg...unless of course you think the takedown of Bank of America will be an "inflationary" event. How'd you like my essplanation of "why the dollar?" btw. Tell me you hear the type of crap I spew from everyone else. Go ahead...break my heart why don'tcha? :-)