thank you for your daily report, Greg! btw. maybe you want to consider to power up your posts for a while - see why here: sbd price warning. kind regards
Just like you say, become your own central bank. Keep amassing alternative dollar assets. Silver, Gold, crypto...they're all on sale right now! :) Upvoted and Re-Steemed
Sorry! I didn't realize you lived there, I wasn't meaning to be rude! I just feel that socialism is ruining beautiful countries and making people's lives worse not better as they promise.
Creating inflation is the easy part - the hard part will be to keep it from running away into hyperinflation. That can easily be coming for us. Then everybody who doesn't hold real values like PMs or property will be screwed.
Nobody wants to see that happening, but there is a good chance it will. Not only in the US, but in Europe too. The strategy of creating a "controlled inflation" of 2 or 3% is delusional in my opinion. The delay between flooding the economy with money and the beginning of the inflationary effect is too long. By the time the inflation sets in, there is far too much money around to make it stop at 2% again.
Yes, it will be ugly.
Very nice comment. Yeah I am scared of hyperinflation. I hate that the FED is always talking to use as sheep. I wish they would treat us a grown @$$ people and talk to us about the truth and what we as a people really need to do. Share with us the real truth and let us really give an effort of fixing things. I know, I know...they are only the messengers and the real problem are those behind the scenes that want to control us enslave us. I just wish that there was someone that was 'real' to help us and to show all those blind sheep that things are not real and a bed of roses.
If everybody understands the reasons of the hyperinflation, I would take it everyday to make it end as quickly as possible. But since only 5% are awake, there will blood on the streets. It's sad to see what will happen. Watch it go.
I "obviously" meant do buy RGR unless it breaks below $59...58.85 to be eggzact. :-) That's the importance of "knowing" what MUST happen before you initiate a trade. By waiting for the scenario to take place, many times new signals come in at lower/higher prices. The MOST important thing any trader must keep in mind is to be patient and wait for your minimum target to be achieved. RGR is not a buy now unless today's low gets taken out. And if it continues lower from here the initial buy target gets lowered also.
I'm not sure what is right or wrong, but inflation in the 1970's & 1980's was pretty bad. 10+% mortgages. Housing price always just out of reach, for many. Sticker shock on almost everything. Etc... Get your metals while you can.
Hey Greg, I recently invested in silver paper derivatives. I know you hate this stuff, but it looked like a nice opportunity. I was down big initially, but I followed the One Rule you Should Never Break and just continued to cost average down. Made a nice return today and I am happy to say I am keeping my promise of giving 10% away to charity!
If your going to invest in Silver Paper. Sprott Physical Silver Trust is the only ETF that the silver is not leveraged.
The share units is 2.5 to 1 oz of Silver. If the price of Silver is $16.00 divided by 2.5 = $6.40 per unit. It is the only ETF where investors can receive physical Silver delivery at 750 ounces or more.
Kind of fits in with your point from this morning - about the fear index. There's a lot of fear out there, and a lot people hoarding their cash, thus no velocity.
As I have been saying and I know you have been saying Silver is very cheep here. Buy Silver. The Fed since it came into existence in 1913 has reduced the purchasing power of the $ by over 95% why would anyone think they would change policy now?
Very true! A good reference to back this claim is, "A Creature From Jekyll Island" by G Edward Griffin. The book explains the history of money and how we came to be put into this financial position by the bankers(cabal).
The dollar is having so many problems thanks for the heads up about it. I think that paper silver or some of the ETFs might do a small bounce for a while but we might head for cheaper paper silver. lets see
I agree Greg, the dollar is going to fall in the long term with some movement up related to overbought/ oversold conditions, maybe even this week, but ultimately it is going down.
The banks need cashless currency that they can control period.
Thank you for this video
I was watching the Dollar all day and saw the bleeding.
I can see that people are not spending $$$ around my area. Stores closing down for business, a whole mall closed down etc.
Do you think the Government is going to head towards a 'FedCoin'; or digital currency?
The only argument that the dollar bulls could make is the "hike" in interest rates may strengthen the currency. The argument that goes against that is the last "hike" reversed itself quickly. They are Keynesian to the core they will inflate to the point that it hyperinflate.
It very likely seems that around september, when the budget is supposedly going to be checked a crisis will come.. who knows.. this should mean that in some months imports will be more expensive i guess
Yes, thank you for pointing that out. The dollar and gold have been in the exact same death spiral that Greg mentioned only the dollar was in. Here's the proof...
No wait, my just said gold rises when the dollar I guess this makes it your bad? Greg's gonna be pissed I'm sure. Just yesterday he said he still likes the prospects for gold and silver...yet today he siad the dollar is on the brink of complete collapse. Evidence "proves" beyond ANY resonable doubt that he actually wants the dollar to rally..."maybe." You confused yet? :-)
Between QE, PPT, and insanely artificially created demand, I'd say its #1 in history by a long shot. Technology has greatly compounded the magnitude of the fraud. The transfer of wealth the world will see once king hegemon petro-dollar gets replace will be once in 50 life times.
The rise of the Dollar isnt gonna end until the collaspe happens The Fed is doing all the lying and behind the scence stuff they can to keep this ramped up when a high Dollar only hurts the US econnomy with exports in the long run but they dont care.
The dollar is tied to oil, oil's getting its ass kicked and by default pulling on the dollar. They are desperate to pump up the dollar to over compensate ie war war war, Fed propagated financial terrorism, afghan opium etc. The dollar will never collapse, it will simply get phased out over 10 years from global trade settlements so to avoid a complete global WW3 style 198 country collapse...fingers crossed
You forgot to add >>> "...of course if the dollar is getting its ass kicked it should mean both gold and silver should be rallying strongly. At least gold anyway, since the definition of inflation is a decrease in demand for the dollar. Falling dollar =inflation = rising precious metals prices...yet gold isn't rallying. So basically scratch what I just said about oil and the dollar because I obviously have no clue atall about what's going on." :-)
Wow, your good joejoe! Thats exactly what I was missing, thanks for the addition, real high value content for everyone right there. Exciting stuff! I need to put you on retainer...
Thanks. I'd upvote you but I found out today my votes are worth zero. :-) I see even Greg's are only worth .20 now. I'll be quitting once this site starts charging me to spew btw. :-)
This post has been ranked within the top 10 most undervalued posts in the second half of Jul 11. We estimate that this post is undervalued by $83.07 as compared to a scenario in which every voter had an equal say.
Excellent plan by the Fed. Markets should be in freefall by then and there will be plenty of buyers looking to pick up U.S. govmint debt ...."locking in" a negative rate of return on the very shortest term maturities. You DO realize that the very shortest term govmint debt actually was being bought at a negative return during the 2008 financial crisis I'm sure. Right, Greg? :-) I don't think they will have to liquidate any mortgage backed securities as that will all be settled out once Bank of America gets the ball rolling with their bankruptcy filing. I figger BAC will be first, Citgroup second, and we "finally" see the death of "the egg" >>> AIG. Save those dollars, Greg...unless of course you think the takedown of Bank of America will be an "inflationary" event. How'd you like my essplanation of "why the dollar?" btw. Tell me you hear the type of crap I spew from everyone else. Go ahead...break my heart why don'tcha? :-)
Great Post!
I agree with you assessment of the diving Dollar. The only reason it hasn't dropped faster is the merciless attacks on Gold & Silver Prices. The two Flash Crashes in Gold in Silver in the last few weeks was obvious to everyone except for the CFTC. The Silver Flash Crash of dumping 50 million ounce Silver into the market in minutes is the smoking gun that US Treasury is involved using the Exchange Stabilization Fund. The Treasury has two jobs protecting the Petro Dollar and suppressing Gold & Silver prices. Because the Dollar is based on faith & confidence.
Discord(chat channel) for traders on Steemit. We would be pleased if you joined here;). And keep making awesome videos!Awesome and informative video again @marketreport. You are one of the few big stock traders accounts on Steemit. If you are interested we started a
Oh, forgot the UUP chart...getting real close now. Looks like long term bond rates getting ready to move down soon too. Once again the banks "failed" to breach previusly set highs that need to get taken out. Kinda reminds you of gold and :-)
"Not quite" a new low for the year on UUP yet. Getting close though. QQQ sell signal triggered at teh close too btw. I might have a new short entry on the open if the QQ's opens at 139.20+ and would "expect" a 100% gain on it. I figger I will have my SLV short well as a "long the dollah!" call besides. So watch for that. :-)
OK, the answer to your question on the dollar. First and foremost, the Fed will have "zero" influence going forward on the markets...and I mean ANY market >>> oil, natgas, gold, silver, dollar, stocks. The next time the Fed actually influences the markets will be with a rate cut to help prop up the market. And once that happens it will likely have an opposite affect than the intended affect. If teh SPX is down 30% from the 52 week high and the Fed decides to begin lowering rates (which they will do before they ever think of QE4), the markets will take that as an "ut oh!" moment. Sooo the "real" reason for the dollar weakness is simple market forces at work. So then it is just a matter of using short term sentiment indicators to help decipher things. I have my own sentiment gauges I use. I would say this. if you were to ask your 4000 followers >>> Dollar, peeps...lower or higher from here? I bet 3900 of themn would say looower. And THAT falls right into my wheelhouse as the makings of a GRRREAT trade. You do know I am a "true" contrarian I hope, Greg. :-) Honestly though, take the Fed completely out of the equation. I have been telling this same thing to Peter Schiff for months now...and he "finally" threw in teh towel and admitted that Janet Yellen is a bigger man than he is. Of course he qualifed that by saying >>> "Well, I was only going by what she was telling me she was going to do." Any wonder why he's been getting his ass kicked for years now? And he's back at it again! Blaming the fed for everything. I'm gonna make Peter Schiff "beg" Janet to QE before I'm finished with the goldbugs. At gold $750 sometime next year Petey will be crying >>> "Please Janet! I'm sorry for everything I said about you. Please QE already so that I don't lose my remaining 100 Utube subs I gots left!" LOL
I'm sure Greg will see it. I have been spewing my thoughts because many times my thought are contrary to his....and he did just ask for an explanation why I would not be short the dollar here. Sorry about that. :-)
Central banks are always great at injecting their printed money. Lets go back to barter trading and ill trade my cow for some steem!
Jokes aside it does seem like the economic climate is shifting towards something darker now. Thanks for the video @marketreport!
Much darker. Take the time given to prepare!!!!
Thats funny. If I had enough Steem I'd consider buying that cow.
thank you for your daily report, Greg! btw. maybe you want to consider to power up your posts for a while - see why here: sbd price warning. kind regards
Just like you say, become your own central bank. Keep amassing alternative dollar assets. Silver, Gold, crypto...they're all on sale right now! :) Upvoted and Re-Steemed
Great analysis!! followed and upvoted!
In Venezuela, we know very well the monster of inflation. It is approaching to 1000%.
How is socialism working. in Venezuela?
Up vote this man! Give him some support!
Thank you.
Oh wow! How are you personally making it there with that level of inflation?
Thank you for sharing
Yes, I am in Venezuela. Living in a country with this inflation level and the economy collapsed is difficult.
I am sorry to hear that and my Heart goes out to you. Good luck to you
Sorry! I didn't realize you lived there, I wasn't meaning to be rude! I just feel that socialism is ruining beautiful countries and making people's lives worse not better as they promise.
sorry to hear that, my thoughts are with you.
Thank you.
I think at about 30% here would snap off the poor and middle class
I know, clearly socialism is working out great for those poor people, NOT!
Creating inflation is the easy part - the hard part will be to keep it from running away into hyperinflation. That can easily be coming for us. Then everybody who doesn't hold real values like PMs or property will be screwed.
I'm really hoping against HYPERINFLATION. I don't want to see Venezuela up close and personal here in the USA.
Nobody wants to see that happening, but there is a good chance it will. Not only in the US, but in Europe too. The strategy of creating a "controlled inflation" of 2 or 3% is delusional in my opinion. The delay between flooding the economy with money and the beginning of the inflationary effect is too long. By the time the inflation sets in, there is far too much money around to make it stop at 2% again.
Yes, it will be ugly.
Very nice comment. Yeah I am scared of hyperinflation. I hate that the FED is always talking to use as sheep. I wish they would treat us a grown @$$ people and talk to us about the truth and what we as a people really need to do. Share with us the real truth and let us really give an effort of fixing things. I know, I know...they are only the messengers and the real problem are those behind the scenes that want to control us enslave us. I just wish that there was someone that was 'real' to help us and to show all those blind sheep that things are not real and a bed of roses.
I concur
Amen to that!!!!
If everybody understands the reasons of the hyperinflation, I would take it everyday to make it end as quickly as possible. But since only 5% are awake, there will blood on the streets. It's sad to see what will happen. Watch it go.
Buy weapons, get trained
You forgot to add >>> " long as the weapons are not guns because apparently we won't need any!" :O
Time to buy ruger, it just filled the 61$ gap on the downside, but there's a 65$ gap on the upside to fill.
Seems about right...but only if RGR sells off to below $60 first.
I "obviously" meant do buy RGR unless it breaks below $59...58.85 to be eggzact. :-) That's the importance of "knowing" what MUST happen before you initiate a trade. By waiting for the scenario to take place, many times new signals come in at lower/higher prices. The MOST important thing any trader must keep in mind is to be patient and wait for your minimum target to be achieved. RGR is not a buy now unless today's low gets taken out. And if it continues lower from here the initial buy target gets lowered also.
I'm not sure what is right or wrong, but inflation in the 1970's & 1980's was pretty bad. 10+% mortgages. Housing price always just out of reach, for many. Sticker shock on almost everything. Etc... Get your metals while you can.
Hey Greg, I recently invested in silver paper derivatives. I know you hate this stuff, but it looked like a nice opportunity. I was down big initially, but I followed the One Rule you Should Never Break and just continued to cost average down. Made a nice return today and I am happy to say I am keeping my promise of giving 10% away to charity!
If your going to invest in Silver Paper. Sprott Physical Silver Trust is the only ETF that the silver is not leveraged.
The share units is 2.5 to 1 oz of Silver. If the price of Silver is $16.00 divided by 2.5 = $6.40 per unit. It is the only ETF where investors can receive physical Silver delivery at 750 ounces or more.
Awesome! I LOVE it! Thanks for sharing.
Same here but with physical.
Things are really getting serious!
Kind of fits in with your point from this morning - about the fear index. There's a lot of fear out there, and a lot people hoarding their cash, thus no velocity.
I am one of them
Great video. Fed project "Quantitative Easing" failed.
They are still Quantitative Easing they just arent saying it thats what is keeping these Markets in check.
Yes the Fed has to be buying stocks
and bonds and.....
Oh thats a given, LOL
As I have been saying and I know you have been saying Silver is very cheep here. Buy Silver. The Fed since it came into existence in 1913 has reduced the purchasing power of the $ by over 95% why would anyone think they would change policy now?
Yeaah, i want to go into LTC too
I have some LTC
Very true! A good reference to back this claim is, "A Creature From Jekyll Island" by G Edward Griffin. The book explains the history of money and how we came to be put into this financial position by the bankers(cabal).
Greg thank you for all that you do
The dollar is having so many problems thanks for the heads up about it. I think that paper silver or some of the ETFs might do a small bounce for a while but we might head for cheaper paper silver. lets see
Thanks for the post gregory.
The illusion continues with the paper markets.
Inflation will kill, short the dollar.
Sleep well.
I agree Greg, the dollar is going to fall in the long term with some movement up related to overbought/ oversold conditions, maybe even this week, but ultimately it is going down.
The banks need cashless currency that they can control period.
Thank you for this video
I was watching the Dollar all day and saw the bleeding.
I can see that people are not spending $$$ around my area. Stores closing down for business, a whole mall closed down etc.
Do you think the Government is going to head towards a 'FedCoin'; or digital currency?
Whatever they do will include the mark of the beast to buy and sell.....
Thanks for the upvote
How about a crypto called "Dollar Coin"? Or maybe that's already Tether. Nevermind!
It's a never ending Huck'L'buck ! The shell game / dog 'n ponie show with J'Yellz @ the helm ! God HALP us all! ~Weeeeeeeeeeee!~*
LOL :-)
thanks for the info Greg, much appreciated.
US dollar falling, trade it for gold or silver now.
Do what the countries around the world are doing, hoard gold and silver.
Great video Greg👍
The only argument that the dollar bulls could make is the "hike" in interest rates may strengthen the currency. The argument that goes against that is the last "hike" reversed itself quickly. They are Keynesian to the core they will inflate to the point that it hyperinflate.
Thank you for this info.
It very likely seems that around september, when the budget is supposedly going to be checked a crisis will come.. who knows.. this should mean that in some months imports will be more expensive i guess
No they will most likely kick the can...again
Spot on again greg.. great stuff
Finally joined coinbase today and found out I have to join a different bank to deposit USD. Very disappointing, any thoughts?
You can use localbitcoins, or try bitstamp
Awesome because as dollar devalues prices inflate up along with precious metals at least I hope. Thanks for the great job.
Yes, thank you for pointing that out. The dollar and gold have been in the exact same death spiral that Greg mentioned only the dollar was in. Here's the proof...
the dollah
No wait, my just said gold rises when the dollar I guess this makes it your bad? Greg's gonna be pissed I'm sure. Just yesterday he said he still likes the prospects for gold and silver...yet today he siad the dollar is on the brink of complete collapse. Evidence "proves" beyond ANY resonable doubt that he actually wants the dollar to rally..."maybe." You confused yet? :-)
Would the fed dump metals to obtain cash to buy elswhere?
I think American need to diversify the currency exposure. Convert to other currencies or other alternative asset.
As always, we must prepare accordingly...
Was wondering why bill gate sold a lot of shares of Facebook look like he's going to Bitcoin
You're damn right Greg. Just continue on stacking physical gold and silver while we can.
Between QE, PPT, and insanely artificially created demand, I'd say its #1 in history by a long shot. Technology has greatly compounded the magnitude of the fraud. The transfer of wealth the world will see once king hegemon petro-dollar gets replace will be once in 50 life times.
The rise of the Dollar isnt gonna end until the collaspe happens The Fed is doing all the lying and behind the scence stuff they can to keep this ramped up when a high Dollar only hurts the US econnomy with exports in the long run but they dont care.
The dollar is tied to oil, oil's getting its ass kicked and by default pulling on the dollar. They are desperate to pump up the dollar to over compensate ie war war war, Fed propagated financial terrorism, afghan opium etc. The dollar will never collapse, it will simply get phased out over 10 years from global trade settlements so to avoid a complete global WW3 style 198 country collapse...fingers crossed
You forgot to add >>> "...of course if the dollar is getting its ass kicked it should mean both gold and silver should be rallying strongly. At least gold anyway, since the definition of inflation is a decrease in demand for the dollar. Falling dollar =inflation = rising precious metals prices...yet gold isn't rallying. So basically scratch what I just said about oil and the dollar because I obviously have no clue atall about what's going on." :-)
Wow, your good joejoe! Thats exactly what I was missing, thanks for the addition, real high value content for everyone right there. Exciting stuff! I need to put you on retainer...
I prefer a pacifier...but I am open to suggestions of course. :-)
Nah man, you dont need anything, keep up the good work, your doing awesome...
Thanks. I'd upvote you but I found out today my votes are worth zero. :-) I see even Greg's are only worth .20 now. I'll be quitting once this site starts charging me to spew btw. :-)
Our economy sucks and you can see it clear as day if your paying attention to your surroundings.
Screw listening to the Fed.
Thanks again
Look out below
How low can it go...... ??? It's falling and it can't get up!!!!!
Yes, you're right Greg.
thank you for your advice.
I will listen to your advice.
The truth is that nowadays the dollar is one of the most inflationary currencies of the developed world
Thanks Greg. Good info @marketreport
This post has been ranked within the top 10 most undervalued posts in the second half of Jul 11. We estimate that this post is undervalued by $83.07 as compared to a scenario in which every voter had an equal say.
See the full rankings and details in The Daily Tribune: Jul 11 - Part II. You can also read about some of our methodology, data analysis and technical details in our initial post.
If you are the author and would prefer not to receive these comments, simply reply "Stop" to this comment.
Greg, do you know when the fed is going to start selling?
They say by the end of the year...
Excellent plan by the Fed. Markets should be in freefall by then and there will be plenty of buyers looking to pick up U.S. govmint debt ...."locking in" a negative rate of return on the very shortest term maturities. You DO realize that the very shortest term govmint debt actually was being bought at a negative return during the 2008 financial crisis I'm sure. Right, Greg? :-) I don't think they will have to liquidate any mortgage backed securities as that will all be settled out once Bank of America gets the ball rolling with their bankruptcy filing. I figger BAC will be first, Citgroup second, and we "finally" see the death of "the egg" >>> AIG. Save those dollars, Greg...unless of course you think the takedown of Bank of America will be an "inflationary" event. How'd you like my essplanation of "why the dollar?" btw. Tell me you hear the type of crap I spew from everyone else. Go ahead...break my heart why don'tcha? :-)
I'd love to hear Yellen attached to a lie detector and explain to Congress tomorrow why she is dollar bullish
Great Post!
I agree with you assessment of the diving Dollar. The only reason it hasn't dropped faster is the merciless attacks on Gold & Silver Prices. The two Flash Crashes in Gold in Silver in the last few weeks was obvious to everyone except for the CFTC. The Silver Flash Crash of dumping 50 million ounce Silver into the market in minutes is the smoking gun that US Treasury is involved using the Exchange Stabilization Fund. The Treasury has two jobs protecting the Petro Dollar and suppressing Gold & Silver prices. Because the Dollar is based on faith & confidence.
Thanks for the updates mate!
No surprise!
Discord(chat channel) for traders on Steemit. We would be pleased if you joined here;). And keep making awesome videos!Awesome and informative video again @marketreport. You are one of the few big stock traders accounts on Steemit. If you are interested we started a
Sure. I will check it out.
Thanks, we are chatting about stock- and crypto trading. It's a platform where experienced and inexperienced traders can meet.
Oh, forgot the UUP chart...getting real close now. Looks like long term bond rates getting ready to move down soon too. Once again the banks "failed" to breach previusly set highs that need to get taken out. Kinda reminds you of gold and :-)
"Not quite" a new low for the year on UUP yet. Getting close though. QQQ sell signal triggered at teh close too btw. I might have a new short entry on the open if the QQ's opens at 139.20+ and would "expect" a 100% gain on it. I figger I will have my SLV short well as a "long the dollah!" call besides. So watch for that. :-)
OK, the answer to your question on the dollar. First and foremost, the Fed will have "zero" influence going forward on the markets...and I mean ANY market >>> oil, natgas, gold, silver, dollar, stocks. The next time the Fed actually influences the markets will be with a rate cut to help prop up the market. And once that happens it will likely have an opposite affect than the intended affect. If teh SPX is down 30% from the 52 week high and the Fed decides to begin lowering rates (which they will do before they ever think of QE4), the markets will take that as an "ut oh!" moment. Sooo the "real" reason for the dollar weakness is simple market forces at work. So then it is just a matter of using short term sentiment indicators to help decipher things. I have my own sentiment gauges I use. I would say this. if you were to ask your 4000 followers >>> Dollar, peeps...lower or higher from here? I bet 3900 of themn would say looower. And THAT falls right into my wheelhouse as the makings of a GRRREAT trade. You do know I am a "true" contrarian I hope, Greg. :-) Honestly though, take the Fed completely out of the equation. I have been telling this same thing to Peter Schiff for months now...and he "finally" threw in teh towel and admitted that Janet Yellen is a bigger man than he is. Of course he qualifed that by saying >>> "Well, I was only going by what she was telling me she was going to do." Any wonder why he's been getting his ass kicked for years now? And he's back at it again! Blaming the fed for everything. I'm gonna make Peter Schiff "beg" Janet to QE before I'm finished with the goldbugs. At gold $750 sometime next year Petey will be crying >>> "Please Janet! I'm sorry for everything I said about you. Please QE already so that I don't lose my remaining 100 Utube subs I gots left!" LOL
@joejustjoe, you are posting indirectly under the post and directly under my comment ;). I think your comment is not meant for me.
I'm sure Greg will see it. I have been spewing my thoughts because many times my thought are contrary to his....and he did just ask for an explanation why I would not be short the dollar here. Sorry about that. :-)
You are right !
You're RIGHT!!
For some reason I have got this song stuck in me head. I have no idea why? Can anyone help me figure out why?
Probably because you got tired of "we will, we will rock you" ♪♫
Lol you can never get tired of that song.