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RE: The Importance Of Cash Flow

in #money7 years ago

isnt it just simple math? By investing you can only be as good as the top performers (the longrun matters, booms-like this one have no weight at all)
the top performance of survivors like buffet and lynch is 33% p.a. = doubling your money every 3 years. Even with this performance you have to start with more than 120k better 250k in order to become Millionair in under 10 Years. So in the beginning every dollar you safe is worth more than after a certain period of time (because of compound effect) and every dollar you loose is even worse (when there are network effects taken in to account like here on steemit). Starting conditions are the most underestimated factor (Buffet, Templeton, Soros) they all startet with at least 100k if not millions like Soros.


Simple math has stumped many people so far, it seems.

Sure, the more you start with the quicker you get to a target like $1 million. But what matters more is actually starting - no matter how much you have. Because if you never start, then you will never get anywhere.