Your 401K Is A Trap! You'll Never See That Money (In Real Purchasing Power)

in #money7 years ago (edited)

401Ks (and other retirement accounts) are nice ideas in theory - reward savers with deferred tax benefits and employee match programs.

In reality, they are thickly veiled attempts to tax your earnings again via the hidden thief of (perpetually understated) inflation.

401k 1.jpg

It actually is a trap.

Of course, this wasn't always true. Previous generations, particularly anyone who has already reached retirement age, got some pretty sweet deals from their retirement accounts. They were invested for some of the longest bull markets in history, and they had the full force of the money-printing US government and non-Federal Reserve behind them pretty much full-stop since the Great Depression. For many decades, it has been hard to lose (critically, in nominal terms) if you simply held, particularly if also receiving tax benefits while doing so.

However, for the millenial generation and anyone younger, the idea that your 401k will pay out in any real sense for you in 30-40 years is mathematically ludicrous.

First, you've got inflation, which is well understated by even the government's own inflation formulas if you convert to any standard other than the most current one. There is a consistent and statistically significant sample of revisions to both data and methodologies with inflation measurement, and nearly every single one has resulted in lower inflation.

"Hedonic adjustments" are one ludicrous example I often mention in passing. In short, they are the claim that if quality increases, you are getting more value so even if price goes up, inflation is "going down". This sounds potentially reasonable until you realize it's merely an excuse for them to claim your TV that costs 10% more but got 15% thinner is actually now 5% cheaper...and magically, 10% inflation in one good becomes 5% deflation thanks to "hedonic adjustment".

Once you do this across the board, you basically paint whatever inflation numbers you want. The BLS is a propaganda front at this point.

401k 2.jpg

This creep would have loved this system.

Why bother to do this? By taxing your value for 20, 30, 40 years at 5-15% "they" are able to finance endless money printing for wars, government corruption particularly in DC, Wall Street salaries, unconstitutional witch-hunts against recreational drug users and holders of cash...the list goes on. The hope is that you won't notice the $7-$25+ gallons of milk when you cash out at "a profit."

Add to this the very real tail risk of US currency collapse, loss of global reserve status, geopolitical shifts, and a whole host of other unknowns and the value proposition looks truly awful. I'd rather be in most cryptos than a 401k or IRA I'm locked into for another 4 decades.

So, in short, I've been telling people to cash out these junk accounts at penalty for years. Nobody listened, but I did...and that's the main reason I had the funds to buy in to Steem.

Suddenly, people are calling me telling me they wish they had listened and how do they do it now? Guess all it takes is a 1000% year to get someone over the "pain" of that 25% (or whatever) early cash-out penalty.

What do I tell them?

I tell them this post, and this phone call, do not constitute financial advice, so do your own due diligence as I've learned that people don't value advice that goes well enough to counteract when it doesn't (especially given how often they fail to even implement it accurately, then blame others for it.)

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I have one but I do not rely on it. I think I was lazy and not brave when I started it, and think most people do not even consider taking an active role. "They" are counting on people to not know how money works.

Unfortunately, we haven't evolved that much since the days of slavery. For most people, work is no much better than slavery.

The main difference is people now have some choice, regarding what they must consume... but when 100% of the salary is spent in paying bills, food and transportation to work, let's face it... that's slavery. You can sugar coat it all you want... it's still slavery.

And then, when retirement day comes, these people have no chance but to keep on working.

Well said. I fully agree.

you're spot on. I saw the light and cashed out my 401k in my 20's. I wish I had it now to by crypto.

Also my grandmother how is now 94 had it made. She entered the workforce after WWII and worked in a state job. My Grandfather worked and her 2nd income mostly went into savings. She had a pension working for the state and social security. She basically makes about 76K as long as she stays alive. She has the best gig in the family. I figure it only worked like that for about 20 years after the war and then started to dwindle. It's amazing that we still believe in that part of the American Dream. I'm glad you mentioned that you bought steem with your money. I converted my small crypto holdings all into steem. I know it's expensive now compared to a year ago but i like this place lol.

It earns too. Delegated Proof of Stake is Awesome! Thanx @dantheman !

Yes, the "APR" is quite good actually. Perhaps too good.

It is the influx of cash into the system. Also the math is pretty good, amd there is no bankers per se.

Idk my 401k has done me well. Company matching already takes care of any taxes that you'll incur. Also you can roll your 401k into an IRA to prevent the 10% penalty so i hear

To be fair, I think most people don't even care to think about inflation.

They only care about numbers.

"Hmm. So I put 100.000$ and get 110.000$ out in 10 years. That sounds good." Well, not if your 110.000$ will be worth less in 10 years than 100.000$ now lol.

Exactly. That's an enormous part of the scam. People are volunteering for slavery by being to stupid.

Australia now has one of the world's largest private pension pools thanks to superannation, which I think was brought in in the 90s. In typical Australian style it's compulsory meaning that 9.5% (now--it's going up) of your pay is taken away and locked and there's nothing you can do about it.

All the super schemes have high fees and love the sweet gravy train the government has entitled them to. You can set up your own super scheme (which I did) but there's so many rules in place you have to do quite a lot of work to remain compliant and the penalties are high for non-compliance. Obviously this is a deterrence since most people won't do this, and is competition for the existing super funds who "manage" your money. Annoyingly, if you leave Australia, you are no longer in compliance and have to swap back into one of rip off schemes. The government has also made it so you can not take your money out either (unless you were forced to pay super while on your temporary working holiday visa or something like that) so it's stuck in Australia until retirement (which they keep raising the age of). It's a massive rip, I hate it, I wish I could get my money out--or at least buy crypto with it--but the government won't let me. Oh, they also change the superannuation rules all the time to suit themselves, cos lets face it, the government sees all this private money as a pot of gold they wish they could get their hands on. So far it has not been nationalised, but so far we haven't had a big enough economic crisis to warrant it. This doesn't mean I haven't seen incompetent politicians openly suggest that super funds should be used to fund spending on road maintenance, their own budget deficits, etc. They have!

So whether any of us who are Gen X down actually get to see OUR money, remains to be seen. Thankfully I've spent a decent chunk of my working life out of Australia, so my super balance is not that high, but still, it's my money and I really dislike the government telling me what I am allowed to do with it and when and how I can access it.

I never bought into the 401k hype. I like being in
control of my own money and need the freedom of liquid cash. Finally someone is on the same page as me. Good luck in your investments!!

good advice

Are you really not a financial professional? Dang... your making me think I got to learn more about inflation and reconsider holding on to an IRA. ugh BTW.. ty

On the up side least I started investing in crypto last year...finally.

Well, you're on the right track then!

Good luck learning about inflation, btw - most of what you will see is propaganda.

I don't work in finance but I do have a phd in econ.

it was best you give us best advice

I've always felt like 401k is a sham. Sure, these things were good in the past, saving, buying a house, thaking the slow and steady route to wealth, but now that idea is just a dream. I bought a house, I really like the house, not really sure it was worth it. 3.5% is still a ton of money over 30 years. Like a ton!

I already cashed out most of my old 401k, thinking about doing it with my current job if I leave. This article gives me more confidence, I feel like crypto is the future

At least there is something to look forward to, in some countries they have nothing to look forward to, the government send them in circles to get their own pension....When you sit down and look at this present system, you really have to try an work for yourself and build your own infrastructure, so at the end of the day you know at least you have that to rely on...Lets see how cryptocurrency can make a difference in this but for now the crypto casino is looking promising