Has The "Debt Reset" Already Begun? The US Dollar Hits A 30 Month Low VS Euro. By Gregory Mannarino

in #money8 years ago (edited)

me smiling.png

The mainstream media continues to ignore the plunging dollar as it hits a 2.5 year low versus the Euro...

While the plunging dollar is (for now) a stock market supporting factor, it has the potential to turn on a dime.
With people like former Fed. President Alan Greenspan now saying "The Debt Is In A Bubble," the clock is ticking louder for a major Debt Reset-which includes the Dollar as a unit of debt.

Has this "reset" already begun?

With the Dollar continuing to dive along with the flattening yield curve, one could argue that a debt reset has indeed begun.

It is certainly no secret, at least for those of you who follow this blog, that we are existing in a environment of financial extremes. Malinvestment across the spectrum of asset classes now exist because The Federal Reserve has artificially suppressed interest rates for the better part of a decade, creating bubbles to the upside as well as inverse bubbles.

The fact is simple: these distortions which exist across all the markets will correct to fair value at one point and again, one could certainly argue that a "Debt Reset" has already started...

So the question remains, has a debt reset already begun?

What to you think?

me steem.pngGregory Mannarino @marketreport

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Hello Greg! I think we might be at the tip of the iceberg- I trust your instincts and continue to learn a great deal from you. Thank you for helping your lions and lionesses.

Seems countries are loosing trust in the $, so it could go down slow and in case of a panic...fast.

The day the dollar died.

v.good vid.

If that was true I doubt that 30% of all real estate buys in N.Y.C. last quarter would have been Chinese buyers. You guys are making the Chinese look like geniuses. :-) Dollar will be rocking your world soon. If you happen to be long bitcoin, get ready to have your world rocked even sooner than that.

I like the video. Thanks for sharing

The yield curve is screaming reset.

How this is slipping under most investors' radar is beyond me.

But I just bought another 10-ounce bar of silver. Getting ready for the collapse as fast as I can.

Interesting, thank you Greg

Well, I can only wonder if the one's in charge have set themselves up in the positions they want and need to be in to benefit from such a melt down? I suppose the time for the big flush could be now. This seems to have gone on forever. I guess we'll see this fall.......

why peresident say now about this debt is a bubble and really its certainly no secret sir i and ur posts always on dollar finish our many confusions about it @greg sir....i was stollen my paswrd other account therefor i cant comment u yesterday and now start this new and follow u ,follow me my this account.. for our always touch like allways...@shahzaib is my other acount which now closed

Twas Alan Greenspam that said U.S. debt was in a bubble. "Probly" because he wanted to get even on his long term bond short before those bonds started rocketing higher. Greg fell for it. Don't you fall for it too. You want to short this right now? Go ahead ...have at it. But even Alan greenspam is now long. :-)


Greg we would love to see you on one of those Business show's on tv telling it like it really is and seeing the reaction to what you say of the lame main stream media reporters faces it would be awesome to watch as they gasp and we upvoted

Wow greg thats what the real truth media ignore the truth but you really bring a clear picture of dollar to us.

Awesome info greg the media wont tell us the real truth but you really reveals the inside hidden story of dollar it really helps us.

That's a great question Greg. My view is simple, I can't believe it's went on this long but when you can't print money out of thin air and can manipulate and corrupt every financial market, I can see this continuing for quite some time. They can simply make debt more affordable with 40 year mortgages, 10 year auto loans, living wages, the list can go on. It's only going to end when enough people wake the hell up and unfortunately the "zombie apocalypse" as you so aptly called it is alive and well.

I could use a debt reset on my student loans. 😖 But, I'll get them paid off one day.

Hyperinflation will help that along nicely lol

yes sir dollar now confuse us but ur feedback everyday about it many help us

The downward spiral of the Federal Reserve Note aids the debtor the most, especially one who can borrow new debt to pay off the old debt. In one sense, it is "good government policy".

I think the debt reset will be confirmed when oil is sold in other then US$. As of now people no it is going to happen but are delaying it as long as possible.

Very interesting times for markets. Longs need to be careful

It might have begun.

It might have begun, but I suspect it more likely that the main event will happen in the early Fall. Thank you for the update Greg.

I think we are overdue for it. This house of cards cannot stand for much longer and the longer it takes for the reset to happen the worse it is going to be.

I also have been expecting this stock market rally this year to fizzle out but that hasn't happened and I'm very surprised as valuations in general are near or above all time highs for lots of sectors and companies.

IMHO it's just a matter of time...tick tock

The "reset" that is happening is the move away from fiat Central Bank currency to crypto.
Look around and you can see it seeping onto the mainstream outlets. The BTC fork and birth of BCH was WORLDWIDE news.
This tsunami is only going to get larger as more "normal" people wake up to the devaluing of their national currencies.
Thanks for waking a lot of us up, Greg.

First! In your hearts too this time. :-)

Already banked a 100% one day gain on half my Q's short, Greg. Shooting for a "200%er" now. Wish me "luck" buddy. :-)

Great luck! RIP ITS FACE OFF!!!!!!!!!

Thanks, Greg. I will spew my NFLX long trade "live" at my NFLX blog so you will "know" when it is time to exit your short.

I added a DIA 220 strike put for next Fri 8/11 expiry and also just doubled up on my Q's shor at .23 via the same $143.00 strike for tomorrow. I mean bidness now, Greg. :-)

yah greg you are right the debt reset already begun there is no secret now with the dollar continue its downfall.

good post. Thank you.

Greg. The duck tape used to hold it all together is already above my expectations. I sometimes wonder if MSM has a dice with sides "Russia" "Trump" "Repeal" "Tax cut" "Sanctions" "Make some stuff up" for inspiration.

Jeez will this drop ever stop.
The dollar keeps getting slaughtered

upvoted and resteemed greg this post really needs to spread all over the world so every person read the truth behind dollar downfall.

Thank you for the update

If it has not then we have to be dang close to it happening. Keep putting the truth out there.

we seem to be moving closer and closer to the edge

I think a debt reset is in progress - yes it has begun.
The rising debt, growing to a financial bubble, was the desired result.
The federal reserve manipulated market conditions to get here.
Has a debt reset begun? Sure, and the result is also a manipulated solution, which will further benefit the federal reserve / central bankers.

It either has or we're very close in my opinion...

It has definitely started. In honest markets, a political crisis combined with the emergence of a new widely used monetary system is supposed to hyperinflate the $USD to parity with the Japanese Yen and beyond.

Something is shaking in the next 60 days.

Existing in a environment of financial extremes.... EEK
We're DOOMED maybe...
Thanx for the update!!!

nice info greg sir...resteemed..

Hi Greg! Thank you very much for your accuracy in describing to whatever "become this market". I've learned a lot by watching your videos. This "dollar falling" thing an the rising trajectory of Down Jones seems to be a bit scary, since they are connected in some way. If one want to show everyone just "good news," make them look at the Down, not the dollar. Keep the dollar falling and everyone will be happy as the other side continues to rise.

If you can load up on even just a coupla hundred ounces of silver you'll be sittin' pretty in years to come - what years? We don't know lol - anyway stack 'em like a freak!


Hi Greg, always great to get your analysis on what is happening financially. Not sure what's going on with the dollars decline really. However you make a good point. A reset in the near future is very very possible, and maybe like you said it has already begun. We will definitely be keeping an eye on things. Really like listening to what you have to say about things each and everyday. Keep up the GREAT work on keeping us informed. I'll keep stacking every chance I get. Thanks brother!! :C) Upvoted.

Great work, Greg. I've been following your work on YouTube for years. Finally decided to join Steemit. Keep up the great work. I agree with your take that silver is the most undervalued asset in the world. I also like gold, Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin.

I don't know if the Reset has already begun... but there seems to be a major flush within the USD that is for sure. I am still learning all of this so I am just doing what I feel is right (like get out the USD and into other instruments like PMs and Cryptos).
Thanks man.

So many issues are invloved with this debt and the Dollar will pay the price whether it is now or in the near future.

Due to the USD falling lately...I have introduced the so more challenges.

The Gold & Silver Futures Challenge:
People can bet on the Daily High for that day and earn 50% of the posts (SBD):
Everyday is a new Challenge.

Gold Futures:

Silver Futures:
https://steemit.com/steem/@revelationquotes/the-gold-futures-challenge-or-high-price-for-date-of-4-aug-2017-or-enter-today https://steemit.com/steem/@revelationquotes/the-silver-futures-challenge-or-high-price-for-date-of-4-aug-2017-or-enter-today

I would love to see hyperinflation help me to pay off some of my debt. The only issue is that I feel that the elites will not allow me to get out of those debts, or anyone else out of their debts.
A reset for the government, but a revalue of our debts are probably what will happen to us.

What worries me is how far the us government will go to conceal it's financial problems and protect the petrodollar it's frightening, cheers mike

I following and reading REAL NEWS to know what will happen in this coming school year...I see lot of parents worry like me :(

Wonderful post.

Perhaps this is a strengthening of the Euro. They recently inked some big Euro/Japan trade deal at the G20 and the recent discord between our legislative and executive branch of government could be scaring away investors from USD.

Yes, and the Gold & Silver Price will re-set, too.

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