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RE: Has The "Debt Reset" Already Begun? The US Dollar Hits A 30 Month Low VS Euro. By Gregory Mannarino

in #money8 years ago (edited)

why peresident say now about this debt is a bubble and really its certainly no secret sir i and ur posts always on dollar finish our many confusions about it @greg sir....i was stollen my paswrd other account therefor i cant comment u yesterday and now start this new and follow u ,follow me my this account.. for our always touch like allways...@shahzaib is my other acount which now closed


Twas Alan Greenspam that said U.S. debt was in a bubble. "Probly" because he wanted to get even on his long term bond short before those bonds started rocketing higher. Greg fell for it. Don't you fall for it too. You want to short this right now? Go ahead ...have at it. But even Alan greenspam is now long. :-)