Now Expect A US Dollar "Technical Bounce," Then a Fall To Resume. By Gregory Mannarino

in #money8 years ago

me smiling.png

For months now I have been covering, and following, the dollars plunge-but it appears we may be at a point where we get a "technically over sold" bounce.

By every technical measure you want to look at, the US dollar is way over sold, and as I have been speaking about as of late-we should all be expecting a short term rebound.

I expect, in the short run, that we will see a US dollar rebound however I also believe this will be short lived.

Both the Trump administration and the federal reserve want a weak dollar, as a weak dollar is stock market supportive however, it also hurts the consumer.

**Question: how many of you find it odd or contradictory that consumer sentiment is supposedly higher meanwhile, consumer spending is down? Strange isn't it...

In summary, the US dollar is technically way over sold, and a bounce higher here is very likely in the short run.

me steem.pngGregory Mannarino @marketreport

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It's exhausting watching this play out

absolutely right greg trump and administration trying to weak the dollar and its really a double edge sword.

I guess we should try and take advantages on these bounces.
Thanks Greg!

More good information and perhaps a video later? Cheers mike

GREG YOU MADE VERY GOOD POINT'S And as for the Dollar it is a pump and dump and we upvoted

Watch out for gold and silver

Thanks For Share.

Now for the up swing and the peak to come into play! Man it must be hell for day traders with all this volatility going on? Good luck to the players!

Excellent post, Thanks for share.

Thanks for the information :)

I doubt if we gonna see any serious bounce from the dollar,NFP was pretty good today at 209k fuelled a 100pips bullish move today,but this is just a retracement.The fed factor dovish dit plot on the interest rate hike cycle,we might have just 1 more hike or none at all this year plus loss of confidence in President Trumps administration ability to deliver on pre-election promises.Followed,kindly do same @detycoon

If the consumer sentiment is higher, it is cause the Main Stream Media took over their minds and made them think that way or the Main Stream Media is just downright lying.

Thanks Greg! I am not a lion nor have a lot of money to invest but I am learning a lot from you!

It's funny you bring this up b/c a buddy at the office brought this up to me today. He asked me how the market was doing and also asked about the "consumer confidence" poll released today. It really is incredible how the majority of the population are "headline" readers and that's as far as their financial research and understand goes. The "Zombie Apocalypse" is alive and well in the US.

Thank you Greg

Hi Greg, Well someone is not doing their homework when it comes to consumer sentiment . I find it very hard to believe that consumer sentiment is high while consumer spending is down. You're right !! It is very contradictory in itself. So they are not doing their homework.....or they are just FLAT OUT LYING to the American People. Hmmm ...what say you?? As always brother your analysis is on the $$. Keep up the GREAT work. :C) Upvoted.

wowwww! likee

always on the ball greg thanks

Your post is very interesting, I really like it. I hope the US dollar is not long weakened because I believe many will lose if the dollar is down. Thank you for sharing and I am sure this is very useful for all of this information.

I find it "odd" that market driven rates on the longer term treasury bonds were being driven looower into this jobs number, Greg. :-) Just another example of why anyone who has no idear about how to gauge market sentiment in the purrtickler asset they are trading should just stay out of the markets altogether. Unless you have a trading machine like I have that put the trading machines of teh Wall St moneyrunners to shame, you will Shirley get toasted each and every time. Stay away, peeps. At least wait until I can get my machine for sale thru Walmart. I am "hoping" to have it on the shelves nationwide in time for the Xmas shopping season. Please upvote this spew if you would like a discount coupon. Again, thank you for your support. :-)

Hey, if any of you are interested...

The Gold & Silver Futures Challenge:
People can bet on the Daily High for that day and earn 50% of the posts (SBD):
Everyday is a new Challenge.

Gold Futures:

Silver Futures:

I guess that Gold breakout through that triangle was a False Breakout!

Wow! Due to that spike in the USD, Gold & Silver have taken a big hit too.
I am fine with that. I was expecting Gold and Silver to get manipulated down here soon.
I am ready to load back up when they get cheaper again.

I exited my UUP trade with a 30% gain. I'm going to bring it back down as I take the general market back UUP to crash and burn highs. I hope you and everyone else learnt a lesson. When everybody and their brother is screaming "dollar collapse"...take the other side of the trade. The next time the dolar retests this low it just set I will have "zero" mercy. Please! Do NOT make the mistake of stepping in front of the freight train that is me. :-0 Dollar still going higher yet as the low for this selloff in teh markets has not yet been reached. How low do you want me to take silver and gold btw? I do take requests and I will try and hold both above levels where you won't be too skeeerd to "actually" buy. Everybody is a hero until it's time to actually step up to the trade. Ever notice that? :-)

Great job man!

Very nice and fantastic post for users. @naz722

truly useful for me , thanks for sharing

Good post, thank you for sharing. This is very useful

Let's hope it will grow!

Thanks Greg. I have been waiting for this bounce.

Thanks for sharing this fantastic articel @

@marketreport what a nice briefing about dollar this really helps me and my followers.

Really as you say, but we do not know that this decline is just perverse or this is long term. Therefore we must take action as early as possible so that the future loss is not much and if only briefly we also have to keep for the better in the future. Thank you for posting. Hopefully your day in good condition.

Awesome greg really good info this really helps the traders alot.

If Trump is here to help Americans why would he want a week dollar if it is going to hurt the voters who put him in office?I had hoped he would be anti-establishment. That disappoints me in him. I think silver and gold are the way to go. So far they have not over taxed it. Give them time. About the time the sheeple wake up and buy metals they will slap a 80% tax on selling them. Thanks Greg!!!! YOU ROCK!!!

Wow! What a bounce on that USD. I guess you were right. A bounce was overdue. Of course we will see how she does after she gets rejected from that 21 or 50 DMAs.

i think sir trump strong the us economy and specially dollar bcz from last 4 5 months dollar dont go down before trump come price...and u r right when we sold at high point it make automatically profit for us

good opinion

As always Greg cheers for the info. It is a breath of fresh air compared to the statistical tripe we all get fed by the MSM. I wonder how long the rebound will last?

yes greg sir its true oversold and think it as bonus ur always lead us about dollar is best

all on the back of the fake employment data in the usa

yes oversold and expect a bounce.

Consumer sentiment is just a poll that can be manipulated like any other.
Spending? Now that is a REAL indicator.
People are voting with their wallets.
Dead cat bounce for the dollar incoming...

**Question: how many of you find it odd or contradictory that consumer sentiment is supposedly higher meanwhile, consumer spending is down? Strange isn't it...

Yes, I find it extremely strange. Especially since in my own community I am finding store after store closing.
I am on the other hand spending $$$...on PMs and Cryptos!

It isn't just stores that are closing in this country. Check out the bank closures just this year and just RBS.

Thank you so much for that info.

Good post. thank you for sharing

greg your information really spot on and it really helps us to decide what to do next with dollar. Thanks for giving us such a wonderful updates.

thanks for the update.. fix trading going to be tough to call for a bit.

VIX at 9.73!!!

Upvoted and Resteemed this post really helpful for my followers.

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