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RE: Now Expect A US Dollar "Technical Bounce," Then a Fall To Resume. By Gregory Mannarino

in #money8 years ago

Wow! Due to that spike in the USD, Gold & Silver have taken a big hit too.
I am fine with that. I was expecting Gold and Silver to get manipulated down here soon.
I am ready to load back up when they get cheaper again.


I exited my UUP trade with a 30% gain. I'm going to bring it back down as I take the general market back UUP to crash and burn highs. I hope you and everyone else learnt a lesson. When everybody and their brother is screaming "dollar collapse"...take the other side of the trade. The next time the dolar retests this low it just set I will have "zero" mercy. Please! Do NOT make the mistake of stepping in front of the freight train that is me. :-0 Dollar still going higher yet as the low for this selloff in teh markets has not yet been reached. How low do you want me to take silver and gold btw? I do take requests and I will try and hold both above levels where you won't be too skeeerd to "actually" buy. Everybody is a hero until it's time to actually step up to the trade. Ever notice that? :-)

Great job man!