Original Content - A true dividend growth play in the Gold Sector

in #money9 years ago (edited)

Hey everyone,

As an author for Seeking Alpha, i can only post a short summary of my articles on other websites. As such, if you are interested in more information following my summary please click on the link below and have a read. I have edited my profile page indicating my Steemit account so as to verify I am the author of the content below. I am also curious as to what your thoughts are on posting and linking to third party sites. Bad Etiquette? Or not? Maybe you are indifferent. Please let me know your thoughts in the comments below. For those of you who do your own investing hope you enjoy the article below.

A true dividend growth play in the Gold Sector?


*Major gold producers - once reliable dividend growers - have made drastic cuts to dividends.
*Franco-Nevada has raised its dividends for 8 consecutive years.
*The company is well positioned to continue its streak based on EPS and FCF analysis.


Please upvote and follow. #steemsquad


I'm wondering the same thing about posting in the way that you have done here. Hopefully this is allowed, it doesn't come across as too promotional but I'm of course a bit biased since I write for SA too. Best of luck to you, friend!

I've asked the question on some of the chat forums and there appears to be no issues as long as you can properly identify yourself as the author. The suggestion was made to add my Steemit username to my SA bio as proof. What is your username on SA?

On SA it's Evin Rohrbaugh, I'm following you on there now. Have you noticed any increase in views for your SA pieces since you've been steeming?

It's hard to judge. I seem to have picked up some new followers. I have one article that has been struggling to gain any traction that I will be posting on here today. I'll see if it makes any difference and i'll let you know if I see an uptick in numbers after I post it.

I should also add that i plan on doing plenty of original content for Steemit so that when i do link back to SA it doesn't seem too promotional as you pointed out.

Thanks for the care and for asking the question as to the proper etiquette. The fact is that I am interested in the link you posted and will click on it and read it. If I was not, then I would just move right on by. The users will determine what is valuable or not and as long as your intention is to provide value, I think you are on the side of right, although there will always be those out there who may disagree.

Thanks for the feedback. Much appreciated.

As long as you verify yourself and cross reference with links somehow between original works since both are should be good.
Thanks for sharing.

Thanks for the advice. I believe that transparency is the way to go!

since my 3rd party site is one of my sites I post there and link to here. I do have a link at the end of my posts back to my site so people can sign up for my mailing list if they'd like to receive notice when I post.