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RE: Preparing for Financial Thriving During Global Downturns

in #money6 years ago

thank you Indigo! this is an amazing download!!!

When the flippening happens, the pain experienced in the US will be like nothing anyone currently living there has experienced before.

I wonder if you would write into some of what you imagine this looking like?

This is a lot of food for thought and I will chew on it. I'll also take your inner work advice and pray and meditate toward a path of action <3


Well the short answer is, we are going to have to implement the same austerity we’ve inflicted on places like Greece, or else default on our debts. If we default, our bonds will get demolished and with them all our pension funds. We will enter a very long period of stagflation.

Even through that, which is probably 10 years out, we can individually be positioned to thrive though. So there is never reason to be discouraged.