And, remember, the severance of the dollar and gold was no coincidence. It was, in fact, part of a larger, long-term movement to bring the dollar to its knees.
This sounds a bit too tinfoil-hatty to my taste. As far as I can tell everything points to the USSA being an invasive and power hungry empire doing all it can to rule the entire planet and make its currency be the one and unique world currency. It doesn't quite add up with the idea of a deliberate super-longterm movement to undermine the US dollar and I would rather attribute the upcoming demise of the dollar to the short term / high time preference mindset of the american society than a deliberate plan. Also if it was deliberate, there were much shorter and easier ways to ruin the US dollar.
But maybe I'm missing your point. Can you explain what we are supposed to "remember"?
Is it "tinfoil" to say that you couldn't raze three buildings with two planes aswell?
No, that is just common sense.
As is the "fact" that three and only three high-rise steel structures have ever collapsed on account of fires and did so on one and the same day, mindful that the two tallest structures were specifically designed to withstand jumbo-jet impacts.
Well yes, among many other equally disturbing facts..
That's why I don't consider the debate of whether 9/11 was false flag to be tinfoil hatting at all, because it is a rational, logical, fact-based debate, not some kind of paranoid delirium about fictional non-sense. But because conspiracy theories in general have been and are still being actively ridiculed and marginalized by associating them as often as possible with cheap science fiction plots in mainstream media and astroturfed away on social media and online forums, all the real, valid, sound, rational "theories" that actually paint a clear picture of the political situation are being lost in the bulk of nonsense, and discredited and banalized so that when they end up being officially acknowledged 50 years later, this doesn't surprise anyone anymore and fails to trigger the upheaval that a sudden credible release would have caused.
Public opinion, history and facts are constantly being manipulated. The USA couter-intellignece is so good at that they managed to fool the germans for years during WWII. And back then they were noobs. So it's of the utmost important that the most publicly visible figured in the anarchist movement stick to strictly rational and fact-based discourse that offers no attack surface to deformation as this is the only way to be immune to the lumped-together-with-tinfoil-hatting-nonsense attack.
That's the reason I'm calling out TDV on his allusion to a secret multi-generation global conspiracy. He is free to think what he wants, but that's not factual, and it doesn't help the anarchist movement if people who have influence keep making highly questionable faith statements like that. It's also useless, because whoever is actually behind the current very broken society structure, that doesn't change anything to the way the problem can be addressed. Either way power will be reclaimed by acting on the ground against the visible structure, by desintermediating financial institution, decentralizing markets, decentralizing social networks, decentralizing media, decentralizing governance, blacking out on communications, and eventually reaching a state of decentralized shadow governance that has enough popular support to actually overthrow the current system. It's entirely irrelevant to know who the real villains are: old world families, satanic cultists, secret societies, illuminati, lizard men ... or just the same old network of corrupt technocrats, bankers, and industry magnates who meet up in Davos every year (Ocam's razor suggests the latter). Just pick what you like, but don't use that to try to give a false air of mystery and depth to what you are saying. It's already an entirely known fact that the governance structure of the first world is rotten to the core, and that's more than enough to justify our cause. So let's focus on what is broken and what we can do about it and let the tinfoil-hatting nonsense to Reddit.
In my opinion it started way back when the treachury was founded in 1917.
On Sep. 30th, yuan officially becomes part of the SDR basket of currencies. The World Bank has been approved to issue SDR bonds in China so China can invest in them and move away from the dollar. Other institutions and countries may follow suit. The SDR perhaps will become the 'world money' to replace the dollar as the world's reserve currency, as some experts like Jim Rickards suggest. Whether or not this is 'part of a larger, long-term movement to bring the dollar to its knees' is anybody's guess. But Rickards thinks as well that the rise of the SDR and the elimination of the dollar is part of 'piecemeal engineering' employed by the global elites to change the world slowly, one piece at a time, in ways that nobody notices. Btw, the SDR was invented by the IMF in 1969, just a couple of years before Nixon's uncoupling of the dollar from gold Buy gold and silver, Any weakening of the dollar is only good for the precious metals!
In the time between 1971 and now, the USA have become one of the largest colonial empire of history, mostly thanks to the unlimited funding that free-floating US dollar, and the ability of the Fed to pump freshly minted money into the government chest by buying government bonds have made possible. If allowing the US dollar to become free-floating was a plot to undermine the hegemony of the USA and its currency, it has epically failed.
When I predicted that would happen, most people thought I was crazy and that the Renminbi wouldn't be approved for the SDR basket. I recognize China's moves and it knows that it can't rise to the top overnight. The SDR to China for the time being is a "useful idiot currency" until they're ready for what they want. Still, I agree with you and Rickards that we may have an SDR phase before we see a return to a commodity-standard. Ultimately, if we all pushed for this now, the SDR phase would be short, or non-existent.
Any commodity money that isn't market-produced — i.e., that amounts to a return to a government gold standard — is doomed. Moreover, the market has now produced mathematical (algorithmic) money from which there is no turning back. On the contrary, it will only get better (e.g., Steem) in that it will become easier and easier to use and as anonymous as users want it to be for any given transaction, not only undermining government production of, and control over, money but undermining government itself.
The state, in other words, has reached its apotheosis and will be in increasingly precipitous decline from here on out.
May your predictions turn out to be correct.
Ending the gold standard was NOT about bringing the US dollar to its knees. It was about global elite being able to control and influence the USA. That is why the federal reserve a PRIVATE CORPORATION was established as the central bank. I just published a very comprehensive article title "The Truth About Money" of which goes into the history of what happened. I don't come to the conclusion that this was about control, but once one knows the history, the conclusion is self evident.
When a private corporation owns the central bank it is treason (the constitution very clear states that ONLY Congress has the power to print and dictate the value of the USD). The USA actually voted down 2 central banks prior to the Federal Reserve and it was only because of the great depression that they were manipulated into agreeing to the Federal Reserve out of desperation.
I could go on and on but that is why I wrote this comprehensive article. I would love feedback after the read from anyone. I have been studying this for a long time.
You are supposed to remember what the New World Order and the Federal Reserve is all about but I doubt you would even care to know considering you think that sounds too "tinfoil-hatty", my guess is you would throw the term "conspiracy theorist" out when explained about the intent of the anti-human satanic fiat currency system. if i sound brash is because of the "tinfoil hatty" remark. cheers.
No, the term I would throw is "bullshit". Satanic cults, lizard men, secret societies and other supernatural nonsense stories are noise deliberately created and actively managed by counter-intelligence to discredit and marginalize anarchism and anti-globalization activism and make it look like we are a bunch of loony conspiracy-theorists, so that other people won't dare to join us, consider actual facts we present to them or even discuss about the matter for fear of being mocked and publicly shamed.
I am actively against using any sort of non-factual dramatic elements in the anarchist discourse. Not only is it completely unnecessary, but it also detracts from the real goal, and makes the whole anarchist enterprise look like a silly mess, which is exactly the point. There are plenty enough of disturbing facts out there for anyone with enough curiosity, intelligence and critical thinking to realize in what kind of regime we are actually living in. There is no need of fantasizing about imaginary enemies when we already have the real enemy clear in sight, and all the tools to kick it out of its golden throne.
Best not to put "satanic cults" and "lizard men" in the same category. Additionally, DV said nothing of Lizardmen. Introducing this argument is not respecting the subject.
Right, Satanic cults and Lizard men belong to different tinfoil-fantasy lores not to be mixed together. It's like mixing Tolkien and Dan Brown, what was I thinking? And Dryde talked about "anti-human" and not literally Lizard men, my bad for missing out on some obscure esoteric reference. And if by "DV" you mean "TDV", it's not to him I was answering.
Wait, did you forget the /s ;)?
It is no theory that the Fed was conspired in secret,
"Picture a party of the nation's greatest bankers stealing out of New York on a private railroad car under cover of darkness, stealthily riding hundred of miles South, embarking on a mysterious launch, sneaking onto an island deserted by all but a few servants, living there a full week under such rigid secrecy that the names of not one of them was once mentioned, lest the servants learn the identity and disclose to the world this strangest, most secret expedition in the history of American finance. I am not romancing; I am giving to the world, for the first time, the real story of how the famous Aldrich currency report, the foundation of our new currency system, was written..." - Forbes magazine founder Bertie Charles Forbes
It's conspiracy theorist shamers like you who keep the useful people out of the movement. #ShamelessAmerica bro!
When you are attempting to expose the deep state which is granted the privilege of keeping information "confidential" by decreeing that it is in the name of "national security" then sometimes you have to theorize a little. But as more information is leaked to the public the fact that there is a sophisticated long term conspiracy to implement the tactic of problem, reaction solution with the solution being a world government is impossible to deny.
Take a look at the newest Soros leak.
They write that “we also believed that advances at the regional or international levels could create impetus for policy change or implementation of existing norms at the national level. We deliberately avoided the term ‘global governance’ because there is no single system at the global level for managing migration.”
No one said anything about lizards. Don't spread lies.
Quote where I said that the Fed was not conspired in secret? The Jekyll Island conference is a fact, and doesn't involve satanic cults and other Dan Brownian fantasies. Technocrats, bankers and captains of industry left, right and above, conspiring to serve their private interests. Always the same. No need to invent some fictional super-villains.
anti-human satanic fiat currency system"
Either he is talking about non-humans or he is talking about nihilist suicidal anti-human humans who miraculously managed to survive over generations in spite of their anti-human affinities to keep pulling the strings of the longest, most inefficient, and most vaporware conspiracy in the history of history. Well or maybe he was talking about some sort of animals. Who knows...Let me quote @dryde: "
"anti-human satanic fiat currency system"
Yes, I would throw out the term "conspiracy theorist" for anyone using that phrase. As well as other things.