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RE: The single greatest transfer of wealth is about to take place, will you be apart of it?

in #money9 years ago

@dwinblood I was more interested in just spreading mark passio's work than getting paid for it that's why i posted them every 5 min till i was done . if i'm going to get paid i would like if from my original content. but yes from now on i will be posting every 24 hours or so , i'm probably just going to leave most of it on steem unless i make a lot than i would transfer some of it to bitcoin . Weird the way you talk i thought you would have already watched most of his videos by now . And thank you for the tips :)


@dwinblood had you watch? lol i meant it as a suggestion not an order :) That's why i liked marks video's as like you i already was on the same mind set so it was easy for me to watch it but he did teach me a great deal after listening to all his pod cast and videos .

As for perfection , in the past i would have been very pro as that's what i strived for but never attained. Nowadays idk its more like i'm at peace about who i am and where i'm going. I would like to tap into the proverbial Akashic Records and become one with truth and knowledge but at that point i would stop being human and would boredom even exist at that higher realm of thought idk. i would hate to become like that Q on voyager that wanted to kill himself because he knew everything and was bored to death. Right now i'm 51% yes and 49% no on omniscience however later on the more i see and learn the more assured i will be at the answer to that question.

p.s I'm about to go to sleep so this will be my last reply for several hours , its a good thing my PC has flux that way i'm still getting sleepy while typing.

The sad thing is in that video you had me watch. Most of it I'd already learned or come to the conclusions on my own. There were certainly exceptions, and I'd never really thought about it so much that I had it so well ordered and flowing together like pieces of a puzzle. It was mostly my willingness to be skeptical about even things I believe and always challenge my own beliefs. If I find pieces of information that seem to fit better into my world view than something I currently believe I don't have too much difficulty changing my mind. It wasn't easy. It took a lot of practice, and I still don't have it down perfectly. I still can be stubborn and push forward and miss things in my passion.

There definitely was some new information I hadn't considered in that video. I've never watched anything of his before that. I'll likely watch more as he thinks VERY similar to how I do, and apparently you do as well. I just took some weird routes and somehow ended up pretty close to that place on my own. :)

Though where that place is for me will constantly change. I like that. I don't truly believe in perfection or utopia or omniscience all of those things to me are just different more specific words for infinity. We can strive for them but never reach them. Which if you think about it is a good thing? I'd be truly be bored if I knew everything. I'd have zero motivation.