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RE: The single greatest transfer of wealth is about to take place, will you be apart of it?

in #money9 years ago

@dwinblood had you watch? lol i meant it as a suggestion not an order :) That's why i liked marks video's as like you i already was on the same mind set so it was easy for me to watch it but he did teach me a great deal after listening to all his pod cast and videos .

As for perfection , in the past i would have been very pro as that's what i strived for but never attained. Nowadays idk its more like i'm at peace about who i am and where i'm going. I would like to tap into the proverbial Akashic Records and become one with truth and knowledge but at that point i would stop being human and would boredom even exist at that higher realm of thought idk. i would hate to become like that Q on voyager that wanted to kill himself because he knew everything and was bored to death. Right now i'm 51% yes and 49% no on omniscience however later on the more i see and learn the more assured i will be at the answer to that question.

p.s I'm about to go to sleep so this will be my last reply for several hours , its a good thing my PC has flux that way i'm still getting sleepy while typing.