My fear. My animal, my mechanism. Who are you?
Today is another meeting with him.
And I'm beginning to understand something.
I understand that we need to investigate it.
Explore to understand, but do I really need it?
Explore to keep track of when you can just take ... and ... break a wall, or maybe go through. So you need to investigate to be able to distinguish the load-bearing wall from the usual one. The one that it is better not to touch, from the one that needs simply to be demolished.
Salvation - in the demolition (walls).
In the English version, the word "demolition" most likely will not be able to translate Google translator. Sense in the play of words. Salvation and the word from "demolition" - "demolition" are consonant.
In the meantime, the process of Life is going on and you can observe your own peculiarities. The mechanism of fear - this is the beast, what kind of animal? What kind of mechanism is this?
He says, I'm useful, I love you, I'm protecting you!
We need to write a plan.
Plan for the near future.
For 2 months?
For a month?
What will happen in this regard?
I'll describe ... him ... I think about him ...
Concentrate yourself Lesch!
Как поживает твой "зверек"?)
Про зверька необычно)
И фотография очень нравится)
Леша, действуй!
Да, старайся
Сейчас жжешь?)
What will happen in this regard?
Как вообще дела?
Как сейчас?
Concentrate yourself Lesch!
Да, концентрация - это хорошо
Научился концентрироваться?
Что нового?