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RE: My Coping Mechanism as a First time Mom and a Wife

in #motherhood3 years ago

Wise words sister. Yet also remember to give your-self love.

Now there is the illusory self, the little i / person / ego / body, which is in truth more like an actor in a movie or a character in a dream. And there is the One True Self, which is sort of dreaming you, and me, and all things. So when we give love, it's important to include, even put at the fore-front, the little i. if we don't give love to ourself (this dream character we tend to think is i), then we don't have enough love to share with all other beings.

So, when we give ourselves enough love, by gifting ourselves the time for stillness in meditation, then we are able to move into Theta consciousness and tap into the unlimited supply of unconditional love and have plenty to share with all the other actors in this play of life. And at the same time we are giving love to our One True Self. Double Bubble! :-) Wahe Guru!

With love


No truer words! You can't give what you don't have. Noted!

Thanks for dropping by.