How Well Can You Control Yourself In Order to Make Yourself Become A Better Person.

in #motivation7 years ago

You have to understand that you have the power over your mind and you can make anything you want to happen to you happen. You have to understand that you have the power to rule your world and that means that you can stop whatsoever you do not want.

You have to look at yourself in the mirror every day and say I am me, I have the power to make me become a successful me. You have to stop blaming your failure on others rather you should start building yourself to becoming a better person.

Hesitation is one key that keeps us stagnant, we have a great idea and a wonderful plan but we are scared of taking actions, we are scared of making mistakes, we are scared of what people will have to say to us and so we sit back again and we refuse to take the necessary actions.

When you hesitate, it makes your position vacant for anyone to take your place, there are a lot of people with similar ideas all around you, so the more you hesitate, the more it gives more people the opportunity to take over your ideas and do something better and bigger with it.

You need to step out of your comfort zone and sometimes do something more, it might be something more tasking, it might be something more demanding, but you have to do it, you have to make yourself a successful person.

Become a type of person that takes action, become someone that speaks even if it is with a shaky voice. Stop hesitating, stop wasting time, wake up, take actions, become you and become better.

Link 1, Link 2




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Great Post!. Interesting Story. I want more of this. Keep it up

Well said.
Thanks for sharing @gbenga

thank you

Thanks for this

my pleasure

I love this... We should all know that we have power over our minds and we can grow better when we step out of our comfort zone @gbenga

thank you

It's only us that have the power to make our lives what we want it to be. Thanks for sharing this..

the pleasure is mine

You have to understand that you have the power over your mind and you can make anything you want to happen to you happen. You have to understand that you have the power to rule your world and that means that you can stop whatsoever you do not want.

Personal inner conviction or belief tailored with strong determination are indeed key ingredients of success and as such are personal traits we all must strive to acquire. Thanks a lot for motivating the community @gbenga.

thanks for the contribution

I agree. Sometimes we need to step out of our comfort zone so we can see what a better place this world can be.

absolutely correct

The postings there has its own meaning, which tells its own meanings.
If you have time, visit my page

You need to step out of your comfort zone and sometimes do something more, it might be something more tasking, it might be something more demanding, but you have to do it, you have to make yourself a successful person.

I can relate, ideas are given to everyone on a daily basis but only a few actually act on them. Thanks for the motivation sir

thank you

Thank you so much @gbenga... You just made my morning!

I am humbled

Thanks a lot for this inspirational post. Keep posting such pieces.

very good post champ.

thanks bro


You've put it in the right words. You said

When you hesitate, it makes your position vacant for anyone to take your place, there are a lot of people with similar ideas all around you, so the more you hesitate, the more it gives more people the opportunity to take over your ideas and do something better and bigger with it.

I noticed this with a suggestion I was going to make on Utopian. O had the misleading notion that that idea was Virgin land. Lo and behold, there were two similar suggestions already. Delay is deadly.


Delay is really deadly friend, it is better we act immediately

Great Post! Our actions are aa refelction of our thoughts, what a man thinks, so is he. So if we make mediocrity a habit, you can tell how are lives are gonna be. Humans as we are, we aare powerful beyond reason, we have the power of choice, that differntiates us from other creation,why then do we allow ourselves to be derailed by negative thoughts. Let's take authority of our thoughts and be optmisitic! No matter how bad the situation may seem, be positive. Remember, the night is darkest just before the break of dawn. You will see that light, you will see that victory, just don't give up! "Be Someone who speaks even if it is with a shaky voice" - I love this. Thank You for sharing!

thanks a lot for the contribution.

It's a pleasure

this is not only talking about becoming the better you but also about maturity.
thanks for the morning motivation @gbenga ( tho i saw it 7hrs later)

My pleasure sir

You're an inspiration @gbenga . Thanks so much for the motivation

I am humbled, thank you

That's right, we decide who we are and what we want to be, in psychology it's called locus of internal control

As though you were addressing my fears... you write this for me @gbenga, because of what person say abd think about me i find it hard to be myself and stand up for what i know and what, so because of that i developed fear of bei ng laughed at... thank you @gbenga for addressing this

There are certain levels we can never attain while in our comfort zone. Therfore, take a bold step out of that comfort zone and do something with your ideas. Never be afraid of risk because it takes risk to acheive success. If you fail, try again another way and if you succeed, Awesome!!

Awesome motivation.. You just made my day. Keep steeming.