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RE: How Well Can You Control Yourself In Order to Make Yourself Become A Better Person.

Great Post! Our actions are aa refelction of our thoughts, what a man thinks, so is he. So if we make mediocrity a habit, you can tell how are lives are gonna be. Humans as we are, we aare powerful beyond reason, we have the power of choice, that differntiates us from other creation,why then do we allow ourselves to be derailed by negative thoughts. Let's take authority of our thoughts and be optmisitic! No matter how bad the situation may seem, be positive. Remember, the night is darkest just before the break of dawn. You will see that light, you will see that victory, just don't give up! "Be Someone who speaks even if it is with a shaky voice" - I love this. Thank You for sharing!


thanks a lot for the contribution.

It's a pleasure