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RE: Illusion!!!- Are deceptive and misleading visions taking over?

in #motivation7 years ago

I seek a world where politicians in Nigeria earn N18500 as minimum wage;

This got me really laughing.

Illusions could be very good bad or very bad good things (depending on how you channel them) just as you've said.
As inspiring as they can be, Sir, permit me to say that they can most times be the generating factors of undesirable traits; laziness for example.

You, living in this fantasy that all you want is given and you're Lord and Master, has the potential to push you to inactiveness in the real world that you tend to miss out on many things (I dunno if I'm communicating effectively).
I'm not saying what you're saying is wrong, I'm just sharing a thought.

All the same time, your post is as insightful as it is informative.


We are all born lazy and illusions have no true place in tagging anyone lazy or hard working. Illusions are those pictures that comes to tell you the harsh are not what you think they are while dreams can make the dreamer even fall asleep because many need to close their yes to dream, but illusions just appear.