Illusion!!!- Are deceptive and misleading visions taking over?

in #motivation7 years ago (edited)

You know when you see something and then it just seems all so wrong because it isn't what you should see? The point between what looks real and should be real and what truly is real.
The human hands and minds have never truly stayed true to what they were crafted for, they tend to move over from the point of reality to one that leaves us pending.

What is illusion?

An illusion is a distortion of the senses, which can reveal how the human brain normally organizes and interprets sensory stimulation. It is a kind of disorder and then some worries as it mostly becomes a grandeur that tends to stick to making the shades all dark.

There are three types of illusions namely, Optical illusions, Auditory illusions and Tactile illusions. But we are not going to be looking at all three today, we will be just talking about Optical illusions.


An optical or visual illusion is a kind of illusion in which the images perceived through the sense of sight tend to be misleading or deceptive, causing errors in perception.
An optical illusion is based on the process through which the brain creates a visual world in one's mind using either or both these two sources: previous memory stored in it and the current presentation of the object in the environment. Source

I particularly like the whole lengthy grammar even though it wearies me most of the time, but then i still use it. I will be talking briefly on the aspect i see that I can relate to my and your day to day living.
People are tuned in to live like they own anything even if there is nothing in plain sight. I have been one person that lives an illusion-typed life from far back as I can remember, (not medically though).

Illusion is not bad, I just think it is something that helps us most times to live a life we want but never have been able to have. Pictures are real and they are mostly what we make of them through the desire of our minds to give us some kind of rest.

Do you dream? If you dream then, you probably are living an illusion. Dreams are an art that helps you put things in motion even before they are available.
You dream to become a rich trader and have a happy home even when you are yet to have a partner. Isn't that just a tad misleading?
I believe that, illusions have helped the world attain a status that has made it what it is and will continue to take it to the level we are gearing up to attain.

Without illusive thinking and thinkers, we will not have a crypto world.

I know the definition seems to say something about a deceptive and misleading view, but it is what makes it better and acceptable to many.
Because life is so hard and unpredictable, we have become used to living well within our bounds based on the acceptance of that misleading and deceptive view. Misleading and deceptive views have in more ways than one ushered in better living for many, while for some other, it has lead them to their waterloo.

Illusion is a grandeur and has a well thought out setting that kinda gets you settled in so comfortably that nothing else just seems to be better when you get use to it.
Creating the image you want to see is an illusion and if you are doing that because you believe in the beauty of a better world, it will be in the best interest of society.

I seek a world where there is so much to be had and given;
I seek a world where there is freedom and equality: I seek a world where the barriers are broken and the rich and the poor are equal;
I seek a world where politicians in Nigeria earn N18500 as minimum wage;
I seek a world where the divide is not noticeable and everyone loves everyone;
I seek a world where no one has to be pained and the antidote to love is just your smile;
I seek a world like it was in the garden of Eden where everyone is naked and have to go about in leaves, unashamed.

How sweet will that be???

I Feel Blessed!

There is so much I seek and wish to happen, and looking at the way I am just wishing on a broken star, you will agree that illusions just keeps getting busy playing its game on me.

We all are a product of some illusions of some sorts and no matter how dysfunctional the thought and idea may seem, it is our reality and we must learn to draw a divide between what works and what doesn't.
This day and age that we are in, is one of illusions that works when we move to make it not just seem like a fault but as a tool to move the right direction for the good of the world.

What is your illusion? What makes you happy? Are we in a world where deceptive and misleading visions help?

Whatever makes your bacon thick should be just fine.

Make the world a better place for someone today!

Images from Pixabay & Omnithought


illusion for me was "magic"......:)

that's cool :)

hahahah..... :)

Interesting post. Thanks.

illusions leaves you with imprints you keep at heart in the journey of life. amazing post once again thanks boss for sharing @ejemai

Illusion is not bad, I just think it is something that helps us most times to live a life we want but never have been able to have.

but dont you think that there are things you said here that can never be possible in life? now think of what you said here and i Quote
I seek a world where there is so much to be had and given;
I seek a world where there is freedom and equality: I seek a world where the barriers are broken and the rich and the poor are equal;

what makes you think this will ever be possible? i mean

I seek a world where politicians in Nigeria earn N18500 as minimum wage;

this is impossible expectation
I seek a world where the divide is not noticeable and everyone loves everyone;
I seek a world where no one has to be pained and the antidote to love is just your smile;
I seek a world like it was in the garden of Eden where everyone is naked and have to go about in leaves, unashamed.
end of my Quote. The last point i highlighted may be possible but on one condition and that will be when God's kingdom will come. I know many of us don't believe in this but it's the only remedy for mankind.i really appreciate your motivational write-up @ejemai , but the part the really impress me most is what you said t and i Quote

I totally get your point and that just makes it what we have been used to. Dreams are allowed and the moment you start dreaming, you are taking a cue from an illusion stained reality. Seeking something doesn't mean it must be possible, you have have to program your thoughts to be interesting and fun, it helps makes the day go by faster.

wow i wish m upvote can give u a cent i could have given you but all in the same i drop it to show appreciation it's not easy

My illusions are always about having to accomplish a dream I dreamt for myself years ago. Becoming a better version of myself everyday. Sounds simple right, that's just how simple I'm... @ejemai man of many illusions.

Illusions are a thing that helps many go through the day. I have illusions and one of them is that, we will truly have a world where Love truly reigns.
Keep pursuing the dream and soon enough, it will stay lit.

Thank you sir

I remember when I had just finished from school it was a born dream to be a Pharmacist, oh my word I had always dreamt and worked tirelessly towards this dream but it happened that I was given Biochemistry and it was like my dreams were never going to come to pass.
I refused to accept this reality but waited patiently and after much prayers another text was received by my Mum that my name still appeared on a merit list to study Pharmacy.
Thanks for your write up on optical illusions
Cannot wait for the remaining two type of illusions.
Remain Overly BlessedWow I am really impressed at this write up @ejemai.

Waiting it out something to many, seems like a bad idea but to some it is worth it and you found your place after staying true to what you wanted. Congratulations by the way.

Can't wait for the remaining part of this article.
All the best
Stay Blessed SirCheers @ejemai

I seek a world where politicians in Nigeria earn N18500 as minimum wage;

This got me really laughing.

Illusions could be very good bad or very bad good things (depending on how you channel them) just as you've said.
As inspiring as they can be, Sir, permit me to say that they can most times be the generating factors of undesirable traits; laziness for example.

You, living in this fantasy that all you want is given and you're Lord and Master, has the potential to push you to inactiveness in the real world that you tend to miss out on many things (I dunno if I'm communicating effectively).
I'm not saying what you're saying is wrong, I'm just sharing a thought.

All the same time, your post is as insightful as it is informative.

We are all born lazy and illusions have no true place in tagging anyone lazy or hard working. Illusions are those pictures that comes to tell you the harsh are not what you think they are while dreams can make the dreamer even fall asleep because many need to close their yes to dream, but illusions just appear.

Dear friend! Next time also use #wafrica and follow @wafrica to get an upvote on your quality posts!

I see this world as a virtual game where nobody can forever lay hold to absolute victory.

This is a world where everyone has a dream for what could be but can't be.

Although our mind is constantly trying to make sense of the world around us it can sometimes get a little out of control and make us start to see things…literally. While, some of the optical illusions on our list are relatively famous, others are a bit more obscure but all of them give us a glimpse into our amazingly complex minds.
There is no magic involved, no strings attached, its all in your head.

sometimes we need this illusions to drive us towards the goal while some other time we don't.

We need to know when to dwell on it and when not.

Good article here @ejemai

The real us is the reality we have to face. Well said @ejemai

There are many dreams. They do not get the reality. The shoot is destroyed. But if the world was like -there is no poverty, there is no jealousy, there is no sign of hunger. That's my dream. Can tell the illusion.

Nice post,Illusions could be dangerous,you keep believing what is not.It could affect one negatively because you keep dwelling on that thing,you won't move forward and face the reality of life.

Illusions are always fooling us! I think we underestimate how hard it is to see what the world really looks like. Our own ideas and fears and desires get in the way every day, almost nobody is acting like a rational human! It is not easy.

It really isn't easy getting to see the world for what it truly is. Illusions have become the sole aspects of everyone's being in our world today. We see the stuffs that are real as not good enough while we mostly pursue those that come painted with flashes of light we want but mostly will never have.

I have dreams where I see everything perfect and beautiful the way I want it. But I don't let that get into my mind. I still wake up everyday chasing reality.

I believe illusions are good because they are the blueprints for what does not exist. They help us bring to life ideas that are hidden somewhere in our mind.

The problem comes when we start to live in the illusion. For example, the beauty camera snaps you and make you look so good. Whereas in the real sense you're not close to half of what you look like in the picture. In such a case, illusion is deceptive and should be avoided.

Let's all learn to wake up from our dreams and chase reality.

The beauty camera snaps you and makes you look good no doubt and for that moment, you feel good about yourself. Do you know the reason why you get to snap a photograph and have it placed inside your file for record purposes and are not asked to come back every other day to present your face? It is a part of the illusion that is meant to be presented because if you have to be snapped everyday, it will completely defeat the purpose of a life created for the purpose of being something we truly cannot explain.
As those pictures, a part of our lives are embed therein in illusions and no matter how you try to go away from it, you lived it at a point in your life.

This is deep. At a point we all lived in it.
.. Thanks for the response.

Another deep thought today. Thanks for always sharing

"We all are a product of some illusions of some sorts and no matter how dysfunctional the thought and idea may seem, it is our reality and we must learn to draw a divide between what works and what doesn't."

Finding balance has always been key.
Nice post