I have dreams where I see everything perfect and beautiful the way I want it. But I don't let that get into my mind. I still wake up everyday chasing reality.
I believe illusions are good because they are the blueprints for what does not exist. They help us bring to life ideas that are hidden somewhere in our mind.
The problem comes when we start to live in the illusion. For example, the beauty camera snaps you and make you look so good. Whereas in the real sense you're not close to half of what you look like in the picture. In such a case, illusion is deceptive and should be avoided.
Let's all learn to wake up from our dreams and chase reality.
The beauty camera snaps you and makes you look good no doubt and for that moment, you feel good about yourself. Do you know the reason why you get to snap a photograph and have it placed inside your file for record purposes and are not asked to come back every other day to present your face? It is a part of the illusion that is meant to be presented because if you have to be snapped everyday, it will completely defeat the purpose of a life created for the purpose of being something we truly cannot explain.
As those pictures, a part of our lives are embed therein in illusions and no matter how you try to go away from it, you lived it at a point in your life.
This is deep. At a point we all lived in it.
.. Thanks for the response.