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Never let go of what matters most to you, do not let die what you hold dear. It doesn't matter how rich, talented, cool or attractive you are, but how you treat others is key. I think it's integrity that matters most. It's a delicate flower though, this video inspires to never let it die inside.
Thanks for posting this link, @greatpath!
Yes, great comment, "Never let go of what matters most to you, do not let die what you hold dear."
Died is one this will come when our soul was tired... When it comes everything will nonsens, but only good thing we have done for our wepons to reach happy life after death. Awesome video and good words in video.
Indeed @greatpath..🤗
We are living in strange times... We live yet we don’t live... This is what Norman Cousins meant what he said in this quote.. Naturally, understanding what is like living a full life is difficult, yet some persons do exemplify by the way they live and more importantly the way they die... All deaths are tragedies but some lives are bigger tragedies. And some deaths are glorious, too...
Thank you for the great quote, "Naturally, understanding what is like living a full life is difficult, yet some persons do exemplify by the way they live and more importantly the way they die.."
It is necessary to fear not death, but an empty life. He who knows the fullness of life, is not afraid of death. Fear of death is only the result of an unrealized life.
Thank you for the great comment. I like it very much, "It is necessary to fear not death, but an empty life." Yes, we should live life to the fullest.
Nice quote @greatpath Its not necessary for dying when we stop breathing but when we fail, see no goals and lose hope we let die inside of us while we live
That is a great comment, thank you.
fantastic phrase @greatpath, i like to mentioned that dying is not exactly when we quit breathing, it can happen when we don't have a creative ability of our lives, when we are lost and see no objectives, no point of view and no importance. It is another sort of death where we are alive, however our life has no shading and no "life". I think having a dependable importance forever and rousing beliefs forever is the way to take care of the issue. thanks for sharing
Good point, "dying is not exactly when we quit breathing, it can happen when we don't have a creative ability of our lives, when we are lost and see no objectives, no point of view and no importance. "
Death is more universal than life. everyone dies, but not everyone lives we all die, the goal isn't to live forever. The goal is to create something that will, tragedy of life is to perceive life as a tragedy. People live or die every moment depending upon the way they visualize it. There is no gain in lamenting life and there is no escape from death.
Thank you for the great comment. Yes, everyone will die. However, it is how we live that will make the difference.
Death is a phenomenon that Life shows us in a number of different ways while we're still alive.
You die when you break someone's trust to an extent that you can't be trusted again, you die when you rob someone of their tangible or intangible belongings that they earned after putting in too much effort and hard work during a certain span of time, you die when you hurt someone physically or mentally to an extent that healing becomes more painful than the wound itself, you die when you step on someone else to go up the ladder in order to excel and achieve your own goals of life, you die when you don't value the beauty of your relationships with your loved ones, you die when you choose deception over honesty just for the sake of short-lived benefits, you die when you choose not to help another human being who is in dire need of your help during a difficult phase of his/her life, you die when you know the impact of your words or actions will be nothing but demeaning for the listener but you still go ahead with it.
It's only up to us whether we choose to be better by admitting all the messed up things we did in the past to the people around us and fixing all that, or keep living our lives the way we already are and do nothing about it! The latter, however, is certainly the 'tragedy' of life to me, Death is only a curtain call once our time's up!
Yes, there are many things far worst than death when we live. It all depends on how we choose to live.
And we always have choices.. as humans, we always get to choose. I never believe when people say they didn't have too many options to choose from, due to which they made a certain action or decision that adversely affected others around them. That is not true.. unacceptable to me at least in all it's entirety.
we should be expressive enough to let our thoughts to be count if we can't express the ideas might die before growing and that will hurt the most so be fearless and be bold !!!
Thanks for the great comment.
Excellent expression and I think that the belief in immortality was born out of the thirst of insatiable people, recklessly taking advantage of the time that nature released to them. The wise will find this time sufficient to bypass the whole range of attainable pleasures, and when the time of death comes - saturated to depart from the table, making room for other guests. For the wise, one human life is enough, but a fool will not know what to do with eternity. Thank you @greatpath
Thank you for the very wise comment, "For the wise, one human life is enough, but a fool will not know what to do with eternity. "
Very true greatpath. Everybody has a purpose in life and so if anybody is not able to fullfil his purpose in life it is as good as if the person did not live. So i other word this message is a call fo people to take their destiny in their own hands.
Thank you for the nice comment, "Everybody has a purpose in life and so if anybody is not able to fullfil his purpose in life it is as good as if the person did not live."
Thank you for the upvotes so far too.
This is very true! When we born we are innocent! We brought nothing and pure as it is! But when we started our lives we learn goods and bad :D Yes if we learn bad, if we let it drives inside of our lives that's the tragedy! We all die, but what we did during our life time... that's will remain and remind. So, tragedy is not to death, while we live we should live a pure life, I mean we should live a good life with clear mind.
A great quote again from you. Little bit busy in last couple of days! Now back to track!@greatpath,
Thank you for the great comment, "So, tragedy is not to death, while we live we should live a pure life, I mean we should live a good life with clear mind."
Purity of mind can't be accomplished in a single day! Meditations helps at this stage! Mindfulness and clear mind will bring our lives to the next level we called as eternal peace! At that level there are no more tragedy of death or live! We called that level as Nirvana!@greatpath,
The "tragedy of life" cannot possibly be encapsulated within just a line or two. It cannot be limited to death of something within us, and death itself be disclaimed as a tragedy. No. Tragedies lie more intricate and fragile and complex than that.
Each tragedy is different - of a different subjective magnitude to the one living it. Each has a different impact on all the souls it touches and tarnishes. Each tragedy acts off its own accord to carry on the tragic "dying of the inside"
But you cannot just evade tragedies by "following your heart" or "taking the high road." Although these cliches may sound nice and concrete, life is anything but. If you refuse to appreciate the greys, mold and evolve according to them, those areas of smoke where nothing can be anticipated, that's when the tragedies affect most, for the lack of diversity in your expectation and acceptance.
But if taking in account each and every possible impact and outcome of every situation and how you act in it - sometimes by killing your own id and ego, and perhaps letting the ones you love smile and unravel, that would hardly count as a tragedy, even if it were to kill you from inside.
True words they are many think they are a live but they are not...their heart is dead
but what we let die inside of us while we live...
Indeed..... when you give up yourself to do any thing that's death itself!!
live in, temporary, death is permanent, thanks for reminding.
“There is a saying in Tibetan, 'Tragedy should be utilized as a source of strength.'
No matter what sort of difficulties, how painful experience is, if we lose our hope, that's our real disaster.”
― Dalai Lama XIV
I am enjoy your video......////////
Death is more linguistic universal than biography . everyone die s, but not everyone lives we all die, the goal ISN 't to live forever. The goal is to create something that will, tragedy of biography span is to perceive life as a tragedy. The great unwashed live or die every moment depending upon the way they visualize it. There is no addition in lamenting life and there is no escape from dying . @greatpath
Well said, I really like this that you've laid out. And I definitely share the viewpoint with you. I also hope to leave my legacy here on steemit, and what I share here is what I would want to be remembered for. I think we can all look for something new! Thank you for being here. :)
@greatpath I like you:-* Great posts