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RE: Want to get motivated? follow this steps

in #motivation8 years ago (edited)

Hi there, @harmonhi! I agree, this point can be difficult. Some things I have read and/or tried include visualizing a STOP sign as soon as you realize you are having a negative thought. Have it bop you right in the nose! Or wear a rubber band around your wrist and snap it when you have a negative thought. These are cues to direct you to more positive thinking. If I'm in a rut of negativity, I plug into my iPod playlist of positivity (e.g., Deepok Chopra, Thicht Naht Hanh) and go on a brisk walk. Also, if you smile, you'll feel better. Try it, right now :)


noticing that I'm having negative thoughts to begin with. I get carried away by my thoughts very easily, especially when i find myself in stressful situations. Not until i start my daily meditations sessions, I manage to step back and observe my thoughts from a more detached point of view which feels very relieving!! But i will definitely keep your advice in mind for the future when I managed to be more mindful throughout the day :) And you are right, smiling lifts the mood instantaneously! :)Hey @innerlight, thanks for the tips! :) The thing I struggle with is

Btw, your content seems to be awesome, we seem to share similar interest! I followed you for sure :)

Yes, the noticing can be challenging. That's great you have a meditation practice! Try to check in with yourself...say every hour or so (set your phone alarm or calendar alert at work) to spend a minute taking stock of your current mindset. If it is negative/stressful, do sometging immediately to change it. Eventually, you'll get into this habit of checking in and won't need the actual alerts. Following you, too :-)

I will try that out, thank you :)!