Thank you for asking! I'm surprised how many people don't ask about my Steemit name! LOL. I used to write fantasy stories and the main character's last name was ironshield. It became my online persona for years. @ironshield
Very cool, thanks for getting back to me. :) I love fantasy and sci-fi stories, its pretty much all we read, listen too (audio books) and watch, total Stargate geeks my hubby and I.
Thank you for asking! I'm surprised how many people don't ask about my Steemit name! LOL. I used to write fantasy stories and the main character's last name was ironshield. It became my online persona for years. @ironshield
Very cool, thanks for getting back to me. :) I love fantasy and sci-fi stories, its pretty much all we read, listen too (audio books) and watch, total Stargate geeks my hubby and I.