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RE: The Law of Attraction Explained for Skeptics and Rational Thinkers

in #motivation8 years ago

Simply stated, the law of attraction says, Whatever you give your focus to, you will have more of.

16,000 kids die everyday from hunger focusing pretty hard in desiring food. Your "law" does not appear to be even pass the realm of hypothesis.

Those who teach it as a "place your order, receive your manifestation" process are often being hyperbolic for the sale of books, seminars and training materials. Others of them seem to believe it and some get surprising results, most of which I still think have real world causes.

Those who get results do so mostly out of statistical distribution. If you want to be a rational thinker you need to evaluate the statistical analysis and standard deviation of your results. If you do so then you will realise that is nothing more than normal distribution.

Here are some phrases we use to describe it:
What goes around comes around.
You get what you give.
You reap what you sow.
Karma's a bitch. (said primarily of people acting like jack wagons)
He had it coming.

doesn't apply. Those who think it applies only get to interpet the results as they think it applies. It's called selective attention and it is logical fallacy. If it works you make a big deal out of it. If it doesn't you forget the misses ad focus on the wins. Miracles make the same logical fallacy. We hear about so many miracles because the vast majority of believers who believed before death, died and they are not here to tell us "it didn't work even if I believed". Classic naive narrative with lack of basic knowledge in statistics.

Then, there's this proactive statement, known as the Golden Rule, first recorded by Jesus.

The golden rule is also another logical fallacy since the average sweet spot is subjectively defined. Also it was first said from Confucious 5 centuries before the so called "jesus". (No evidence that he ever existed)

Study for a test, you get a better grade.
Work harder, you're more likely to get that promotion.
Show up late to work consistently, and that job might not last.
Treat your spouse like crap, they might not last.
Think of, and act as if your car is an important investment, and it's likely to keep running well through continued maintenance.

This is common sense— Not law of attraction. Also. It doesn't always work which means that your "law" doesn't apply. A law applies when it supports a theory. If a theory applies everytime then we get a "law".

This is how we test a hypothesis in science. This is why the law of attraction is not a law at all. The law of gravity suggests that everytime you jumb from the window you will fall down. The "law" of "attraction" doesn't even come close to be considered a valid hypothesis.

I won't bother with the rest of the wishful thinking mumbo-jumbo.

I debunk every single statement you make thereafter with this post

Positive Thinking Is Overrated

and this one

How To be Awesome Like Me


And as you focus on all of this horribleness, you get more of it to focus on. Good luck with that.

You debunked yourself, as a egoistic person, that knows everything. These kids desiring food, are putting energy into desiring food, what do they get, more desiring food. maybe try to open your mind and you may learn a new perspective. Yours is one perspective, but not the only. We dont like the word De-Bunk too much. Do you work for the CIA?

This is an example of somebody not having anything better to do, than to try to argue, Say he is better than people so he gets attention. and play off others success, by spamming a great post. But maybe people dont care about spam on their platform.

There is nothing higher than the physical domain. Materialism is all there is. We are all just biological robots running on autopilot. There is no real order to the world and virtually everything is chaotic and random. Freewill is an illusion. That's kyriacos in a nutshell. Pretty much a Richard Dawkin's type that that likes to intellctually masturbate and put down others.

Ok buddy.

Good luck with that karma you immersed with ;)

They are focusing on the lack of food, noticing their hunger, paying attention to that.. what he means is , that to overcome lack, you have to see, imagine and feel it as different. Focus on what it feels like to be full rather than beating the drum of being hungry... simply desiring something while noticing the exact opposite is doing no good whatsoever. It is creating by default. It is not an easy thing to do, we have been trained to notice "WHAT IS" rather than what it is that we want. If you notice both at the same time you go nowhere... eventually the end of the stick that is getting most attention is what will manifest.