How to stop Overthinking today!

in #motivation7 years ago

According to, "Anxiety and overthinking tend to be evil partners. One of the horrible hallmarks of any type of anxiety disorder is the tendency to overthink everything. The anxious brain is hypervigilant, always on the lookout for anything it perceives to be dangerous or worrisome".

We have to come evolve over time from humans that had to face vastly different threats than what we currently experience today. Yet, our minds often still tell us that we are in life or death situations in our VASTLY tamer world.

Overthinking wastes both time and energy.


Here are 3 Strategies you can use to stop overthinking

  1. Give yourself 5 minutes to worry/think- Write down everything you are worried about and what the worst thing that can happen from the situation is. It's almost never as bad as we think. After 5 minutes stop and take action towards what you are worried about.

  2. Meditation- I use the HeadSpace app. I've talked about meditation many, many times before but it really is the closest thing to the "silver bullet" for healing and soothing your worried mind.

  3. Exercise. Go run, swim, lift weights, hell even walk. Anything that gets you moving is extremely beneficial for you. To maximize the effectiveness of your exercise, try to focus on what you're currently doing and your worries will slowly drift away and you'll forget what you were even worried about~!


I love the way you explained the 3 strategies and I learnt new things too.
One of the things I do to stop overthinking is this,whenever I tend to overthink,I just tell myself that overthinking will not solve anything,so I have no other choice than to relax.Great one @larrydavid4.

Great strategy @kweenbrand. Sounds like you know how to handle overthinking already!

Yes o. Because I used to worry and over think a lot. So I had to deliberately get out of it.

Your post very helpful

Thank You!

Your welcome..
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From my perspective you are really listing the three main points here.
Writing down whatever burdens us is a great way to literally transfer the energy from our thought system onto the paper.
And yes, overthinking is really pointless, at best it shows us where we need to change something. It drains us and it doesn't bring us further anyway.
Imagine only how many people are drained and worn out due to their worries alone without anything having happened at all! Merely thinking of negative outcome has full power and effect on us.

Mental Silence, as you say, is key and a necessary step we'll eventually inevitably consider:)

Looks like we think the same way.

Thanks alot, this was really helpful

Your post very interisting..