in #motivation7 years ago

Life isn't a race. He who gets to the finish line first is dead.

I've been there and done that when it has come to fast food lunches and TV diners. If it has been packaged as food and sold on a shelf, odds are I may have tried it. These days though, I'm enjoying a bit different lifestyle.


We just enjoyed some homemade "zucchini sticks" for our last dinner. Personally, I've neither heard of these before or tried them before, but they were delicious. Also, while we did purchase the zucchini, the bread crumbs that they were coated with were not only homemade bread crumbs, they were made from homemade bread.

You'll notice that in between my random adventures, contests, and wild animals, I also eat. A lot of my diet is becoming farm-raised and home grown these days, which has been a huge blessing. Unlike your local McBurger, we have no menu. If we want to enjoy some fresh rainbow trout on the grill, we go trout fishing.

If we want a special desert, we'll think up something interesting or @mama-pepper will find an online recipe that she thinks will work. It not just choosing between an ice cream cone or a shake. Often I say that "options are limited" in many situations, but they are a lot less limited when you get to choose what is on the menu.


The point of this post is not to make some lame attempt to brag that I ate something homemade and healthy. That's just not my style. This is meant to be a motivational post.

What I would like to accomplish is to encourage and inspire you to slow down and enjoy life. While fast food may be appealing and it certainly is "cheap and easy," cheap and easy is not always a good thing. Perhaps spending an hour preparing a meal that will only take you five minutes to eat doesn't seem like a good way to invest your time, and I understand that. However, we all actually have the same amount of time each day, and perhaps some of us need to slow down.

Why do so many of us run so hard all day long? Why are we constantly rushing to and from places? Have we taken on too much? Are we working too much/too hard because we have not been wise financially? Whatever the issue is, I would suggest that it may be wise to slow down, take a break, and enjoy some slow food. In fact, don't even enjoy the food by yourself, but share it!

Do you remember these tasty Kiwi "Popsicles?" They were so good that after all the effort @mama-pepper put into them we blessed the family of @jaguarlife and @ladyjag and the family of @bluerthangreen and @allforthegood with what we had leftover so everyone in their families could enjoy some.

Anyway, I wanted to keep this short and encouraging, so although most of you are fully capable of buying a bargain burger at the nearest drive-thru and saying "yum!" However, sometimes life is more pleasant if you take the time to enjoy it more thouroughly. Just some food for thought.

As always, I'm @papa-pepper and here's the proof:


Until next time…

Don’t waste your time online, invest it with steemit.com

GIF provided by @orelmely


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I have to say fast food is getting expensive too. Unless you order only greasy fries.

I do get your point. Most importantly we need to focus to enjoy life with whatever we have and have fun doing it.
no need to over think about what we have to eat as long it is healthy.

Sincerely I like your menu, homemade, it means you know where the food comes from.
Have a good time with love ones.
Keep on steemin'

Looks delicious. Love the chocolate dipped kiwi fruit. Gonna try that for myself...

Give it a go! It was great!

Ya everything looks sooo tasty

I did something similar and I posted some time ago pictures, here they are, I usually use zucchinnis or/and yellow squash and on this picture I even used sliced egg plant. You can also use bell peppers...

Slice zuccini and yellow squash on half, trim bottoms a little bit to get better stability, sprinkle over seasonings, pizza sauce, some salami if you like and you are not vegetarian and cheese on top. You will get delicious and healthy food, with the taste of pizza ;-)



Maybe I burn them a little bit, but I like stuff well done ;-)


I've done that too! A long time ago in steemit history, but they were great!

this post resonates with my philosophy of trying to be more slow - i have just written an article about it - if slow travelling interests you:) let's rush a little less and appreciate the world- and food- around us more!:) Ps. mama-pepper seems like a great person! Say hello from me!:) cheers!

Interesting, I'll check it out!

Wow great photography all the images are amazing..... foods looks really good and delicious and yummy thank you for sharing the recipe....

They were certainly all some tasty food! Thank you @universalpro!

that is definitely one of the best ways to cook zucchini - and you're right. food is better when you slow down. you mindfully create and cook and prepare it, then you mindfully eat it.

I appreciate the freedom to slow down and enjoy. Thanks!

aaaah nice idea man, i gonna try this myself :D
thanks for sharing :)

Cool! Try it! Thanks @marsell!

wow @papa-pepper can cook too yes

Awesomeness! Now I'm hungry seeing this post....

Really love the way you sprinkled the pepper on it .. It's looking so enticing.
Nice zucchini stick @papa-pepper

I don't know that I could get the wife to go for the breaded zucchini, but I think they look good. I think most things are tasty...except the other day I tried breaded eggplant and it was NOT good. It just tasted...off. I digress. You're stuff looks great!

And the kiwis, come on! Send me some of those in the mail. :)

LOL! In the mail? Make your own and slow down a bit!

Ha ha ha, you're right! :) Sometimes I get caught up in having things "right now." Time for some deep breaths, and then maybe close the eyes and......zzzzzzzzzzz

Were the eggplant slices rubbed in salt and left to sweat before rinsing, breading, and frying?

I didn't make them. I believe they were dipped in some egg-based mixture, then rolled in bread crumbs, then fried. (I had asked how they were made and that's what I remember)

Don't discount them yet!
Give it another try.
Maybe they weren't well cooked or seasoned. 😬

I think connecting with our food is one of the quickest ways to connect with the most powerful and authentic parts of ourselves. I'm off to try to do something fancy with zuchinni now. Apparently, I am fairly open to food suggestions at this hour of the night.

LOL - WE can be open to food suggestions too!

Greeting from morocco , we have a greeat "slow food":)
thanks for sharing

Glad to hear it!

although homemade, this looks very good, @papa-pepper.
keep friends sharing, I really enjoy it, even though just look at the picture.

@papa-pepper... expert in everything ...

LOL - not even close!

Looks so delicious. Even more appetizing is the fact that it is pure organic. Grown by its own efforts, produced all his works. I also try and work towards that goal. I have grown a vegetable garden. And now I want to expand my farming, to have some animals. The pigs and chickens. This will protect my family from chemical additives in food.

Here in Nigeria it's just 5:55am and me seeing this delicious snacks makes me feel like eating one this morning.
Nice one @papa-pepper

good food I love it but I have never tasted it

My first time, and it was delicious!

I also want to taste it. It seems not only delicious but very

I was just thinking today... These homestead guys here on Steemit will probably live a long time–probably into their 90's–with this homegrown foods. I'm slowly embracing the lifestyle. Happy eatings!

LOL! We can hope so!

The oldest man that I know, first hand, to have lived to 117 y'old ate only homegrown food and never tasted a coca-cola in his life...
With the advances in medicine and home-grown food you can definitely live far more than expected with a diet like that.

I want to experiment now! cool post

Good job! Healthy food will definitely improve your life quality!

I love the kiwi popsicles. What a great idea. My boys would love that.

I so agree with you on eating healthy and slowing down and enjoy and take care of your life. That is why I love following you, because I really enjoy your lifestyle and this is what I and my husband wanted to do for at least 5 years and we are getting closer to it, but still need some work at it.

Thanks for always giving me ideas and I keep on learning so many things about the farm animals which hopefully soon we will be able to have some too.

Keep working at it, and you are welcome!

i've been checking your post always find that i don't know before.

good !!

That looks awesome! I’m following you

Home cooking is the best... homegrown home cooking is even better. For us one out of two isn't bad.

One out of two isn't bad, fully agreed!

Really enjoyed reading your recipe:) from a amateur dying to cook newbie here!! Great images by the way!

Oooooooh! Your slow food stuff isnt bad

It's definitely one of the best ways to cook zucchini - and you're right. Food is better as you slow down. You consciously make and cook and prepare it, so you attentively eat it may be a motivation for all of us

wow ,, this is very good food. how it feels like. i love this food

food from the outside alone is making saliva out.
I always wait and read the post @papa-pepper

it looks delicious, might try some of them sometime. and you are absolutely right @papa-pepper there is something in cooking that is personal esp if you're making it for your family and you know what they are putting in there body is healthy and clean other than buying fastfood that can give you a lot of disease.

wow i feel jealous about the life you are spending..lol..you are enjoying every bit of it..trying new things,eating home made food,dealing with animals..wow..amazing..i agree with what you have said..of course this is a motivational post for us..this makes us to think in a different way about the life..the food we eat,the life style we spend..thank you so much..i love to experience this difference..the difference that would take me to a more healthy and happy life :)

This is wisdom. Absolutely spot on. Slowing down to enjoy the seemingly little things in life does help. Home made meals or anything is way more healthier than the junks eaten outside. I am with you totally on this. I wish i could taste that really. Never heard of it before but it sure looks nice. Thank you as always. I enjoy reading and learning from you. @mama-pepper is on point!

I love everything you share with us here.From every single post of yours I am learning at least few things.And more than that I like the attitudinal change you create within us through your writings.I do not think that you are professor of some university who has passed with a Phd.But trust me.You better than them.You are learning things by practically engage in them and you share that wonderful knowledge with us.You are one of the best writers here we have on steemit

Thank you for that wonderful comment. I try to learn out in the world, and not in the classroom, so your comment really blessed me!

I am looking for some good blog sites for studying. I was searching over search engines and found your blog site. Well i like your high quality blog site design plus your posting abilities. Keep doing it.


I like that you have a healthy lifestyle. All the dishes looks amazing and I think they are delicious. I love zucchini too. Have a nice day!

I love home made meals. I do t really like fast food, I only eat it when there is no choice.

Look very delicious. I want to eat right now huhu

So much truth here! I have one child with crazy allergies and gut issues. There was a time where every meal she ate centered around bone broth, meat and veggies. We gave up our microwave years ago, so that meant cooking for every meal. No fast food, not even sandwiches. I should add that happened while we had just moved to a new state, 5 1/2 of us (I was pregnant) living in a 33 ft travel trailer while we were looking for a property to buy and my husband was working as a software developer from home! Ah, but I digress. The point is what seemed like a burden became a blessing. The entire family eats cleaner now. Even though we've found a couple breads and rice tortillas she can tolerate, we do lots of soups, stews and roasted veggies. One of my sweetest memories was having all 3 kids (9, 5 & 2) at the little dining table, each chopping vegetables at their own pace for soup. We ate very late that night, but their pride in having contributed to the family meal was the most delicious part.

Sometimes, slowing down is not easy. There is a saying (I don't know who said it :) ) being in a hurry is an evil things. I can see it in many occasions in my life. we miss took things, we leave important thing and miss it, we don't even have a little look at our environment; it's just like a sleep- wake up- sleep again cycle. we even didn't remember what we have for eating that day. You name it again make me realize some of my lifespan is flying somewhere without me in it. Thank you for this post. Nice pic @papa-pepper

Who will join in making Nigerian dishes famous around the world? Very lovely @papa-pepper

More like enjoying some good food.

It's really very delicious and inspirational. You have really motivated me through your thoughts and life style. I really appreciate your efforts for tasty and yummy dishes.
Thanks for sharing your tasty cooking with us.

Well said, thanks for sharing.

Why do I always look at you posts when I'm hungry??🤔
So you've just giving me a dinner idea, I think I will try the zucchini sticks!

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