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RE: How to Stay Motivated When the World Doesn't Seem to Care.

in #motivation7 years ago

You are only going to get bigger we all will if we stay here & keep churning out good content. The big money will come so long as our reps keep rising. You don't need to change anything in my opinion. Think of it as a snowball gathering more snow as it rolls you just have to keep it rolling.


Thanks for your encouragement.

Of course you are right.

That said it isn't just the money, or even the money that concerns me.

It is somehow being able to make a difference in our poorly world.


Hope you are dry in this miserable weather.

January is always a tough month but for you it must be right royally miserable.

With Love.


February is the worst month so I have that to look forward to. Still every cloud & all that, Spring isn't far away & I love the life in the summer. I notice every added minute of daylight as the days get longer it's only 3 minutes each day I treasure every one.