I suppose , I could also have entitled this Post " How to Go Out with a Bang"
For the Guy who thought he already had Everything?
Turbo's are the way to GO!
Huge Power!
Even More Power!
If You Find Life Boring?, Trade in Your Big Screen TV on one of These? ( Your wife may Object?)
If You are really into Weird Unobtanium, Check these Out!
In My Youth I built a 150cc motor into a Moped ! A 600cc Norton Motor into an Italian 250cc Bike , A V8 into a Volkswagen Beetle, and quite a few other things?, but after researching these , I realise I was an Amateur!
The Videos are Courtesy of YouTube, The text is my own.
great collection of motor cycle nice vedio bro.
I guess after a long time you post anything about bikes...
I only got into it when watching WWF / WWE Undertaker making his ring entrance on his Motorbike :D
You do sort of runout a bit, however I have owned about 67 Road Bikes ( not counting off-Roaders , so, more to come!
67?!? You sir are crazy, in a good way.
What a motor bike thought this alternative worlds are coming @awgbibb
I really love this amazing technology
With this sound you do welcome the incredible STEEM price!
Let the turbo’s make some more noise!!
I do not understand motors and normally I do not pay attention to them. But that's not what it's about. It is precisely the story that is told and the pictures that are shown. This gives you an interest in other people and your own world becomes a bit more beautiful and complete. Thanks for sharing!
Excellent collection and these motorcycles on the video are simply amazing with their forms and shapers! Thank you @awgbibb
Powerful bike models with turbo. Totally awesome. Like to ride it.
Its big boom boom very nice
Your world of motorbikes is truly fabulous. Deep knowledge in this category & excellent posts which used to share the knowledge you grabbed at that day.
~Followed & Upvoted
How type of exhaust in the first video ?
The motorcycle in the fourth video is like a tank.
Nice biking .
Tell me at what time on the Video that you are referring to, and I will attempt to explain, Thank you!
Met a guy at Sturgis 2005 with a Boss Hoss... Chevy 350 in it. I asked if he road it there from Georgia and his response was Hell no, I trailered it...
What is the point of having a road bike if you do not ride it?
Very True! obviously a Poser.
Wao i newer seen befor this tip of bike big big powr nice
Your universe of motorbikes is really impressive. Profound information in this class and astounding presents which utilized on share the learning you snatched at that day.
I will upvote & restreem this post
Please check my profile once @awgbibb
In My Youth I built a 150cc motor into a Moped ! A 600cc Norton Motor into an Italian 250cc Bike , A V8 into a Volkswagen Beetle, and quite a few other things?, but after researching these , I realise I was an Amateur! I don't think so Sir... You got enough talent & skills ;) Nice post Sir...@awgbibb -
Thank You!
This bike r ingen of f16??? A girl can rid on it? If yes so girls is on risk she can become kite hahah lovly post lovely bike
Waooo what a bike very havy ingen wat a great bike thanks for sharing friend
That's some crazy beasts ! Not exactly what I'd buy but defo a fan of motorcycles. Question: Why do you end most of your sentences by a question mark? :) All the best bro.
I suppose in my twisted way, I think I am posing a Question? Thank You for your comment Maybe you can assist me?, being Old , I have no idea what :) or D at the end of a sentence , means?
I could ride that Boss Hoss with Nitro... oh yes, I could, haha. Probably need a couple for my brothers and cousin as well.
Wow! Amazing and wonderful bike videos. It is such a stupendous post. I really enjoyed your post.💙
Now that is some power right there man! Looks like a lot of fun doing custom work like that!
For Sure!
Happy new year 2018 hope u can share your bike for me😄🙏
The ideas people have for motorcycles haha!
Those are not motorbikes, those are beasts ;) Excellent article & very informative~
the motorcicle boss hoss is beautiful
Turbo is power, great motorcycles, especially the third video, thanks for sharing.
Wonderful passion-able bike videos. Its too strong.
Thank for the video.
I'm really enjoying.
@awgbibb very nice big havy bick
wow amazing collection of motorcycle great design never had seen like this so amazing....
@awgbibb WOW Powerful bike...........
Thanks for upvote
So cool!!
Nice view!!!
these motorcycles are so cool, thanks for sharing this..
That's right turbos are the way to go.
Gosh they are all crazy nitro thruster, well when you want to speed up your motorcycles you can really go as much crazy as you want.
Huh really makes me think like couldn't you just get out of all rules and attach a real powerful turboprop exhaust noziles and maybe attach some wings and no one can stop you from flying hehe, maybe I would attach some parachutes for safety hehe.
thanks for sharing your awesome videos my friend @awgbibb
that is so cool..
Wonderful collection , these bikes are really awesome
Really, this is awesome post !
very nice motorcycle
Speaking of Italian bikes and you owning 67 road bikes, I'm wondering what's the chance you've owned one of these?

She's my baby, a '95 carb model, and she's always throbbed away faultlessly. I like to keep my bikes long term so I get to know them intimately in the hope that I know something needs replacing before it has chance to let me down.
If you ain't had a Guzzi @awgbibb, you should give one a go. The old ones are best though I believe, and the California is a deceptive ride. You'd think the heavyweight cruiser like this would be a bit slow through the twisties, but it's not so, there's no long rake like the Harleys and their copiers (I think all the major companies now produce their own version of a Harley styled bike), it's the same frame that the Guzzi cafe racers and sports models use, the handling is amazing for such a bike.
I couldn't recommend them enough, but I think it's one of those either you love 'em or hate 'em bikes.
Best regards
Ridden quite a few of them including an Automatic. Owned a Le Mans Mk3 1000cc. , very torquey Machine . But as soon as My Laverda Jota 1000cc hit 6500rpm in a top gear roll on catch, pass and Steem off! You know the Motor was originally designed for the military? Some kind of 3 seater Go Kart like device, to carry a few soldiers? As I recall it would be tossed out with parachutes as well! My Favourite Moto Guzzi model was the 750 Sport , a real thing of beauty!
I know the military used these, though I doubt you'd parachute them, at least not with this set up, the hydraulic trailor. I had a ride around a field on this one in the hills above Mondello, where Guzzi's are made at the side of Lake Como, North Italy, when the clutch in my small block Nevada 750 disintegrated. It's a different engine on this beast though to the laterally opposed V-twin, a 5oocc single, with a strange engine layout too. As you can see this is in regular use on the guys farm.
It was the last week in July and the shop there couldn't fit me in for the repair (everything in Italy and France/Spain all pretty much still have national holidays during the hottest month, August. They could see I was stuck though, and sent me following a lad on a bike up into the mountains above Mandello to a farm and said there's a guy there might be able to help sort it out. He did too, my bike was ready to pick up the next day with new clutch fitted. Even gave me a lift to the ferry on an old T3 to get back to the campsite across the lake, and picked me up again the next day on an Elderado, he rode the bends a good bit harder than I would, and I like to feel the lean pretty much myself. Of course he knew the roads like the back of his hands too.
He had a few classics at the farm. It wasn't till I got back home that I found out he's some sort of revered guru of the Guzzista, going by the name of Mene (or similar). I can't find much trace of him online, perhaps he doesn't like the internet age, but if you mention his him to the guzzista they all kind of draw a sharp breath and say his name really slowly and quietly, as if uttering the name of their favourite pin-up or pornstar, lol.
So many strange things and mishaps happened on that trip, I should write a piece on it for my blog. I don't see that much motorbike related stuff on here yet though.
Laverda Jota 1000cc............ Ah (sighs), I could only dream of such!!!!
Steem on through the twisties, but stay safe!!
You should definitely post some of your motorcycle adventures!
Yeah I will bro, you've got me thinking through all my trips. I'll give you the heads up when I post if you think you might be interested. I'm sure you'll be laughing at some of the antics of that particular trip, disaster after disaster, the first one was missing the ferry intended for Santander Spain for a ride over thr pyrenees, due to a selonoid fuel tap failure 30miles from home. I've never come across such a stupid and useless invention for the motorbike, you can't beat the simple on/off/reserve taps, thelast was a puncture in france and the break down cover couldn't find anyone to repair (August hols. The fix involved two airtickets, a lot of phoning around France to find somewhere that would fix it, 110 km from the puncture, another flight back to collect my bike. Luckily the breakdown cover had to cover the expense, but what a f*ck about man, for a puncture, add to that pillion illness, monsoon like conditions through the first half of France, folowed by clutch failure. Despite that it was a good trip, challenging though to say the least. Thanks for the upvotes on my comments here, that's really very kind of you and much appreciated.
mouth-watering motorcycles so gigantic and elegant. love to have in my garage. All the best for you too. keep sharing @awgbibb
Real motobyke for real men..thank you for this great sound!!
Next they will strap a rocket engine on one LOL
Actually there was a Dutch Drag Racer( Not The Women's clothes type!) years ago who made a Peroxide Rocket out of a Fire Extinguisher and attached it to his Motorcycle! As I recall he was doing 7 second Quarter Miles! From about half way he was coasting!
I did it.. thank you also @awgbibb https://steemit.com/steemit-promotion/@rival/steem-make-dreams-come-true-thank-you-reached-my-goal-in-201-days
that last bike with the flames shooting out the back, you'd look like the devil high-stepping down the road LOL!!
Or Marvels Ghost Rider?
They look like bikes that ride you, as opposed to you riding them @awgbibb! Good post.
Awesome thanks for sharing. Just thought of something wouold you buy an electric motorbike - NO WAY not me for the same reason as I prefer normal cars. Its and experience. If i get a tesla i would get awesome artificial sounds though. But my dream cars are a ferrari and rolls royce ghost.
Actually saw a test in a SA Magazine a couple of years back of an Electric Motorcycle , was no slouch! Probably really useful if you want to disappear without being noticed? Thanks for the Visit.
AWESOME. Yeah maybe but still i think artificial sounds would be cool no?
Great Original Motorcycles!! Thanks for Sharing!!
Wow! Amazing and wonderful bike videos. It is such a stupendous post. I really enjoyed your post.💙
Thanks @awgbibb for sharing this post.😊
Nic baick
Wow! Great post.
I love bikes too and its my life.
Awesome bike videos my friend.💚
Thanks @awgbibb for sharing this post.😊