Black Panther is LAME (DTUBE VERSION)

in #movie7 years ago (edited)

Video Topic Guide:

Reading and replying to comments - 0:00

Dissing some SJW mad at Spacex - 12:38

Talking about Black Panther and Rotten Tomatos Censorship - 16:50

Write to Rotten Tomatoes via the feedback link on the bottom left of their site.

Here is a template letter you may use if you desire:

Rotten Tomatoes,

I understand your desire to prevent racists from misusing your site as a platform for hatred, but your decision to censor negative user reviews of Black Panther severely compromises the objectivity and balance of your website. We rely on critical aggregators such as yours to give us an accurate picture of both critic and public sentiments towards a film, and this move on your part signals your willingness to distort public opinion whenever it is contrary to the popular narrative, and thus undermines your reputation in irreparable ways.

I strongly urge you to reconsider this decision. I have no problem with overtly racist reviews being deleted, but legitimate criticisms of this film (or any other) should not be silenced.

Thank you for your time.


▶️ DTube

"Poptart Buffet" should be the name of your fat man metal band.

How could anybody be mad at spacex, were they high? Because that was an amazing show of genius. SMH

What do you expect for SJWs? Making cheap rockets to colonize mars and explore, and try new shit?! Yeah, but why is that Starman, and not Starwoman, hmmmm? -.-
I might be biased as I'm turning into a SpaceX fanboy, but fuck me, they're awesome! Here's my latest on that launch, if you don't mind the shilling.

Did you see the tweet complaining about an old white man's purposeless role in Black Panther and it's a picture of Stan Lee? lol

I already watched this on Youtube but I figured I'd come over here just to give a thumbs up and show support to Youtube's competition.

Dont forget to also upvote helpful comments. A strong userbase is ultimatly important for the success of this system, within a few weeks also ultimatly more helpful for TJ (in this case, and generally content creators) if his audience gets stronger as this improves the voting power of the audience.

Good video TJ, reminded me of Triggered but somehow I liked watching it more.

I agree. It's like the Triggered videos but more relaxed.

Oh, for fuck's sake! Not even rocket science is safe from these SJW cunts! Did that worthless tub of lard even watch the stream? There was a black female engineer presenting! I don't even understand why that even needs to be stated -.-

I wanna see rockets, and people who go there wanna see rockets. Women can buy tickets just the same, they just don't want to, so fuck your stupid ass feminism. Luckily, Elon Musk doesn't give a rat's ass about this garbage, and is even a troll. Even wrote about that about a week ago, but now I just shared my thoughts on the launch. And I'm still fucking excited about it! Good on SpaceX for their achievements!

The mustache is on point, TJ. Lol.

I completely agree with you.

That sonic guy shouldn't even be commenting..

Hey, Fatass, left a thumbs up because your awesome.

Black Panther looks like a good movie, I'll give it a watch; If it's shit I'll say it is, if it's good I'll say it is.
A negative opinion of the movie shouldn't be classed as a form of racism.

This is impossible to watch here with all the buffering. Doesnt buffer on Youtube sadly =(

Oh yeah that's the version we love, uncensored, unhinged, with all the bad word and fuckery, carefree TJ for our sins ! haha ! xD (what does it mean anyway ? i don't even know, my english sucks :D )

Does the dark tower count as a super hero movie? It sucked but it also had a black protaganist or does it not count since Roland was white in the books?

They need to replicate the servers because I've been trying to watch this video for over 20 minutes at least.

You seem pretty chilled in this video TJ. Feels good.

I feel like Tj painstakingly styled his mustache for this video.

TJ I loved your last video, I've always said you should do stand up, if that's as close as you'll come to it then I want to see so much more of that
Please do more videos like that!

Can I cum on your beard?

Hey TJ, I know you are spoiled with all the patreon, superchats and streamlabs in past year.
But have you consider making a DTube exclusive Q&A?

they need replicate servers, because I've been trying to watch this video for over 20 minutes and is lagging as fuck.

Would the movie have been better if it was the Pink Panther?

Yes if it's the cartoons.

Your point about Black Panther is kinda dumb. RT didn't say down-voting the movie is hate speech. Nobody said that (well, probably somebody said that, but that would be equally dumb. RT certainly didn't say that).
It is just that a bunch of racist pieces of shit are gearing up to hate on the movie, which is certainly fine, but RT is merely saying that if it gets ugly, if they vomit their vitriol into their "review", the review will be deleted.
I have followed you for some time, and this is really the first time I remember seeing you really mischaracterize something so blatantly. You literally read the comment from RT, which said nothing about deleting negative reviews, then you acted like they were going to delete negative reviews.

If you want to debate whether they should delete racist reviews, make that argument. But this was an complete red herring.

Only rasicts smoke American Spirts

Thank you for providing a form letter to help us voice our concerns over the Black Panther-Rotten Tomatoes controversy, TJ.

2:37 TJ world really needs Tesla autonomous drive.

4:00 Louis CK

idk why in your new videos you look like you're not looking into the camera.

Just edited this for fun and thought it was relevant...

To be fair, you have to have a huge grasp of black history and culture to understand Marvel’s Black Panther. The black pride is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of Pan-Africanism most of the diversity will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also the people of Wakanda’s isolationist outlook, which is deftly woven into Black Panther’s characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from MLK literature, for instance. The fans understand this struggle; they have the victim hood to truly appreciate the depths of these black power messages, to realise that they’re not just kangs and shit- they say something deep about black LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Black Panther truly ARE racists- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the representation in Black Panther's existential catchphrase “I never freeze,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Joel Schumacher’s Batman & Robin. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those toilet colored racists scratching their heads in confusion as Ryan Coogler’s African pride and representation unfolds itself on their movie screens. What I pity their uncultured mayo colored asses. 😂

And yes, by the way, I DO have a Black Panther tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the thots’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate a pretty good grasp on black social justice. Nothin personnel Trump-tards. 😎

The Citadel of TJs.

TJ IS A R4C15T!!!111!11!!!1

Video and audio desynced for anyone else?

Mr. TJ, you are the one that introduced me to DTubed and holy fuck, thank you. This is fucking incredible. it has its flaws, but I can only see DTube going up from here! keep pumping out content!