Euthanasia controversy and Quadriplegics depiction – what is your opinion? (featuring @crazymumzysa as author)

in #movies9 years ago (edited)

There has been a lot of media hype about the controversial movie "Me before you".

Great debate was sparked between able and disabled persons. Quadriplegics felt it gave a very negative impression on their quality of life and their will to live. It’s also been said that it empowers those with disabled bodies to think their lives are worthless and they might give up the will to fight and live. The topic, once again, on the legality of euthanasia (assisted suicide) come under fire too.

I am not discussing the content, acting or actors of this movie, as I do not want to give the story away, especially to those of you whom haven’t seen it yet but are now contemplating to do so because of your interest sparked. You can read the reviews if you want but I prefer to form my own opinion.

As a hopeless romantic, I absolutely loved it and cried my heart out. This movie touched my heart deeply and reminded me to appreciate my life, family and friends.

Have you ever when seeing people in excruciating pain busy dying, watching their loved ones going through this trauma, ask yourself the question – “Why make them suffer like this, what is the purpose?” Well, I have many times.

Euthanasia (mercy killing/assisted suicide):

In “Me before you” the story is based on the choice of euthanasia by a quadriplegic. A huge debated was unraveled on whether the main character should be seen as a hero or not. The disabled bodies felt that this was a very negative betrayal of how their lives are so both the author and actor come under scrutiny.

In certain countries euthanasia was legalized and caused an uproar especially in the Christian community as they see suicide whether merciful or not as a sin. We are not to take our own lives.

In my opinion (whether you feel it's right or wrong), it is a personal decision for the individual or their families to make and none of us have the right to judge. We do not know that persons pain both physically, spiritually and emotionally.

On a positive note:

I have been blessed with a few quadriplegic friends crossing my path who have taught me that there is always something to live for. When in their presence I feel inspired to do better and they are such an amazing example to me.

Graham Clark:

He uses a computer device, light talker, and the program Minspeak to communicate. I love how he speaks with his eyes, his zest for life and sense of humor.

Ari Seirlis:

One of the most active and intelligent men I have come across. He is the National Director of the QuadPara Association of South Africa, he loves to cycle (even did it competitively), quadbiking and fly fishing.

These quadriplegics are physically more active than most abled bodies I know. They participate in different kinds of sport and a lot of them are highly educated.

They inspire, uplift and touch everyone they come in contact with.

When I look at these friends of mine and their perseverance, I am grateful that they’ve decided: “Life is worth living, no matter how challenging” . They use their disabilities to make the world a better place and live a far better quality of life than most of us.

I know this is going to spark a great debate here on steemit and I am quite excited to read your replies.

Keep smiling, reading, writing and voting!!!


This looks like a movie my girlfriend would make me go see with her. I would hate having to go. But I would probably end up crying along with her

Sure she will appreciate you crying with her, women love men that can show some emotion.

Sureeee they do.

I'm interested in this film, but I hope they are intelligent, sensitive and dignified about it. Often movies about differently-abled people tend to devolve into schmaltzy tearfests. I'm hearing good things about it though.

The film is very good, but sad

Sad is good, if done well. :)

I recommend "My Sassy Girl" - not the english version though.

Beautiful film - the Korean one. Very funny and touching at the end. :)

we must always live to the last breath

good movie, gave the dream girl, so be it.
Sadly, through the sadness gave others joy.

I definitely need to check this out

Such inspirations storyline , well live your life while you healthy and strong :)

Live your life the best you can in all situations.

Live your life eventho no whale upvoting your post keep scrathing new idea :p .