How Does Music Get Created: Fast-Motion of a Typical Session

in #music7 years ago

I couldn't set up my studio these days, so I'm doing whatever's at hand. Playing guitar and writing. You don't need much for that. A notebook, a pen, and a guitar. Like in the pre-technological times. No robots to help you. 

I didn't get much done. I fooled around with a sweet little song, but I don't see it going anywhere. That's why there is no music on this video, it's sped up together with the video. But this puts on a perspective - how do you create anything? I usually look like this. I'm sitting, smoking and staring at the paper. So, now you know, there's no mumbo-jumbo or witchcraft. You just sit there and look stupid. Check out the video. It's great. 

@Dimitrij and me started working on new songs. Our bassist is on tour with his other band, so we brought two computers with us. Some really interesting stuff is happening. I'll let you know. Take care. 


Funny way to present things !

Actually, composing in front of a blank sheet of paper, doesn't usually cut it for me. I need to feel it and interrupt whatever I am doing and grab a guitar... Of course, I will record on a little portable recorder located not far from the guitar ready to fire up. The best ideas show up weirdly in periods when I am quite busy with other things.

Then, later, when I feel in a polishing mood, I will listen to all the little ideas recorded, and select those that I find cool. My best singer-songwriter tracks have come out that way...

Sure, that's one way. Although I prefer Picasso's saying - "Inspiration exists, but it has to find us working" :)

Good one haha!
It doesn't really work the other way round though... at least for me, that's why I use this little recording system: Inspiration exists, and when I work, I recall it (like the M button of an electronic calculator)

i think you're officially nuts! you did it bro... this is proof that you shouldn't do anything without me... you look like you're possessed man! next time, you'll indeliberately open a portal to hell or something...
altho', I like the whistling part! we should do that. in that speed.