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RE: How Does Music Get Created: Fast-Motion of a Typical Session

in #music7 years ago

Funny way to present things !

Actually, composing in front of a blank sheet of paper, doesn't usually cut it for me. I need to feel it and interrupt whatever I am doing and grab a guitar... Of course, I will record on a little portable recorder located not far from the guitar ready to fire up. The best ideas show up weirdly in periods when I am quite busy with other things.

Then, later, when I feel in a polishing mood, I will listen to all the little ideas recorded, and select those that I find cool. My best singer-songwriter tracks have come out that way...


Sure, that's one way. Although I prefer Picasso's saying - "Inspiration exists, but it has to find us working" :)

Good one haha!
It doesn't really work the other way round though... at least for me, that's why I use this little recording system: Inspiration exists, and when I work, I recall it (like the M button of an electronic calculator)