let's adore God

in #music6 years ago (edited)

"My beloved, let us love one another, because love comes from God. Everyone who loves has born of God and knows God. He who does not love has not known God, because God is love. Look at how the love of God manifested among us: God sent his only Son to this world so that we have life through him. In this is love; it's not that we we loved God, but he loved us first and sent his Son as a victim for our sins. Dear ones, if God loved us in this way, we should also love each other. Nobody has ever seen God, but if we love one another, God is among us and his love gives all its fruits among us. And how do we knowthat we remain in God and he in us? Because he has communicated his Spirit to us. But we have also seen, and declare, that the Father sent his Son as Savior of the world.

Whoever recognizes that Jesus is the Son of God, God remains in him and he in God. On our part, we have known the love that God has for us, and we have believed in him. Gods love: he who abides in love abides in God and God in him. When love reaches in us its perfection, we look with confidence at the day of judgment, because we are already in this world as He is. In love there is no fear. Perfect love casts out fear, for there is fear where there is punishment. Who fears, does not know the perfect love. Let us love, then, since he He loved us first. If one says "I love God" and hates his brother, he is a liar. If not he loves his brother, whom he sees, he can not love God, whom he does not see. Well this is the The commandment we receive from him: he who loves God, love his brother also. "



Love is a daemon. It takes over people, makes them do things without judgment and when gone from the body, a horrible sensation is left. Sócrates.

Hello, friend, I respect Socrates and his thoughts, but in the Bible the most concise definition of love is given with only three short words: God is love, then, in a certain sense, because the whole Bible reveals the character of God the same Time also exposes what love is. God is love . His nature and actions define love.
Any concept of love formed without regard to God is incorrect. We only learn what it is
love through learning who God is.

There's nothing that does not regard to God. Because God is omnipresent, therefore nothing in existence, no phrase nor daemon, no star nor blackhole can be outside God. Therefore, Any given definition of love is correct, even love is hate. If God is omnipresent, then God is every single thought made in history. If not, then it's not God whom you're talking about, but some concept finite and limited by some dogmatic knowledge. Love and Peace!

btw, Jesus is a representation of the sun, that in the northern hemisphere rises from the constellation of Virgo and dies on the constellation of Croix. in the winter solstice after its death, three days are required to it to rise again.

Bible is based on those antique texts that talk about antique gods like the sun.

Expressed in the Zeitgeist Movies, and of course, Francis Dupuis, who certainly has researched much more than you or me about the topic.

So yeah, maybe we can adore God, if you can explain what God is in a non subjective way. Sure, you think you can.

On the horizon I see that the sun is born. And the darkness can not flee because they are consumed by the sun. "The light of darkness," says the Lord, "will be consumed by the love of my Spirit. The fire of
Aglow will grow. " I saw a beacon of light in every city, in every state, in every country in the whole planet. I saw the beam of light that He turned and in his path he connected all the beacons of light in his path. It became a wall of pure light that surrounded the whole world. And that light illuminated the darkness and the name of Jesus was glorified ... and the power of God came down from heaven ...

Everyone is free to give their opinions, but it does not mean that they are right. Promoting good comments that motivate, is more rewarding than saying something to say it alone. do not you think?

never knew you play that....good to know!

yes ... dear brother. Blessings.

I'm learning to play the piano currently

that's good brother. I've also learned to play the piano.