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RE: let's adore God

in #music6 years ago

Hello, friend, I respect Socrates and his thoughts, but in the Bible the most concise definition of love is given with only three short words: God is love, then, in a certain sense, because the whole Bible reveals the character of God the same Time also exposes what love is. God is love . His nature and actions define love.
Any concept of love formed without regard to God is incorrect. We only learn what it is
love through learning who God is.


There's nothing that does not regard to God. Because God is omnipresent, therefore nothing in existence, no phrase nor daemon, no star nor blackhole can be outside God. Therefore, Any given definition of love is correct, even love is hate. If God is omnipresent, then God is every single thought made in history. If not, then it's not God whom you're talking about, but some concept finite and limited by some dogmatic knowledge. Love and Peace!